Instructional Technology

Teacher Aides | How to Use Their Time Effectively

Teacher aides play a vital role in the educational environment, supporting teachers and students alike. Often referred to as teacher assistants or paraprofessionals, they are instrumental in creating a conducive learning atmosphere. However, managing their time effectively is crucial to maximize their contribution to the classroom. Here are proven strategies for teacher aides to use their time efficiently.

1. Prioritize and Plan: Teacher aides should begin by understanding the priorities for each day. Creating a daily plan can help them tackle tasks systematically. They should consult with the teacher to identify the most critical tasks and map out a schedule that aligns with the classroom’s needs.

2. Understand Individual Student Needs: To be effective, teacher aides must be familiar with each student’s learning requirements and challenges. This knowledge can help them tailor their assistance and divide their time in ways that provide optimal support where it’s needed most.

3. Collaborate with Teachers: Communication is key to using time effectively. Regular dialogues with teachers can ensure that aides are aware of any changes in lesson plans or student needs, allowing them to adapt quickly and remain focused on relevant tasks.

4. Utilize Downtime Wisely: There may be periods during the school day when direct instruction or assistance isn’t required. Teacher aides can use this time to prepare materials for upcoming lessons, organize resources, or attend to clerical work that supports classroom activities.

5. Professional Development: It’s important for teacher aides to continue developing their skills. They should invest time in attending workshops, training sessions, or online courses that can improve their effectiveness and efficiency.

6. Focus on Non-Academic Support: Teacher aides can greatly assist by providing non-academic support such as supervising lunchtimes, facilitating transitions between activities, and maintaining a clean and organized classroom environment.

7. Manage Group Activities: When working with groups, effective management is essential to keep all students engaged while providing individualized attention as needed. Optimizing group work also allows teacher assistants to observe student interactions and identify any social or learning issues that may require further attention.

8. Be Proactive with Behavioral Issues: Addressing behavioral issues promptly can save time in the long run by maintaining a peaceful learning environment conducive to education for all students.

9. Reflect on Practices: At the end of each day or week, teacher aides should reflect on what worked well and what did not regarding time management. This reflection will allow them to adjust their practices as necessary.

10. Delegate: Sometimes delegating tasks where possible can also be an efficient time management strategy, especially when working with older students who can handle some responsibility under supervision.

By implementing these strategies, teacher aides can significantly enhance their productivity and efficacy in supporting teachers and nurturing students’ educational journeys.

Eisenhower Matrix: How to Prioritize Your Tasks When Everything is a Priority

In the whirlwind of daily life, balancing personal and professional responsibilities can sometimes feel like steering a ship through stormy seas. Amidst the chaos, the Eisenhower Matrix emerges as a beacon of clarity, offering a structured approach to prioritizing tasks effectively.

The Eisenhower Matrix, also known as the Urgent-Important Matrix, is attributed to Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States and a five-star General during World War II. He was renowned for his ability to sustain productivity by making tough decisions on which tasks warranted his attention.

This decision-making tool categorizes tasks into four quadrants based on two criteria: urgency and importance. The matrix guides you in recognizing the most critical activities that align with your long-term objectives and values.

Quadrant 1: Urgent and Important

Tasks falling into this quadrant are both urgent and important. They are crises or deadlines that need immediate attention. Examples include medical emergencies, last-minute preparations for a scheduled presentation, or a project deadline due today.

Quadrant 2: Not Urgent but Important

Here lies the heart of effective personal management. Activities are essential for achieving goals but do not require immediate action. Focusing on this quadrant increases productivity and reduces time spent in crisis mode. Long-term strategies, relationship building, and personal growth initiatives such as exercise are classic examples.

Quadrant 3: Urgent but Not Important

Tasks appear important because they demand instant attention but do not necessarily move you towards your goals. Frequent interruptions from emails, phone calls, or peer requests often land here.

Quadrant 4: Not Urgent and Not Important

The tasks in this quadrant are typically time-wasters or activities that offer escape or entertainment with little to no value addition towards your personal or professional growth. Mindless web browsing, excessive TV watching, or aimless gossip are some examples.

Applying the Eisenhower Matrix requires discipline but starts by simply listing all your tasks. Then assign each to its respective quadrant. Prioritize addressing Quadrant 1 tasks first, then schedule regular time for Quadrant 2 tasks; these are crucial for progressive success without burnout. Delegate or minimize Quadrant 3 activities when possible and be ruthlessly critical of any time sunk into Quadrant 4.

By streamlining focus towards what’s truly significant and learning to say ‘no’ to non-essential urgencies, one can navigate through life’s demands with precision and poise – reclaiming time for what really matters. The simplicity of the Eisenhower Matrix belies its transformational power – it not only aids in managing workload but also enlightens one on living with intent by distinguishing mere activity from genuine productivity.

Lesson Hook Strategies to Launch Learning

Engaging students from the first moment of a lesson is crucial for successful learning. Effective lesson hook strategies can spark curiosity, pique interest, and ensure learners are primed for the information that follows. Here are several hook strategies educators can use to launch learning:

1. Questioning: Start with a thought-provoking question to stimulate students’ critical thinking. It could be open-ended or a challenge that touches on their prior knowledge.

2. Storytelling: Share a relevant story or anecdote. A narrative related to the lesson’s topic can help create an emotional connection and make the subject matter more relatable.

3. Visual Aids: Use striking images or short video clips to capture attention and create a talking point. Visual stimuli often act as powerful motivators for discussion.

4. Puzzles and Games: Incorporate quick games or puzzles that relate to the lesson content. This adds an element of competition and fun, motivating students to engage.

5. Real-world Connection: Link the lesson to real-world events or contexts. Showing students how the content applies outside the classroom increases its perceived value.

6. Props and Models: Bring in physical objects related to your topic to stir curiosity. Holding something tangible can make abstract concepts more concrete.

7. Dramatic Hook: A surprising statement, bold claim, or demonstration can be very effective at commanding attention. Be as dramatic as appropriate for the subject matter and age group.

8. Music and Sound: Play music or sounds related to your theme to tap into auditory engagement methods. The change in audio landscape in the classroom will draw in learners’ focus.

9. Quotations: Use a relevant quote from a famous person or a literary piece that encapsulates the essence of your lesson’s theme, inviting students to delve deeper into its meaning.

10. Personal Challenge: Pose a problem that students must solve using their skills and knowledge, making it relevant by positioning it as directly applicable to them.

These strategies are not one-size-fits-all; they should be tailored based on the subject being taught and the demographic of students in each class for maximum effect. Whichever strategy you choose, ensure it directly leads into the content of your lesson, helping bridge the gap between engagement and learning objectives.

How to Use Blooket to Play Online Games With Your Students


Blooket is an engaging online platform that allows educators to create custom games and quizzes for their students. Incorporating Blooket into your teaching can be a fun and interactive way to review course material, energize your classes, and help students retain information more effectively. In this article, we will explore the steps to use Blooket to play online games with your students.

Step 1: Register and sign in

Before you can start creating games for your students, you will need to visit the Blooket website ( and sign up for a free account. Simply click on “Sign Up,” enter your email address, and create a password. After confirming your account via email, sign in to access the dashboard.

Step 2: Create a custom game

Once you have logged in, click on the “Create” tab at the top of the dashboard. You will be presented with several game types to choose from. Select a game type and then click on “Create Your Own” to begin building a custom game.

Provide a title for your game and start adding questions and answers by clicking the “+ Add Question” button. You can also select pre-made questions from the content library or import questions from other sources like Quizlet.

Step 3: Share the game with your students

When you have finished creating your custom game, press “Save” to make it available in the “My Games” section of your dashboard. To share this game with your students, click on “Play” next to the saved game, choose the hosting options that work best for your needs, and follow the instructions displayed.

Your students will need to join by visiting or via an invitation link shared by you. They will be prompted to enter a unique Game PIN generated by Blooket, and they can then join your game room using their name or a nickname.

Step 4: Monitor student progress and provide feedback

While students are participating in the game, you can track their progress through the game’s host dashboard. This allows you to identify areas where your students may be struggling so that you can provide additional guidance or support.

Step 5: Review game results and analyze performance

Once the game is complete, Blooket will provide a summary of the results, showcasing each student’s individual performance. You can review these results and identify patterns or trends to modify instruction, provide targeted feedback, or plan future lessons.


Blooket is a powerful tool for engaging students in practice and review through creative online games. By following the steps outlined above, you will be well on your way to integrating Blooket into your teaching toolkit and creating a fun, interactive learning experience for your students. So jump in, create a custom game tailored to your content, and start playing with Blooket today!

Adapting Behaviour Policies to New Powers: Navigating a Dynamic Landscape


As new powers emerge and society evolves, it is crucial for organizations and individuals to adapt their behaviour policies accordingly. These shifts create a dynamic landscape that requires constant evaluation and revision of existing rules and norms in order to effectively navigate the ever-changing terrain. This article will discuss the importance of adapting behaviour policies to new powers, offering practical guidance on updating outdated frameworks, and exploring the consequences of failing to do so.

Understanding New Powers

New powers encompass technological advances, social developments, and political changes that can significantly influence the way people interact with each other and their environment. Examples of new powers include advancements in artificial intelligence, social media proliferation, shifting political climates, and progress in human rights movements.

These newfound abilities can create both opportunities and challenges for those affected by them, necessitating a proactive approach to adapt existing behaviour policies.

The Importance of Adapting Policies

Failure to revise behaviour policies as new powers emerge can result in a wide range of negative consequences. These may include legal repercussions due to non-compliance with updated regulations; public backlash for not addressing contemporary concerns; or internal discord due to ineffective guidelines that do not account for changed circumstances.

Conversely, organizations that successfully adapt their policies to accommodate new powers will bebetter equipped to:

1. Promote a positive work environment by responding promptly to employee concerns.

2. Foster innovation by embracing change and encouraging experimentation.

3. Build trust with customers by exhibiting responsiveness to evolving needs.

4. Display corporate responsibility by taking action on contemporary social and environmental issues.

5. Maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace by staying informed about industry trends.

Practical Steps for Adapting Behaviour Policies

To stay ahead of the curve while adapting your organization’s behaviour policies to new powers, followthese practical steps:

1. Conduct regular audits: Review your existing policies at least annually or anytime significant changes occur within your industry. Identify areas that may require modification to account for new realities.

2. Involve stakeholders: Garner input from employees, customers, and experts in the field to ensure that a range of perspectives are considered when updating policies. This will increase the likelihood of creating effective, practical guidelines that meet the needs of all parties involved.

3. Train staff: Enhance your team’s understanding of emerging trends and the rationale behind policy adjustments by providing regular training sessions and resources. This education will help employees embrace change and better navigate updated guidelines.

4. Monitor progress: Following policy implementation, monitor indicators of success such as employee satisfaction, customer feedback, and key performance metrics. Use this data to make necessary adjustments and fine-tune your approach moving forward.

5. Align policies with organizational values: Ensure your behaviour policies are not only well-adapted to new powers but also remain aligned with the mission, vision, and overall values of your organization.


Adapting behaviour policies to new powers is a critical aspect of maintaining organizational relevance and resilience in a rapidly evolving world. By implementing regular reviews, involving stakeholders, training staff, monitoring progress, and aligning policies with fundamental values, organizations can successfully navigate an ever-changing landscape while fostering positive work environments and maintaining competitive advantage.

Evidence-Informed Practice


Evidence-informed practice (EIP) is an approach in which practitioners use the best available evidence, alongside their professional expertise and the preferences of the individuals involved in the decision-making process, to inform clinical decisions. This article takes a critical view of EIP, discussing its importance, methods, benefits, and potential challenges.

Importance of Evidence-Informed Practice

Incorporating evidence into decision-making processes is vital in various fields, particularly in healthcare. Practitioners are constantly faced with complex, high-stakes decisions that can have far-reaching consequences for people’s well-being. EIP allows professionals to make these choices more effectively by supporting their decisions with the most up-to-date and reliable evidence available.

Methods of Evidence-Informed Practice

Several methods facilitate incorporating evidence into practice. These include:

1. Accessing high-quality information sources: Knowledge repositories such as peer-reviewed journals, practice guidelines, and systematic reviews provide extensive, rigorous evidence.

2. Critical appraisal of evidence: This involves analyzing the quality and relevance of research findings to ensure they are valid and applicable within a specific context.

3. Implementing research findings: Applying insights from high-quality evidence into action requires practitioners to develop practical strategies while taking client preferences and their unique situations into account.

4. Evaluating outcomes: Continuous assessment of intervention outcomes helps practitioners fine-tune their practice based on real-world experiences and further refine their decision-making processes.

Benefits of Evidence-Informed Practice

Some benefits of adopting EIP include:

1. Improved decision-making: Evidence-based guidelines and studies aid practitioners in making well-founded choices for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment plans.

2. Better patient outcomes: Empirical research provides synthesized information that often leads to more effective interventions and positive outcomes for patients.

3. Reduced costs: By identifying which interventions work best, practitioners can avoid wasteful spending on ineffective treatments.

4. Enhanced professional accountability: EIP offers a transparent rationale for clinical decisions, reducing the risk of allegations of malpractice.

5. Encouraging innovation: EIP fosters a culture of continuous learning, driving progress in practice and stimulating innovation.

Challenges in Implementing Evidence-Informed Practice

Although EIP offers numerous benefits, practitioners can encounter several challenges in its implementation:

1. Limited access to evidence: Not all evidence is easily accessible, sometimes requiring subscription fees, and practitioners may struggle to find time to review it.

2. Difficulty in appraising evidence: Critical appraisal skills require time and education to develop, adding another layer of complexity to the process.

3. Resistance to change: Some professionals may be hesitant to adopt new practices, particularly when they contradict long-standing beliefs or traditions.

4. Skill level and resources required: Real-world implementation of EIP often faces constraints in terms of workforce skills and infrastructure necessary to support evidence-based projects.


Evidence-informed practice is an essential tool in enhancing decision-making across various fields, particularly healthcare. By combining robust research findings with professional expertise and client preferences, practitioners can make better decisions leading to improved outcomes for their clients. Through continuous learning and embracing change, professionals can overcome potential challenges in implementing EIP and contribute to a future of more effective practice.

Radical Change for Schools


The education landscape has significantly evolved over the years thanks to rapid advancements in technology and society. However, many of our schools still operate on outdated models that struggle to prepare students for the future workforce. It is high time we consider a radical change for schools that will foster creativity, innovation, and practical skills needed to thrive in the 21st century.

Adopting Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning (PBL) is an effective approach that focuses on teaching students through hands-on experience rather than traditional lectures. This method encourages students to work collaboratively on tasks that mirror real-life challenges, promoting critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and adaptability. By embracing PBL, schools can better position their students to be future-ready, as they learn to tackle complex problems that transcend traditional boundaries.

Incorporating Technology in Education

Technology integration is vital in today’s connected world. By introducing cutting-edge tools such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and online platforms like Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), schools can provide a rich and interactive learning environment for their students. Encouraging digital literacy from a young age fosters students’ ability to navigate and adapt to the ever-changing technological landscape.

Cultivating Emotional intelligence

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is crucial for creating well-rounded individuals who can effectively communicate and collaborate with others. By fostering emotional intelligence among students, schools can help them build strong relationships and learn how to manage emotions in challenging situations. Incorporating SEL programs into school curriculums will develop self-awareness, empathy, and decision-making skills necessary for personal and professional success.

Personalized Learning Models

Every student learns differently; recognizing this truth is essential for successful education reform efforts. Personalizing education through tailored approaches caters to each student’s unique learning style, strengths, and goals. Schools should focus on individualized curriculum plans and assessments that accommodate the specific needs of each student, promoting a more inclusive learning experience and setting the stage for academic success.

Reimagining Assessment Strategies

Traditional assessment methods, such as standardized testing and grading systems, often fail to measure students’ true abilities and promote unhealthy competition. By incorporating authentic assessments, we can focus on evaluating students based on their ability to apply their learning in real-life situations. Such assessments should include portfolios, presentations, and group projects that reflect a comprehensive picture of a student’s skills and development.


A radical change for schools is not only necessary but imperative to ensuring that future generations can navigate an increasingly complex world. By adopting innovative teaching methods, leveraging technology, promoting social-emotional learning, personalizing education, and reimagining assessment strategies, we can prepare our students for the uncertain and exhilarating future that awaits them. This transformation will ultimately lead to a more equitable, engaging, and fulfilling educational experience for all.

Technological Age: Using ICT to Transform T&L


The technological age has brought enormous changes to various aspects of our lives, and the education sector is no exception. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has played a significant role in shaping innovative methods of teaching and learning, bringing new opportunities for educators and learners alike. This article explores the potential of ICT in transforming the landscape of Teaching and Learning (T&L).

1. Collaborative Learning Environments:

ICT enables the creation of virtual classrooms and collaborative learning environments where students from different parts of the world can come together to learn, discuss, and collaborate on projects. Online tools such as Google Classroom, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams have become essential platforms for real-time communication and information sharing, fostering a sense of global community among learners.

2. Personalized Learning:

One size does not fit all when it comes to education, as each student has different learning styles, needs, and interests. Thanks to ICT, teachers can implement personalized learning strategies through adaptive software that identifies individual strengths and weaknesses. Examples include Khan Academy or Duolingo, which deliver customized content based on each learner’s performance.

3. Increased Access to Educational Resources:

ICT provides easy access to a wealth of online resources, including e-books, videos, articles, and more. Students can delve into numerous subjects beyond their classroom curriculum while teachers can supplement their teaching materials with updated digital resources.

4. Competitive Advantage Through Gamification:

The use of gaming elements in education can make learning more interactive and engaging for students. Gamified T&L experiences facilitate knowledge retention while fostering healthy competition among peers. Platforms like Kahoot! or Quizizz enable teachers to create quizzes that are both fun and informative.

5. Better Data Tracking and Analysis:

Through ICT-based learning platforms, educators have access to real-time data analytics that assist in tracking students’ progress effectively and timely interventions for those who need additional support. This data-driven approach helps teachers identify problem areas and address them accordingly.

6. Enhancing Peer-to-Peer Learning:

ICT has enabled students to connect and collaborate with their peers within and beyond their school boundaries. Online forums, chat platforms, and social media sites create opportunities for students to exchange thoughts, ideas, and feedback on various subjects.

7. Professional Development of Educators:

Just as students stand to gain from ICT, so do teachers. Continuous professional development through online courses or Master’s programs enables educators to keep abreast of the latest teaching practices and industry trends, which they can then incorporate into their lessons.


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) play a vital role in transforming traditional Teaching and Learning (T&L) methods, making them more engaging, accessible, customizable, and effective. By harnessing the potential of ICT tools, educators can empower students to excel in various learning environments while keeping up with the demands of the ever-evolving technological age.

9 Best Classroom Projectors [Guide for Teachers]


With the advancement of technology, classroom projectors have become an essential teaching tool, enabling teachers to display multimedia content and foster an interactive learning environment. Choosing the right projector can significantly enhance the learning experience for your students. In this article, we will be exploring the 9 best classroom projectors available in the market, discussing their features, pros, and cons.

1. Epson PowerLite 2250U

The Epson PowerLite 2250U is a top choice for classrooms due to its high brightness, excellent image quality, and convenient setup. With 5000 lumens of brightness, your presentations will be clearly visible even in well-lit rooms. The projector also supports wireless connectivity and screen mirroring, making it easy to share content from multiple devices.

2. BenQ MW826ST

The BenQ MW826ST is a short-throw projector ideal for small classrooms or tight spaces. It provides bright and crisp images with 3400 lumens of brightness and a WXGA resolution. With its easy setup process and compatibility with multiple devices, this projector is great for interactive lessons and hassle-free presentations.

3. Optoma X318ST

The Optoma X318ST is another fantastic short-throw projector designed specifically for classroom use. With its exceptional color accuracy and 3200 lumens of brightness, your lessons will come to life onscreen. This projector also features an integrated speaker and supports popular input sources like HDMI, VGA, and USB.

4. ViewSonic PA503S

The ViewSonic PA503S is an affordable option without compromising on image quality or performance. Delivering 3600 lumens of brightness and accurate colors, this projector creates an immersive learning environment for your students. Additionally, it comes with energy-saving features like SuperEco mode to help you reduce power consumption and extend the lamp life.

5. Sony VPL-EW435

The Sony VPL-EW435 is a versatile projector with amazing image quality and plenty of connectivity options. With WXGA resolution and 3100 lumens, this projector supports both 2D and 3D content, making it a great choice for multimedia presentations. You can also connect this projector wirelessly to multiple devices through its built-in wireless module.

6. NEC NP-ME372W

The NEC NP-ME372W is a reliable projector that offers incredible image quality with 3700 lumens of brightness and WXGA resolution. This classroom projector comes with advanced network capabilities, allowing you to pair it easily with your devices and control presentations remotely using an app on your tablet or smartphone.

7. Casio XJ-F210WN

The Casio XJ-F210WN offers a unique lamp-free design that uses laser/LED technology, providing you with long-term savings on maintenance costs. With 3500 lumens and WXGA resolution, this projector delivers bright images that are perfect for multimedia lessons. It also features extensive connectivity options, including HDMI, USB, and wireless capabilities.

8. Hitachi CP-TW3005

Another excellent short-throw option is the Hitachi CP-TW3005, which offers a great combination of performance and reliability. With 3300 lumens of brightness, this projector displays vibrant colors that will keep your students engaged during lessons. The interactive pen support further enhances collaboration within the classroom.

9. LG PF50KA

If portability is your main concern, consider the LG PF50KA, a compact LED projector that packs essential features in a small footprint. With a Full HD resolution and 600 lumens of brightness, this projector provides sharp visuals perfect for smaller classrooms or temporary setups.

The Impact of Articles on Teaching and Learning


In the world of education, articles play a crucial role in shaping the teaching and learning process. Articles have been a prevalent form of communication among educators, researchers, and scholars to share ideas, findings, and methodologies. This article will discuss the importance of articles in teaching and learning, their benefits for students and teachers, and how to effectively use them in the classroom.

Importance of Articles in Teaching and Learning

1. Knowledge Dissemination: Articles are a platform for experts to share their research findings, opinions, and innovations. They contribute significantly to the collective understanding of various subjects by presenting new information or providing different perspectives on existing knowledge.

2. Encouraging Critical Thinking: Reading articles exposes students to diverse opinions and expert knowledge, allowing them to think critically about different viewpoints. It encourages them to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information, essential skills for academic success.

3. Professional Development: For educators, articles aid in professional development by providing access to current research findings and best practices in teaching methodologies. Educators can constantly refine their skills and stay informed about advancements in their field by reading high-quality articles.

Benefits of Using Articles in the Classroom

1. Improving Reading Skills: Incorporating articles into class activities helps students build stronger reading skills by challenging them with complex texts that require deeper comprehension.

2. Enhancing Vocabulary: As students read academic articles on various topics related to their curriculum, they encounter new words and phrases that expand their vocabulary.

3. Stimulating Classroom Discussion: Using articles as a basis for classroom discussions fosters an intellectual environment where students can engage in thoughtful exchanges of ideas, boosting their confidence and enhancing their communication skills.

4. Promoting Independent Learning: Assigning articles for students to read outside of class helps foster a sense of responsibility and independence while also encouraging them to take charge of their learning progress.

How to Effectively Use Articles in Teaching and Learning

1. Select Appropriate Articles: Choose articles that are relevant to the curriculum, age-appropriate, and engaging to students.

2. Scaffold Reading: Break down complex texts into manageable parts to ensure comprehension. You can provide guiding questions or graphic organizers to assist the students in understanding key concepts.

3. Encourage Group Learning: Assign group work based on articles to promote collaboration among students and facilitate peer learning.

4. Facilitate Discussions: Conduct classroom discussions around the articles, asking thought-provoking questions and encouraging students to share their opinions.

5. Assess Understanding: Use quizzes or writing assignments that require students to apply the information they have learned from the articles, ensuring that they have grasped the key concepts.


In conclusion, articles hold immense value in the realm of education by continually improving teaching and learning processes. They serve as a tool for educators and learners alike to enhance their knowledge, foster critical thinking, and develop essential skills needed for academic success. Incorporating articles into classroom activities will undoubtedly benefit both teachers and students, creating a more inclusive and stimulating educational environment.