EdTech Policy & Reform

7 Ways Principals Can Bring Out the Best in Millennial Teachers


Millennial teachers are becoming a significant percentage of the current teaching population, bringing with them new ideas and perceptions about teaching. As a principal, it is essential to understand how to support and guide these young professionals to help them thrive in their careers. This article discusses seven strategies that principals can employ to bring out the best in millennial teachers.

1. Provide meaningful feedback

Millennial teachers are eager to improve and develop their skills. Consistently providing constructive feedback on their performance enables them to learn and grow professionally. Setting up regular check-ins and classroom observations can help identify areas where they excel and require further development.

2. Encourage work-life balance

Millennials highly value a proper work-life balance. Principals can encourage this by promoting healthy boundaries between work and personal life, implementing flexible working hours, and offering emotional support when needed.

3. Embrace technology

Millennial teachers have grown up with technology at their fingertips, making them adept at using it in their teaching practice. Provide opportunities for these teachers to explore new edtech tools, participate in professional development focused on technology, and involve them in discussions about integrating technology into the classroom.

4. Offer meaningful professional development opportunities

Principals should provide millennial teachers with relevant professional development opportunities that align with their interests, strengths, and areas of growth. This will not only improve their skills but also communicate that their career progression is valued.

5. Foster collaboration

Create an environment where collaboration is encouraged and facilitated among staff members. This could involve setting up regular team meetings, promoting shared resources among teachers, or offering training on effective collaboration techniques.

6. Empower leadership roles

Many millennial teachers aspire to take on leadership positions within their school community. Principals can foster this desire by offering leadership opportunities such as mentoring new teachers or heading a committee on campus.

7. Value and acknowledge their achievements

Finally, it is vital to recognize and celebrate the achievements of millennial teachers. This can be done through both formal (awards or certificates) and informal (verbal praise or gestures of appreciation) means. By acknowledging their contributions and valuing their work, principals can help boost motivation, morale, and overall satisfaction among this group of teachers.


In conclusion, by understanding the needs, values, and aspirations of millennial teachers, principals can create a supportive environment that enables them to excel in their roles. By providing meaningful feedback, fostering work-life balance, embracing technology, offering professional development opportunities, promoting collaboration, empowering leadership roles, and recognizing achievements, principals can effectively bring out the best in millennial teachers.

Is It Time to Ban Computer Note-Taking in Schools?


In recent years, laptops and digital devices have become an integral part of the modern classroom experience. Students often rely on their computers for note-taking and accessing digital learning materials, while teachers leverage technology to facilitate better engagement and collaboration. However, the use of computers for note-taking has sparked a debate among educators and parents alike. Should schools ban computer note-taking, or are there more profound benefits to its continued use?

The case for banning computer note-taking

1. Research suggests handwriting boosts retention: Studies from various researchers, including Pam Mueller and Daniel Oppenheimer, have shown that students who take notes by hand tend to understand and retain information better than those who type their notes on a laptop. This is because handwriting forces the brain to engage with the material actively while filtering out irrelevant or unnecessary information.

2. Distractions: With a wealth of online resources just a click away, it’s no secret that computers can be distracting for students. Social media, emails, games, and other digital distractions may tempt students away from the task at hand.

3. Impact on writing skills: Reliance on typing may affect a student’s ability to write legibly by hand. With increased computer use, they might not develop essential fine motor skills associated with handwriting.

4. Privacy and cheating concerns: The rise in technology usage inside classrooms also opens doors to privacy issues and cases of cheating among students.

The case for keeping computer note-taking

1. Speed and efficiency: Typing allows students to take notes more quickly than writing by hand. This also makes it easier for students to keep pace with fast-talking lecturers or group discussions.

2. Better organization: Digital notes are easily organized, searchable and sharable with peers or teachers for collaborative learning.

3. Accommodating different learning styles: Computers provide various tools that cater to diverse learning needs – text-to-speech, audio recording, visual aids, and more.

4. Environmental benefits: By reducing the need for paper notebooks, computer note-taking helps lower the environmental impact of traditional classroom learning.


Banning computer note-taking in schools is a complex issue that requires careful consideration of various factors. On one hand, there is evidence supporting the idea that handwriting notes can improve retention and understanding. At the same time, we cannot overlook the benefits that digital devices offer in terms of organization, collaboration, and accommodating diverse learning styles.

Rather than jumping to an outright ban, educational institutions should consider implementing policies that best harness the strengths of both handwriting and digital note-taking. Offering a blend of both approaches will empower students to choose the method that suits their individual learning needs and ultimately foster a holistic learning environment for all students.

Understanding Cookie Policy in the United States


In the digital world, privacy is a significant concern for users and businesses alike. Cookies play a vital role in allowing websites to personalize content, track user behavior, and provide an improved browsing experience. In the United States, there are several regulations governing cookie usage on websites. This article will discuss the concept of cookie policies and their implementation in the US.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files stored on a user’s computer when they visit a web page. They can remember information such as login credentials, website preferences, and items within a shopping cart. Although not all cookies collect personal information, they can help create user profiles based on browsing habits.

Importance of Cookie Policies

Cookie policies are essential for outlining how cookies are used on your website and the data collected through them. This information helps users understand how their data is used and ensures transparency between your business and its audience. Moreover, adhering to cookie policies also helps protect your website from potential legal issues surrounding privacy laws.

Cookie Policy Regulations in the United States

Unlike the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), there is no single central regulatory law addressing cookie policies in the US. However, various privacy laws touch upon data collection practices, including cookies:

1. The Federal Trade Commission Act (FTC Act): While it does not specifically address cookies, the FTC Act prohibits deceptive or unfair online practices. Organizations can face penalties for misusing consumer data obtained through cookies or failing to disclose their data collection practices.

2. The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA): This law focuses on children’s privacy and requires operators of websites or online services targeting children under 13 to implement specific data protection measures. The use of cookies must be disclosed in these cases, and parental consent is required for collecting personal information.

3. State-specific privacy laws: California has led the way by implementing the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). It requires businesses to disclose their data collection practices, including cookie usage. If your website serves California residents, you must comply with CCPA and include a cookie policy. Additional states may have similar laws.

Creating a Cookie Policy for Your Website

To create a compliant cookie policy, consider the following tips:

1. Detail the types of cookies used: Explain the different categories of cookies used on your website (e.g., strictly necessary, performance, functionality, and targeting/advertising cookies).

2. Describe their purposes: Clearly state how each category of cookies is utilized on your website.

3. Provide an opt-out option: Inform users about their right to control and delete cookies using browser settings or third-party tools.

4. Regularly update your policy: Keep your cookie policy updated and review it periodically to ensure compliance with evolving privacy laws.


Incorporating a cookie policy on your website is key to maintaining transparency and trust with your users. While there is no federal regulation specifically governing cookies in the United States, being aware of pertinent privacy laws and implementing a thorough policy can help safeguard your organization from potential legal issues and maintain consumer confidence.

Should GoFundMe Teachers Be Allowed?


GoFundMe is a crowdfunding platform that allows individuals to raise money for a variety of causes. One recent trend is the emergence of teachers using the platform to fund classroom supplies, technology, and other educational resources. This has sparked a debate about the appropriateness of such campaigns, with some questioning if GoFundMe teachers should be allowed in the education system. This article explores the pros and cons of GoFundMe teachers, helping readers make an informed decision on this issue.

Pros of GoFundMe Teachers

1. Resources for Underprivileged Students: Crowdfunding campaigns can be vital for providing much-needed resources to underprivileged students in underfunded schools. By supplementing their income this way, GoFundMe teachers can help bridge the gap between rich and poor schools, and provide all students with equal opportunities to succeed.

2. Empowering Generosity: Involving communities in education funding through crowdfunding gives people a chance to contribute directly to something they care about. Contributors become personally invested in the success of students and their teachers, fostering a supportive community around education.

3. Teacher Autonomy: Using crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe allows teachers to choose which specific projects or resources they believe would most benefit their students, rather than relying on bureaucratic decisions made at higher levels.

Cons of GoFundMe Teachers

1. Unreliable Funding: Relying on crowdfunding can be inherently unreliable, as many great projects go unnoticed on these platforms. This might result in some deserving teachers receiving little or no support from their campaigns.

2. Education Funding Gaps: By allowing some teachers to obtain resources through crowdfunding, we run the risk of widening educational disparities between those receiving and those not receiving donations.

3. Publicizing Struggles: When teachers create a GoFundMe campaign, they are essentially highlighting the struggles they face due to lack of adequate funding from their schools and governments. This raises ethical questions about whether it is appropriate for individuals to bear the burden of systemic funding issues.


The question of whether GoFundMe teachers should be allowed is a complex one, involving issues of equality, fairness, and the role of the community in supporting educators. On one hand, they have the potential to uplift struggling schools and provide much-needed resources for students, while on the other, they might contribute to growing disparities between schools with and without access to such funds. Ultimately, it is important to consider these arguments carefully and decide how we want our education system to be funded, both individually and collectively.

Are Charter Schools Leading the Way on Teacher Retirement?


Charter schools have been at the forefront of education reform in the United States since their inception in the early 1990s. With the autonomy to innovate and address unique educational needs, charter schools have generated numerous debates and discussions around their effectiveness. One key area where they are making strides is regarding teacher retirement plans. This article seeks to explore how charter schools are leading the way on teacher retirement and if their approach is having meaningful impact.

Charter School Retirement Models

While public schools are subject to state-mandated defined benefit (DB) pension plans, charter schools have more leeway when it comes to setting up teacher retirement plans. This flexibility allows them to develop a retirement plan that best suits their teachers and aligns with their school’s mission and values. Most commonly, charter schools adopt either a defined contribution (DC) plan or a hybrid model combining aspects of both DB and DC plans.

In a DC plan, teacher retirement savings are primarily based on individual contributions and investment growth. In these cases, teachers have more control over their retirement assets while assuming more risk tied to investment performance. On the other hand, a hybrid model offers some security by providing a modest guaranteed benefit along with an individual account where teachers can invest funds.

Benefits for Teachers

Given that about one-third of American public school teachers do not remain in the profession long enough to qualify for traditional pension benefits, alternative retirement options provided by charter schools can be appealing. Teachers in these institutions may have:

1. Portability: DC plans allow teachers to take their retirement assets with them if they choose to leave the profession or switch to another school.

2. Faster Vesting: Charter school teachers enrolled in DC plans often vest more quickly than they would under traditional pension systems.

3. Personalized Investment Options: Teachers can customize their investment portfolio within a DC plan, adjusting risk tolerance as they see fit.

4. Transparency and Financial Control: In DC plans, teachers have access to detailed account statements and can more easily track their retirement savings.


Despite these benefits, there are challenges associated with charter school retirement plans. One significant concern is the higher risk involved in DC plans. Since contributions are invested, a market downturn could significantly impact teachers’ retirement savings, potentially leaving them without adequate financial support in their golden years. Additionally, some educators may face difficulty in making wise investment decisions if they lack appropriate financial guidance.


There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to teacher retirement plans; however, charter schools seem to be paving the way for more flexible options that cater to the evolving needs of modern educators. While not without its challenges, the retirement models used by many charter schools hold promise for a future characterized by greater autonomy and choice for teachers as they look towards their own financial futures.

Betsy DeVos Nomination: Thankfully, ESSA Would Tie Her Hands


The nomination of Betsy DeVos as the United States Secretary of Education has been a contentious issue among educators, parents, and politicians. Some view her as a champion for school choice and vouchers, while others raise concerns about her qualifications and commitment to public education. One significant factor that seems to be overlooked amidst the debates is the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which has the potential to limit the influence DeVos might have on educational policy.

Background on Betsy DeVos:

Betsy DeVos, a billionaire businesswoman and philanthropist from Michigan, has been a long-time advocate for educational reform. She is a staunch proponent of school choice, which aims at providing parents with more control over their children’s education by allowing them the option of selecting private schools, public schools or charter schools. Her critics argue that her limited experience in public education may not provide her with an in-depth understanding of the issues faced by schools across the nation.

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA):

Passed with bipartisan support in December 2015, ESSA replaced No Child Left Behind (NCLB) as the main federal legislation governing K-12 education policy. ESSA aimed to provide states with more autonomy when it came to setting standards, designing assessments, and establishing accountability systems for their schools. While still mandating key aspects such as annual testing and interventions for underperforming schools, it significantly reduced federal control over education policies.

How ESSA Would Tie DeVos’ Hands:

1. Limited intervention in state policies: Under ESSA, the federal government’s role in dictating state policies is curtailed. This means DeVos would find it challenging to implement drastic changes without consulting state governments. This restriction makes implementing policies such as nationwide voucher programs increasingly difficult without extensive negotiations and approvals from states.

2. Maintaining federal requirements: ESSA still imposes various federal requirements, such as annual standardized testing. DeVos would need to work within the confines of these mandates when proposing alterations to educational policies at the national level.

3. Accountability measures: ESSA requires states to establish their own accountability systems, aimed at providing support for underperforming schools. While DeVos could try influencing state-level policies, she would face an uphill battle due to states’ newfound autonomy in this area.

4. Checks and balances: The U.S. Department of Education still has oversight on various aspects of ESSA implementation, but its authority is now reduced in comparison to the NCLB era. With Congress having a significant role in overseeing educational policy, DeVos would be constrained by checks and balances within the political system.


Ultimately, although Betsy DeVos’ nomination for Secretary of Education has raised concerns among education stakeholders, the Every Student Succeeds Act ensures that her influence on national policies is limited. The act’s provisions prioritize state-level autonomy and maintain vital federal requirements that guide educational policy in the United States. While her appointment represents a change in direction for the Department of Education, it is crucial to remember that her power will be constrained by existing legislation like ESSA and built-in political mechanisms available within our democracy.

Should School Admin Divulge Private Information?


In an era where privacy and data protection are paramount concerns, the question of whether school administrators should divulge private information is more relevant than ever. This article will discuss the various perspectives on this issue, the legal and ethical implications, and possible solutions to strike a balance between student privacy and safety.

The Debate:

Supporters of full disclosure argue that school administrators have a responsibility to protect students’ safety and well-being. Ensuring transparency and open communication can help address issues such as bullying, harassment, or criminal behavior, they contend. For instance, information about mental health concerns or potential violence threats could prompt early interventions and prevent tragedy.

Conversely, opponents of revealing private information maintain that disclosing personal details can violate confidentiality and trust. They assert that schools should prioritize students’ privacy rights and respect their personal boundaries. Moreover, making sensitive information public might lead to discrimination or stigmatization, magnifying the issue rather than resolving it.

Legal Implications:

Laws around student privacy vary from country to country and can even be different across states within the same nation. In the United States, for example, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects students’ educational records from unauthorized disclosure. However, FERPA also allows some exceptions in cases where health or safety is at risk.

Educators must grapple with these competing demands when determining whether to divulge private information about a student. Moreover, unclear regulations or variations in local policies add further complexity to decision-making.

Ethical Considerations:

Alongside legal concerns, the ethical implications of disclosing private information in educational settings are also essential to weigh. Administrators must balance their duty to protect students with their responsibility for maintaining confidentiality.

Possible Solutions:

To strike a balance between privacy and safety concerns, schools might adopt several strategies:

1. Establish clear guidelines on information sharing: A comprehensive policy detailing the circumstances under which private data may be shared can help administrators navigate complex situations.

2. Ensure data minimization: Schools should only collect and disclose the necessary information needed for a particular purpose, practicing data minimization.

3. Provide training for staff: School staff should be trained to recognize potential red flags and understand the protocols for addressing them, including when and how to share private information.


As schools continue to play central roles in students’ lives, administrators must carefully consider whether sharing private information is appropriate. While safeguarding students is a top priority, maintaining their trust and respecting their privacy rights is also crucial. By implementing clear policies and exercising sound judgment, schools can strike a balance between these imperatives.

OPINION: Why These 6 Florida Education Headlines Have Us Worried

In recent months, there have been a series of headlines about Florida’s education system that have left many parents, teachers, and community members deeply concerned. Here, we will discuss six of the most troubling headlines and why they have us worried about the future of education in the Sunshine State.

1. Budget Cuts Threaten School Programs and Services

As Florida faces a budget shortfall in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, state lawmakers are considering deep cuts to education funding. Reduced funding could force schools to eliminate vital programs and services, such as after-school clubs, sports teams, arts education, and mental health support systems for students.

2. Achievement Gap Widens Between Students of Different Socioeconomic Backgrounds

Florida’s achievement gap between students from lower-income families and their more affluent peers remains a critical issue. Despite efforts to implement policies aimed at addressing the gap in recent years, limited progress has been made. The pandemic has further exacerbated this problem by disproportionately affecting the quality of remote learning for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

3. Teacher Shortage Crisis Continues to Grow

Florida has struggled with a persistent teacher shortage for years. The lack of qualified educators negatively impacts student achievement and contributes to increased class sizes. This crisis is expected to worsen as budget cuts put potential candidates off from entering or remaining in the field.

4. Standardized Testing Controversy Persists

The role of standardized testing in Florida’s education system remains a contentious subject. Critics argue that too much emphasis is placed on these tests, leading to an imbalanced approach that prioritizes test scores over other factors critical for student success. While steps have been taken to reduce reliance on such testing methods, ongoing debates still raise questions about how best to assess student progress fairly.

5. Lack of Equity in School Funding between Rich and Poor Districts

Inequality in school funding has remained a persistent problem in Florida. Schools in wealthier districts often have access to better resources, faculty, and facilities than their counterparts in low-income areas. This disparity raises significant questions about equal opportunities for students and perpetuates the cycle of underachievement for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

6. Safety Concerns Grow as New School Year Begins

As a new school year has begun, many Florida parents are apprehensive about sending their children back to the classroom amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While schools have implemented measures to protect both students and faculty, some fear that further outbreaks could place young children and vulnerable individuals at risk.

In conclusion, these six headlines highlight the critical issues facing Florida’s education system today. Addressing these concerns is essential in ensuring that every child has an equal opportunity to succeed and that the entire state benefits from a robust and equitable educational system.

15 Read-Alouds That Make Teachers Cry Every Time

Teaching is a rewarding but emotionally challenging profession. One of the most touching moments in a teacher’s daily life is the experience of reading a children’s book aloud to their students. Some powerful stories tug at our heartstrings and elicit tears—both from teachers and children alike. In this article, we will explore 15 read-alouds that have left countless educators reaching for tissues.

1. “Love You Forever” by Robert Munsch

This moving story is about the unconditional love of a mother for her child. The simple, repetitive phrase “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always” makes teachers and students emotional every time.

2. “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein

A timeless tale of selflessness and friendship, this classic picture book never fails to make readers cry as they follow the lifelong bond between a tree and a boy.

3. “Charlotte’s Web” by E.B. White

The beautiful friendship between Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider proves that sometimes the most unlikely friendships can be the strongest.

4. “Bridge to Terabithia” by Katherine Paterson

This story about Jesse and Leslie’s magical kingdom might lead to tears for both teachers and students due to unforeseen loss.

5. “Where the Red Fern Grows” by Wilson Rawls

A poignant story of love, sacrifice, and determination follows Billy and his beloved coonhound dogs, Old Dan and Little Ann.

6. “Tuck Everlasting” by Natalie Babbitt

This thought-provoking book explores themes of immortality, love, loss, and what it truly means to live.

7. “I Am Sam” by Ben Sutherland

Sam, who has difficulty learning but excels in art, discovers his true potential with encouragement from his loving teacher.

8. “Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes” by Eleanor Coerr

A young girl fighting leukemia seeks to fulfill an ancient Japanese legend that promises to grant her one wish if she folds 1,000 paper cranes.

9. “The One and Only Ivan” by Katherine Applegate

Inspired by the true story of a captive gorilla, this touching novel is a tear-jerker that instills a sense of empathy in us all.

10. “The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane” by Kate DiCamillo

Edward’s adventure teaches readers about the transformative power of love and the bonds that tie us together.

11. “A Monster Calls” by Patrick Ness

A story of grief, loss, and self-realization, Conor struggles to face his mother’s terminal illness with the help of a mysterious monster.

12. “Number the Stars” by Lois Lowry

As Annemarie helps her Jewish friend escape from the Nazis, this historical fiction reminds us of courage in the darkest hour.

13. “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio

A touching story about acceptance and unconditional love through Auggie’s journey navigating school as a boy with facial differences.

14. “Out of My Mind” by Sharon M. Draper

Melody’s fierce determination to be understood despite her cerebral palsy proves that our abilities cannot be defined by our limitations.

15. “The Memory String” by Eve Bunting

Laura learns to cope with loss and accept change while keeping memories alive in this heartwarming tale.

These 15 tear-inspiring read-alouds remind teachers and students alike of the bond that unites us through literature. By exploring challenging emotions such as love, loss, and friendship, these books not only make us cry but also uplift our spirits and teach invaluable life lessons.

Terms of Use


Terms of Use, also known as Terms and Conditions or Terms of Service, are fundamental elements of any online service or platform. These terms govern the relationship between your business and your users, outlining acceptable usage, legal obligations, and other important guidelines for both parties. This article will delve into the essential aspects of Terms of Use to help you better understand their purpose and significance.

1. Why Are Terms of Use Important?

In the digital world, having well-drafted Terms of Use is essential for several reasons:

– Legal Protection: They clearly establish the legal framework governing the use of your website or software to protect your business from potential lawsuits.

– User Expectations: They set forth the rules and expectations for users, reducing misunderstandings and disputes.

– Intellectual Property: They enable you to protect your intellectual property rights by specifying acceptable uses for your proprietary content.

– Termination Rights: They outline the steps required to terminate a user’s account if they violate the terms or behave unacceptably.

2. What Should Be Included In Terms of Use?

While every online platform has unique requirements, there are several key components you should consider including in your Terms of Use:

– Acceptance of Terms: Explain that using your platform signifies that users have agreed to abide by these terms.

– Eligibility and Access: Specify any age restrictions and guidelines for creating an account or using your service.

– Intellectual Property Rights: Define who owns the content on the website, including copyright notices and trademark information.

– License Limitations: Detail any limitations on licenses granted to users, such as restrictions against duplicating or distributing content without permission.

– Prohibited Conduct: Clearly describe activities that are not permitted on your platform, such as spamming or harassment.

– Disclaimers and Liability Limitations: Include any disclaimers about your service (e.g., provided “as-is”) while limiting your liability in case of disputes.

– Privacy Policy: Reference your privacy policy, explaining the collection, usage, and storage of personal information.

– Modification and Termination: Specify that you reserve the right to alter or discontinue your service at any time without prior notice.

3. How to Implement Terms of Use

To make your Terms of Use enforceable, follow these steps:

– Make Them Easily Accessible: Prominently display your Terms of Use on your website or within your app so users can find and review them without difficulty.

– Obtain User Consent: Ensure that users explicitly agree to the terms before accessing your service, either by using a checkbox or making it part of the account registration process.

– Update Regularly: Periodically review and update your terms to ensure they accurately reflect changes in your business practices, legal requirements, or user expectations.

4. Legal Compliance

It’s essential to consult with legal professionals when drafting Terms of Use to ensure compliance with various laws and regulations, such as:

– Data Privacy Laws (e.g., GDPR, CCPA): Ensure that your terms are consistent with relevant privacy regulations to avoid potential fines.

– Consumer Protection Laws: Verify compliance with consumer protection laws governing warranties, disclaimers, and other related elements.


Having a comprehensive and well-drafted Terms of Use is crucial for protecting your business from potential legal disputes while providing a clear framework for users. By understanding the essential components of these terms and implementing them effectively on your platform, you can foster a harmonious relationship between your business and its users.