Fun Facts

12 Amazing Classroom Resources for PreK-2 From PBS LearningMedia


PBS LearningMedia has been a valuable resource for teachers and parents alike, providing engaging educational content for every age group. For those teaching young children in PreK-2, PBS has curated a stellar collection of classroom resources designed to inspire and educate. In this article, we will highlight 12 amazing resources that cater to the curious minds of our youngest learners.

1. Peg + Cat:

Perfect for practicing early math skills, “Peg + Cat” combines animated storytelling with interactive games for an exciting learning experience. Topics covered include shapes, measurements, and problem-solving.

2. Ready Jet Go!:

Space exploration is made fun with the “Ready Jet Go!” series as it focuses on earth science and astronomy concepts. Interactive games, videos, and lesson plans help develop critical thinking skills in young children.

3. Martha Speaks:

Boost your students’ vocabulary through “Martha Speaks,” a show featuring a talking dog who teaches new words within context. The interactive games reinforce the vocabulary lessons from the episodes.

4. Super Why!:

“Super Why!” aims to improve literacy skills by combining engaging stories with fun games. Students learn to identify story elements, understand sentence structure, and practice their spelling.

5. Sid the Science Kid:

Help young children explore the world of science through “Sid the Science Kid,” complete with hands-on experiments, videos, and printable activities. This resource emphasizes scientific inquiry and observation skills.

6. The Daniel Tiger Collection:

Utilizing “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood” episodes along with emotionally responsive songs, this resource helps children develop essential social-emotional skills like empathy and self-regulation.

7. Arthur Family Health:

Teach kids about nutrition, daily habits, and physical activity through the charming characters from Arthur’s world in “Arthur Family Health.” Parent guides are included for extended learning outside the classroom.

8. Full-Time Kid! with Mya:

Encourage creativity and inspiration through simple DIY projects, science-related activities, and life hacks with “Full-Time Kid!” Expertly-designed for early learners, these project-based resources enhance hands-on learning.

9. Between the Lions Early Reading Collection:

“Between the Lions” is another excellent literacy resource featuring interactive games, video clips, and printable activities focused on improving reading and writing skills in early learners.

10. WordWorlds:

Give young learners a head start on their spelling skills through “WordWorlds,” an interactive series that builds words using letter characters. This engaging content boosts their grasp of phonics and word recognition.

11. Pinkalicious & Peterrific:

Infuse your classroom with creativity using “Pinkalicious & Peterrific.” These resources explore problem-solving, creative thinking, and emotional intelligence through a blend of live-action stories and arts-based videos.

12. Wild Kratts:

Ignite a passion for animals and environmental awareness through “Wild Kratts.” This show combines live-action footage with animation to provide engaging content about creatures from around the world.


PBS LearningMedia is truly a treasure trove of educational content, offering invaluable resources tailored to meet the needs of preK-2 students. These 12 resources represent only a small portion of what PBS has to offer – dive in and explore everything they have to make learning enjoyable for young children!

25 Purrfect Cat Facts for Curious Kids

1. Cats are members of the feline family, which makes them close relatives of lions, tigers, and jaguars.

2. Domestic cats have been living with humans for over 9,000 years.

3. A group of cats is called a clowder, while a group of kittens is called a kindle.

4. There are about 40 different cat breeds worldwide.

5. Cats can jump up to six times their body length in one leap!

6. The average cat sleeps about 15 hours a day – that’s more than half their lifetime!

7. Cats use their whiskers to detect changes in their environment and to help them navigate tight spaces.

8. Kittens are born with blue eyes. Their eye color may change as they grow older.

9. Cats have retractable claws that help protect them from injury and keep their hunting skills sharp.

10. A cat can rotate its ears 180 degrees, allowing them to pinpoint the source of a sound with incredible accuracy.

11. Cats use their tails to communicate their emotions – a raised tail means they’re happy, while a tail between their legs means they’re scared or nervous.

12. Cats can recognize the sound of their owner’s voice but often choose to ignore it.

13. Unlike dogs, cats do not have a sweet tooth; they cannot taste sugar in food or treats.

14. Cats have an extra organ called the Jacobson’s organ located on the roof of their mouth that helps them smell better.

15. The world’s oldest known pet cat lived for 38 years and three days!

16. Each cat has a unique pattern on its nose, just like humans have unique fingerprints.

17. Cats can run at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour for short bursts.

18. Even though cats are carnivores, they sometimes eat grass to aid in digestion and pass hairballs.

19. Cats have a special way of walking called ‘direct registering’ where their back paw steps into the same spot as the front paw, which helps them move quietly.

20. The average cat has 18 toes – four on each back foot and five on each front foot.

21. Cats can be either left-pawed or right-pawed, similar to humans being left-handed or right-handed.

22. If a cat falls from a high place, it will usually land on its feet due to a balancing mechanism called the “righting reflex.”

23. Cats can see in the dark, thanks to their large eyes and specialized light-reflecting cells called tapetum lucidum.

24. A cat’s memory is believed to be 200 times better than a dog’s memory, and they can remember things for years!

25. Apart from purring when they are happy or content, cats also purr when they are in pain or frightened, as it helps soothe themselves and those around them.

Now you know 25 fun and interesting facts about cats! Share these with your friends and family to show how much you love our feline friends. Happy learning!

Our Favorite Websites for Teaching Kids and Teens to Code

In today’s digital age, learning to code has become an increasingly valuable skill for people of all ages. As coding becomes an essential part of education, several online platforms have emerged to help kids and teens learn coding in a fun and engaging way. In this article, we will explore some of our favorite websites for teaching kids and teens to code.

1. is a renowned platform that offers free coding lessons to students of all levels. With its interactive tutorials and self-paced courses, it makes learning code enjoyable and accessible for kids and teens alike. From elementary school activities featuring popular characters such as Angry Birds to advanced courses designed for high school students, is an excellent starting point for anyone interested in coding.

2. Scratch

Created by MIT, Scratch is a free programming platform specifically designed for kids aged 8-16. Scratch allows young learners to create animations, games, interactive stories, and more by using a simple drag-and-drop interface. The platform encourages users to develop computational thinking skills while also exploring their creativity.

3. Tynker

Tynker offers a wide range of coding courses suitable for kids and teenagers. Its engaging platform features game-based learning that teaches programming languages like Python, JavaScript, and HTML/CSS. It also offers app development courses compatible with multiple devices such as tablets or personal computers.

4. Codecademy

Codecademy is another renowned platform suitable for teenagers looking to learn various programming languages like Python, Java, Ruby, or web development languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The website provides an interactive learning environment with practical exercises that simulate real-world projects.

5. Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a popular free educational platform offering comprehensive courses in subjects like math or science but also features a dedicated section for computer programming concepts. Through video lessons and interactive challenges, students can learn the fundamentals of coding and apply their new knowledge in several different programming languages.

6. Codemoji

Codemoji focuses on teaching web development skills to kids using fun, emoji-based lessons. The platform covers HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, allowing youngsters to create and customize their web pages. With its friendly interface and easy-to-understand tutorials, Codemoji is a great way to introduce coding to kids.

7. CodeCombat

CodeCombat merges gaming with learning by turning the coding process into an interactive game. Students learn various programming languages like Python or JavaScript while conquering game levels, making it an enjoyable experience for both beginners and advanced coders.

These websites offer valuable resources for teaching kids and teens to code while keeping them engaged and entertained. By starting their coding journey early, youngsters are not only developing crucial problem-solving skills but also gearing up for future opportunities in the ever-evolving digital world.

What’s Your Fairy Tale Name? Use This Generator to Find Out!


Ever wondered what your fairy tale name might be? If you were a character in a magical world of enchanting forests, mythical creatures and daring adventures, what would your fellow characters call you? Discover your fairy tale name using our fun and whimsical generator!

Step 1: Choose a Magical Prefix

To begin, choose one of the following magical prefixes that resonate with you the most:

a) Sparkling

b) Enchanted

c) Whispering

d) Moonlit

Step 2: Match the First Letter of Your Name

Now, find the first letter of your real first name in the list below to get the second part of your fairy tale name:

A – Blossom

B – Willow

C – Starlight

D – Meadow

E – Silvermist

F – Crystal

G – Luna

H – Sunbeam

I – Twilight

J – Aurora

K – Sapphire

L – Glitterfall

M – Seraphina

N – Ravenwood

O – Talulah

P – Amethyst

Q – Rosalina

R – Emeraldelle

S – Fawnwhisper

T – Ivywisp

U – Periwinkle

V – Summerbreeze

W – Snowdrop

X – Diamondsky

Y- Celestia

Z- Dreamweave

Step 3: Determine Your Enchanted Surname Based on Your Birth Month

Lastly, find your birth month on this list, and take note of the corresponding enchanting surname:

January: Moonshadow

February: Evergreen

March: Stardust

April: Glimmerbrook

May: Rosemoor

June: Nouvellefée

July: Whisperwind

August: Oakfern

September: Faetalea

October: Frostfire

November: Galewing

December: Wildhart

Step 4: Combine the Name Elements

Now it’s time to put everything together! Combine your chosen magical prefix, the second part from matching the first letter of your name, and your enchanted surname based on your birth month. There you have it – your very own fairy tale name!

Example: If you chose the prefix “Enchanted,” your first name begins with G, and you were born in November, your fairy tale name would be “EnchantedLuna Galewing.”


Share the magic of this generator with friends and family, and create a fantastical list of characters to embark on your imaginative fairy tale journeys together. Don’t forget to have fun and let these newly found names inspire whimsical adventures in enchanted lands where anything is possible!

38 Super Silly Summer Jokes for Kids


Summer is here, and with it comes sunny days, sandy beaches, and plenty of time for laughter. These 38 super silly summer jokes for kids are the perfect way to add a little extra fun and giggles to your days. Get ready to laugh your heart out!

1. What do frogs like to drink on hot summer days?

– Croak-a-cola!

2. Why do bananas use sunscreen?

– They don’t want to peel!

3. What do sheep say on sunny days?

– It’s baa-rilliant out!

4. What does the sun do when it needs a break?

– Takes a sunbath!

5. Why don’t oysters give money on hot days?

– Because they are shellfish!

6. How do you catch a squirrel on the beach?

– Climb a tree and act like a nut!

7. What’s a shark’s favorite kind of sandwich?

– Peanut butter and jellyfish!

8. What did the ocean say to the sailor?

– Nothing! It just waved.

9. Why did the tomato turn red?

– Because it saw the salad dressing!

10. How hot is it at the beach this summer?

– So hot that ice cream trucks are selling sunscreen.

11. Why do seagulls fly over the sea?

– If they flew over the bay, we’d call them bagels!

12. What do you call six weeks of summer rain in Ireland?

– A drought.

13. Why did the skeleton refuse to go swimming at the beach?

– He didn’t have any skin to get sunburned.

14. What happens when you throw a green stone into the Red Sea?

– It gets wet.

15. Why don’t lobsters ever share their toys at the beach?

– Because they’re shellfish!

16. What race is never run?

– A swimming race.

17. Why did the beach go to school?

– To become a little boulder.

18. Which fruit is never alone at the beach?

– The water-melon.

19. What did the sand say when it got too hot?

– “I’m feeling a bit grainy!”

20. Why do fish never start wars?

– Because they would be eel-advised to.

21. What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?

– Frostbite!

22. What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?

– A carrot.

23. What’s a monster’s favorite summertime treat?

– I-scream!

24. Where do cows go for summer vacation?

– Moo York City.

25. What does a bee do in the summer?

– It tells bumble-bee stories!

26. What do islands like to wear in the summertime?

– A turtleneck!

27. Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself at the beach?

– It was two-tired!

28. How can you tell if there’s an elephant hiding in your refrigerator at a pool party?

– Look for footprints in the potato salad!

29. Why don’t turtles use cellphones at the beach?

– They’re afraid of getting shell shock!

30. Why are bank tellers not allowed on the nearby volleyball team down at the shore every summer?

– Because they always spike their pens!

31. Why did the octopus blush at the beach party BBQ last night?

– He saw Queen Conch’s bottom!

32. Why do bananas use sunscreen?

Because they peel!

33. Where does seaweed search for a job?

The kelp-wanted section!

33. Why did the beach blush?

Because it saw the ocean’s bottom!

34. Why don’t oysters donate to charity?

Because they’re shellfish!

35. What did one ocean say to the other ocean?

Nothing, they just waved!

36. How does a bee keep cool in the summer?

With its Bee-C!

37. Where do sharks go on vacation?


How Fan Fiction Can Transform Student Writing (and Reduce Your Grading)

Fan fiction has existed for many years, with fans creating stories based on their favorite TV shows, movies, and books. Fan fiction writers use their creative input to make their writing different from the original story, often to improve their work.

Because fan fiction is based on other people’s work, it often borrows elements from the original story. However, fan fiction writers often weave these elements into their stories, adding their unique voice and spin. This can make for a very different experience for the reader, which is often more interesting and engaging.

Because fan fiction writers are often dedicated to their work, they are often very critical of it. However, they want to make sure that their stories are as good as they can be, and they often take their feedback into account when writing.

Fan fiction can be a fun and creative tool for writers. It can help to improve your writing skills, and it can also help to reduce your grading. So be sure to try fanfiction – you may be surprised at how much you enjoy it!

Mother’s day jokes for kids

Mother’s Day is a special day for all moms around the world. It’s a day where moms are celebrated and recognized for their hard work and unconditional love. One way to make your mom feel special is by making her laugh. Here are some hilarious Mother’s Day jokes for kids that you can share with your mom:

  1. Why did the cookie go to see his mom?

To wish her a very happy Mother’s Day and give her some love from her little cookie!

  1. Why did the tomato turn red?

Because it saw its mother salad dressing!

  1. What kind of flowers should you never give your mom on Mother’s Day?


  1. Why did the mother chicken cross the road?

To get to the other egg-citing side!

  1. Why did the banana go to the doctor?

Because it wasn’t peeling well, and it needed to get better to make a special breakfast for mom on Mother’s Day!

  1. What did one mother bee say to the other bee on Mother’s Day?

You are the “bee’s knees” and “honey” oh so sweet!

  1. How is a father like a handyman and a mother like a mechanic?

 Fathers fix things, and mothers maintain and keep them running smoothly.

  1. Why did the boy give his mom a bandage for Mother’s Day?

She always kisses him boo-boos away, and it’s time to say thank you in a band-aid!

  1. What’s a Mother’s Day card with no words?

A blank greeting from someone who loves you endlessly.

  1. How do you know your mom is the best?

When you hug her and feel loved, inspired, and happy all at once, and that’s a special bond that no jokes can describe.

In conclusion, Mother’s Day is a perfect time to show moms how much they mean to us. Whether you are making breakfast in bed, organizing activities, or crafting cards, these jokes can add some laughter and joy to the day. Share these jokes with your mom, and see her smile brighten with love and humor. Happy Mother’s Day!

Fun Facts About Lions For Kids

Lions are one of the most fascinating animals in the animal kingdom. They are known for their great strength, beautiful mane, and fierce roar. Kids, do you know that lions can be social animals, and they are the only member of the cat family that live in large prides?
Here are some fun facts about lions that will amaze and entertain you:

1. Lions are the only cat species that are truly social animals. They live in groups called prides, which typically consist of about 10 to 15 lions, but some prides can have up to 30 members.

2. A lion’s roar can be heard up to 5 miles away. This is the loudest roar of any big cat species.

3. A lion’s mane is a sign of their strength and health. The darker and fuller the mane, the healthier and more dominant the lion is.

4. Male lions can weigh up to 550 pounds, while females can weigh up to 400 pounds.

5. Lions can run up to speeds of 50 mph, making them one of the fastest animals on land.

6. Lions sleep for about 20 hours a day, so they are only active for about 4 hours a day.

7. A lion’s diet consists mainly of meat, and they can eat up to 80 pounds of meat in one meal.

8. Lions can hunt and kill prey that is much larger than them, such as buffalo, giraffes, and even elephants.

9. The lion population has decreased by 43% in the last 21 years, and there are only about 20,000 lions left in the wild.

10. Lions are known as the “King of the Jungle,” even though they don’t actually live in the jungle, but rather on the plains and savannas of Africa.

In conclusion, lions are amazing creatures that are truly one of a kind. They are powerful, majestic, and social animals that play an important role in the ecosystem. Let us all work towards protecting these magnificent animals and their habitats, so that they can continue to roam the African plains for generations to come.

Mood Ring Colors and Mood Ring Meanings

Mood rings are a popular accessory that has been around since the 1970s. The ring changes colors according to the body temperature of the wearer, which is believed to reflect the person’s emotional state. The idea is that when you feel different emotions, your body temperature changes and this change in temperature is reflected by the color of the mood ring. Although the science behind mood rings is still debated, many people find the concept of a mood ring fun and intriguing.

Mood rings usually come with a chart that depicts the different colors the ring can change into, and the corresponding meaning behind each color. Below is an overview of some of the most common colors, and what each color represents:

Blue: A blue mood ring color usually indicates that the wearer is calm, relaxed, and content. It also represents feelings of peace, tranquility, and serenity.

Green: Green is often considered to be the most stable mood ring color, representing an overall sense of calmness and balance. It’s associated with health, harmony, and stability.

Yellow: Yellow is linked to feelings of happiness, positivity, and creativity. It’s also associated with mental clarity and focus.

Orange: An orange mood ring color signifies energy, enthusiasm, and a heightened sense of creativity. It’s also tied to feelings of ambition and excitement.

Red: Red is often thought to be the most emotionally charged mood ring color. It represents passion, love, and strong emotional feelings. It’s also associated with power, aggression, and dominance.

Purple: Purple mood ring colors are linked to spiritual awareness, enlightenment, and a connection to the divine. It can also represent the power and mystery of the unknown.

Black: A black mood ring color is often seen as a negative color, indicating fear, anxiety, or depression. It can also signify a sense of mystery, rebellion or strength.

In conclusion, mood rings can be fun and fascinating accessories that allow wearers to express their emotional states without saying a word. While the science may still be unclear, the colors and meanings of mood rings have become ingrained in popular culture, and continue to captivate people of all ages. Whether you use them as a conversation starter, a fashion accessory, or a way to express your innermost feelings, mood rings offer something for everyone.