Instructional Technology

Effective Management and Deployment of Support Staff


In today’s fast-paced business environment, efficient management and deployment of support staff is crucial for achieving organizational success. Support staff plays a vital role in ensuring smooth operations, providing excellent customer service, and maintaining workplace harmony. This article provides insights on effective strategies for managing and deploying support staff, with the goal of maximizing their productivity and contributions to the organization.

1. Clearly define roles and responsibilities

The first step in effectively managing support staff is to clearly define their roles and responsibilities. This helps to establish expectations, avoid conflicts, and provide guidelines for performance evaluation. Managers should clearly communicate to each member of the support staff what their responsibilities are, the tasks they need to perform, and the standards they must adhere to.

2. Provide proper training

Proper training is essential for support staff to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge needed for their roles. By investing in training programs that teach both technical skills and interpersonal skills such as active listening, empathy, problem-solving, and teamwork, managers can empower their support staff to serve customers better and contribute more productively within the team.

3. Establish effective communication channels

Open communication between management and support staff is crucial for efficient performance. Managers should maintain an open-door policy, encouraging suggestions from employees about improving processes or solving problems that arise during daily operations. Communication channels such as regular team meetings, one-on-one sessions with employees, or even an anonymous suggestion box can help foster a positive feedback culture.

4. Prioritize employee engagement

Engaged employees are more likely to be committed to their jobs and demonstrate higher levels of productivity. To enhance employee engagement, managers should foster a healthy work environment that supports teamwork, rewards accomplishments fairly, encourages professional growth through training opportunities, and maintains a good work-life balance.

5. Develop a flexible staffing strategy

Accurate monitoring of workload helps managers effectively allocate tasks among support staff and maintain a flexible staffing strategy. By maintaining a balance between permanent and temporary employees, managers can efficiently manage and deploy resources, meeting the needs of the business while avoiding burnout and high turnover rates within the team.

6. Monitor performance regularly and provide feedback

To ensure that support staff is consistently meeting expectations, their performance should be evaluated regularly. Managers can utilize key performance indicators (KPIs), such as response times, customer satisfaction scores, or task completion rates to assess individual or team performance. Regular feedback should be provided to both recognize achievements and suggest areas for improvement.


Effective management and deployment of support staff lie in the hands of attentive managers who clearly define roles, provide proper training, establish healthy communication channels, prioritize employee engagement, maintain a flexible staffing strategy, and monitor performance closely. In doing so, they enable their support staff to reach their full potential while ensuring the organization’s long-term success.

20 Marvelous Multitasking Activities For Groups Of Learners


Multitasking is an essential skill for success in today’s fast-paced world. It allows learners to perform multiple tasks simultaneously and efficiently. Collaborative multitasking activities can not only improve overall efficiency but also foster a sense of teamwork and camaraderie among the group members.

Here are 20 marvelous multitasking activities that can be performed in groups of learners to sharpen their multitasking skills:

1. Jigsaw Puzzle Relay: Groups race against each other to complete a jigsaw puzzle, taking turns adding one piece at a time.

2. Dictionary Scavenger Hunt: Teams search through dictionaries to find the definitions of assigned words within a time limit.

3. Simultaneous Sudoku: Group members work together to solve Sudoku puzzles while also managing individual tasks.

4. Trivia Team Tag: Learners answer trivia questions while completing physical exercises or challenges.

5. Speed Debate: Team members conduct quick debates on various topics, switching sides and positions frequently.

6. Two-Ball Basketball: Teams play basketball using two balls simultaneously, aiming for different hoops with each ball.

7. Double Memory Game: Players work together to match pairs of cards with images on one side and corresponding facts or details on the other side.

8. Choreographed Dance-Off: Groups learn and perform short, choreographed dance routines while managing other tasks or challenges.

9. Chain Storytelling: Participants take turns adding sentences or paragraphs to an ongoing collaborative story, producing a single coherent narrative as a group.

10. Blindfolded Trust Walk: Paired individuals take turns guiding their blindfolded partner through an obstacle course using only verbal instructions.

11. Rapid Research Race: Teams race against the clock to research and gather information on assigned topics before presenting their findings in a brief oral report.

12. Art Gallery Creation: Learners collaborate to create an art exhibit showcasing individual pieces alongside a unified theme or story, sharing responsibilities for research, design, and organization.

13. Speed Drama: Groups perform quick scenes from different plays or stories while managing additional tasks or challenges.

14. Collective Cooking: Team members work together to prepare a meal while juggling multiple tasks and assignments.

15. Musical Mastery: Groups learn to play several musical instruments simultaneously, eventually performing a piece as an ensemble.

16. Costume Coordination: Teams collaborate in designing and assembling costumes for fictional characters, working with limited resources and time constraints.

17. Building Bonanza: Learners assemble complex structures using building blocks or materials while incorporating individual creativity and team coordination.

18. Social Media Marketing Madness: Teams create content to strategically promote awareness and engagement for a mock product or event on various social media platforms.

19. Virtual Reality Collaboration: Group members simultaneously solve puzzles or complete challenges in a virtual environment using teamwork and communication skills.

20. Human Knot: Participants physically connect by linking hands and must work together to untangle themselves without letting their hands go free.


Multitasking activities provide unique opportunities for learners to develop essential skills such as problem-solving, time management, communication, and collaboration. These 20 marvelous multitasking group activities can help learners of all ages sharpen their abilities while fostering a sense of teamwork and camaraderie.

CPD Best Practice: Innovative Teaching


Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is an essential aspect of professional success for educators around the world. As the field of education evolves, it is crucial for teachers to stay updated with innovative teaching methods, approaches, and tools to enhance students’ learning experiences. This article will explore some of the best practices in implementing CPD focused on innovative teaching, and how these practices can foster a deeper understanding and engagement within the classroom setting.

1. Interactive Workshops:

Interactive workshops are an effective way for teachers to engage in collaborative learning experiences. These workshops often involve hands-on activities, simulations, and role plays that require participants to think critically about teaching strategies and reflect on their efficacy. Educators can attend conferences or local events that offer workshops to share and learn new teaching techniques or create their own workshops to exchange ideas with colleagues.

2. Peer Observation:

Peer observation offers invaluable opportunities for professional growth by allowing teachers to observe and reflect on their colleagues’ teaching styles, strengths, and opportunities for improvement. This practice encourages an open feedback culture within the educational environment, promoting a continuous cycle of growth and learning among teachers. Creating a structured system for peer observation can contribute significantly to CPD success.

3. Online Learning Opportunities:

The internet has revolutionized education by offering countless resources and platforms for educators interested in expanding their skill set. Engaging in online courses, webinars, and virtual seminars allows teachers to access a wealth of materials on innovative teaching methodologies from experts across the globe at their convenience.

4. Personal Research and Reflection:

An invaluable element of CPD is taking charge of one’s learning journey through personal research and reflection. Teachers should allocate time regularly for reading articles, books, or listening to podcasts related to innovative teaching strategies within their subject matter expertise. Additionally, reflecting on past classroom experiences can help recognize areas of improvement or identify techniques that warrant further exploration.

5. Collaborative Learning Communities:

Nurturing a collaborative learning environment among peers elevates the potential for professional growth and innovative teaching strategies. Establishing learning communities within schools or across school districts allows educators to share best practices, experiences, and resources. Teachers can learn from one another while fostering a collective environment of innovation and cooperation.

6. Engage with Education Technology:

Staying updated on emerging technologies in education enables teachers to enhance their students’ learning experiences by integrating new tools into their teaching practices. Platforms such as virtual classrooms, digital textbooks, and gamification apps can supplement traditional methods to create a more engaging and enriched learning experience.


Implementing CPD focused on innovative teaching supports the continuous growth, reflection, and adaptation required by educators in today’s rapidly changing world. By participating in interactive workshops, peer observation, online learning opportunities, personal research and reflection, collaborative learning communities, and engaging with education technology, teachers are better equipped to inspire learners and prepare them for future success.

Making Written Feedback Effective


Effective written feedback is fundamental to the development and growth of individuals in professional and personal settings. Clear and precise feedback helps individuals recognize their strengths, identify areas for improvement, and develop new skills. This article will explore strategies for making written feedback more effective and thus, more valuable to both the giver and the receiver.

1. Be Specific and Focused

When providing written feedback, it’s essential to be specific about the areas that need improvement or praise. Address particular incidents or examples to help the recipient better understand your perspective. Avoid general statements, such as “You’re doing great” or “You need to improve.” Instead, use concrete examples to help illustrate your point.

2. Balance Positive and Constructive Feedback

Though it may be tempting to focus on negative aspects or areas needing improvement, remember that positive reinforcement is equally crucial for motivation and confidence. Aim for a balanced approach by acknowledging what the recipient is doing well in addition to identifying areas where they can grow.

3. Keep It Timely

Prompt written feedback helps the recipient make adjustments quickly instead of allowing a mistake or commendable behavior to perpetuate over time. Providing feedback soon after an event or performance also ensures that both you and the recipient have the situation fresh in mind, making it easier to address any issues that might arise.

4. Use Non-Judgmental Language

Objective and non-judgmental language can increase the effectiveness of your written feedback. Avoid using emotionally charged language or placing blame on the individual. Remain focused on actions and behaviors, not personal characteristics.

5. Make Suggestions for Improvement

Making suggestions on how one can improve is an essential component of effective written feedback. Identify specific steps or changes the recipient can make to enhance their skills or performance moving forward.

6. Be Concise Yet Thorough

It’s crucial to strike a balance between brevity and thoroughness when providing written feedback. Lengthy feedback may overwhelm or discourage the recipient, while feedback that is too brief may lack essential details needed to understand the situation fully.

7. Consider the Recipient’s Perspective

Put yourself in the recipient’s shoes when crafting your written feedback. Ensuring your message is received empathetically and considering how the person might interpret your words can help create a more effective and constructive dialogue.


Effective written feedback is vital for promoting personal and professional growth. By focusing on specificity, balancing positive and constructive comments, keeping it timely, using non-judgmental language, making suggestions for improvement, being concise yet thorough, and considering the recipient’s perspective—you can ensure your written feedback fosters positive change and development. With practice and reflection, giving and receiving well-constructed feedback will become second nature.

Principal Hotline: How Do I Manage My School’s Admin Assistant?


The role of a school administrator is vast and multifaceted, and among those responsibilities is the effective management of the school’s admin assistant. The administrative assistant is often the first point of contact for parents, students, and staff, making their job of utmost importance. In this article, we will discuss ways in which principals can optimize the management of their admin assistants to ensure smooth operations within the school.

1. Set Clear Expectations:

Effective management begins with setting clear expectations for your admin assistant. Ensure that they understand their role, responsibilities, and how they fit into the overall school structure. Provide them with comprehensive job descriptions and performance expectations so they know exactly what is expected of them and can work accordingly.

2. Offer Regular Training:

Admin assistants have a broad range of tasks to perform, including answering phone calls and emails, organizing events, managing diaries, maintaining records, and more. Provide regular training sessions to help them stay up-to-date with school policies, procedures, and technology advancements for optimal performance.

3. Establish Open Communication Channels:

Encourage open communication between yourself and your admin assistant. Maintain regular check-in meetings for updates on ongoing tasks and projects, addressing any challenges or concerns in a timely manner. This will go a long way toward fostering a positive working relationship and ensuring that your admin assistant feels supported.

4. Delegate Responsibilities Effectively:

Avoid micromanaging your admin assistant by giving them autonomy over their specific tasks whenever possible. Demonstrate trust in their capabilities by allowing them to make decisions within their area of work – this not only creates a sense of ownership but also saves time on your end.

5. Organize Performance Appraisals:

Regular appraisals help assess an admin assistant’s performance effectively while providing opportunities for growth through feedback and support. Schedule these reviews periodically to address any areas where improvement may be needed and recognize their hard work.

6. Provide Opportunities for Professional Development:

Offer professional development opportunities to ensure that your admin assistant continues to grow and develop their skills. Support them in attending courses, webinars, or conferences to expand their knowledge base and remain current on industry trends.

7. Implement Efficient Systems:

Streamline the entire operational workflow by implementing efficient systems for document management, scheduling, and communication. Utilizing digital platforms such as Google Suite or Microsoft Office 365 can significantly enhance the effectiveness and productivity of your admin assistant.


Managing a school’s admin assistant is undeniably a crucial aspect of running a smooth school operation that directly impacts students, staff, and parents. By setting clear expectations, maintaining open communication channels, providing regular training, offering growth opportunities, and implementing efficient systems, you can effectively manage your school’s admin assistant and create a conducive working environment for all involved parties.

How Do I Observe Teachers With More Experience Than Me?


Teaching is a continuous learning process that requires teachers to grow and evolve throughout their careers. Observing more experienced teachers can provide valuable insights, ideas, and techniques that can help you improve your own teaching practice. In this article, we will discuss how to effectively observe experienced teachers, what to look for during the observations, and how to implement the learned strategies in your classroom.

Steps to Observe Experienced Teachers

1. Seek Permission: Before observing another teacher’s class, it’s important to get their permission and seek approval from the school administration as well. This will ensure that you’re respecting their professional boundaries and not disrupting their classes.

2. Be Mindful of Timing: When scheduling your observation, choose a time that is convenient for the experienced teacher and least disruptive for their class. Coordinate with them beforehand to ensure you’re visiting during a lesson or activity that would provide valuable information to aid in your growth.

3. Observe with a Purpose: Before entering the classroom, make sure you have identified specific aspects of teaching you want to learn from or focus on during your observation. This could include classroom management techniques, teaching strategies, or particular subject content.

4. Take Notes: When observing experienced teachers in action, don’t rely on your memory alone. Jot down important points as you observe so that you can review them later. Focus on capturing specific examples and detailed descriptions.

5. Be Discreet: While observing the class, try not to interfere with the natural flow of instruction or distract students by asking questions or making comments during the lesson. Be a silent observer, taking notes without drawing too much attention.

6. Reflect on Your Observations: After observing an experienced colleague’s class, take the time to reflect on what you’ve learned and evaluate any new strategies or techniques used during their lesson that could be beneficial for your own classroom.

7. Implement New Strategies: Once you’ve gleaned valuable insights from your observation, try incorporating them into your own teaching practice. Be sure to evaluate your implementation periodically and make adjustments as needed.

8. Share Your Learnings: Discuss what you observed and learned with your colleagues and the experienced teacher. This could open up a dialogue that leads to further collaboration and improvement for all educators involved.

9. Observe Multiple Teachers: To gain a comprehensive understanding of various teaching practices, observe different experienced teachers within your school or district. Each teacher has their unique approach that can provide you with diverse perspectives on effective teaching strategies.


Observing teachers with more experience can be an incredibly valuable experience, providing you with insights and strategies to improve your own teaching practice. By seeking permission, choosing the right timing, observing with purpose, taking notes, and reflecting on your observations, you will be well-equipped to implement new techniques in your classroom and contribute to a culture of continuous learning and improvement in your educational community.

How to Survive Teaching Until Thanksgiving? Crafts

As a teacher, the period leading up to Thanksgiving can be both exciting and challenging. With the holiday just around the corner, students are naturally more energetic and restless. One way to keep them engaged, motivated, and on-task is through incorporating fun Thanksgiving-themed crafts into your lesson plans. Here is a guide on how to survive teaching until Thanksgiving with the help of some crafty ideas.

1. Create a Thankful Tree

Start by having students cut out leaves from red, orange, yellow, and brown construction paper. Ask each student to write something they are thankful for on their leaves. Now create a tree trunk and branches on a bulletin board or large piece of paper, and have students add their thankful leaves. Watch as your classroom’s Thankful Tree comes to life!

2. Turkey Handprints

This classic craft never gets old! Have your students trace their hands on construction paper and cut out their handprint patterns. They can then decorate these handprints to look like turkeys by gluing googly eyes on the thumbprint and colorful feathers onto the other fingers. Encourage them to display their creative turkeys around the room.

3. Paper Plate Pilgrim Hats

With a few simple materials like black paper plates, construction paper, glue, and scissors, students can create their own Pilgrim hats to wear in class or take home. This activity not only reinforces fine motor skills but also serves as an opportunity for discussing early American history.

4. Gratitude Journals

In preparation for Thanksgiving, it can be beneficial for your students to reflect on things they are grateful for in their lives. Provide each student with a small notebook or have them staple several sheets of paper together. Designate time every day for students to write in their Gratitude Journals, fostering a sense of mindfulness and appreciation.

5. Native American Dreamcatchers

Teach students about the cultural significance of dreamcatchers in Native American communities and guide them in making their own. You only need paper plates, yarn, beads, and feathers to complete this project. With the finished product, students can hang their dreamcatchers in their homes as a reminder of what they’ve learned and how it ties into Thanksgiving history.

Incorporating these Thanksgiving-themed crafts into your classroom routine will keep students engaged and excited about learning as they anticipate the upcoming holiday. With each craft, remember to emphasize teamwork, collaboration, and gratitude for an even more meaningful experience. By doing so, you’ll be well on your way to surviving teaching until Thanksgiving!

A Look at Google Expeditions for Schools


Google Expeditions is an innovative virtual reality (VR) platform designed to help educators bring the world to their students without ever having to leave the classroom. With over a thousand engaging and interactive experiences available, this immersive learning tool is a game-changer for schools. This article will explore the benefits of Google Expeditions for schools, and how it can be effectively integrated into lesson plans to create unforgettable learning experiences.

How Google Expeditions Works

Google Expeditions employs VR technology to transport learners to various locations, providing them with a unique opportunity to explore new environments up close. Using just a smartphone and a cardboard VR viewer, students can embark on guided trips that include underwater explorations, historical site visits, and even virtual journeys into outer space.

For teachers, Google provides a comprehensive library of pre-designed expeditions that can be incorporated into lesson plans with ease. The platform also offers an ever-growing collection of teacher resources, such as accompanying lesson plans, discussion points, and question lists that align with the expedition content.

Benefits of Google Expeditions for Schools

1. Improved Student Engagement

One of the key benefits of using Google Expeditions in schools is its ability to increase engagement among students. Experiential learning often has a lasting impact on learners by enabling them to participate actively in the learning process instead of being mere passive recipients.

2. Enhancing Understanding Through Immersive Experiences

Google Expeditions allows complex concepts or far-off places to be better understood through immersive exploration. Virtual field trips help students visualize complex ideas and interpret them from their own perspectives by experiencing them directly.

3. Promoting Collaboration and Discussion

Virtual reality learning promotes collaboration between peers and teachers as they all engage in group explorations simultaneously. Collaborative learning fosters critical thinking, decision making, problem-solving skills, and effective communication among students.

4. Breaking Down Barriers to Access

Many schools face resource constraints that make real-world field trips difficult or impossible. Google Expeditions helps break down these barriers by offering affordable virtual field trips that expose students to different cultures, environments, and experiences.

5. Enhancing Curricular Content

Google Expeditions is easily adaptable to various subjects and lesson plans, making it a versatile tool for enriching the curriculum. The pre-designed expeditions cater to subjects like art, social studies, history, science, geography, and environmental education.

How Schools Can Implement Google Expeditions

1. Start with Teacher Training

It’s essential for educators to be confident and knowledgeable about using VR technology in their classrooms. Organize training sessions and workshops that introduce teachers to Google Expeditions and its potential for learning.

2. Develop a Structured Integration Plan

Discuss with school management and faculty members how Google Expeditions can be effectively incorporated into the curriculum based on subject areas and age groups. Create a structured plan that outlines clear objectives for using the platform.

3. Consider Technological Requirements

Ensure your school has adequate technology resources like smartphones or tablets, VR viewers, Wi-Fi connectivity, and compatible charging stations to support the implementation of Google Expeditions.


Google Expeditions has the potential to revolutionize education by making immersive learning accessible and engaging for all students. Incorporating this platform into the classroom not only benefits learners but also enhances teaching methodologies by offering more interactive and effective strategies. With careful planning and execution, schools can succeed in integrating Google Expeditions to create unforgettable learning experiences that shape the minds of the next generation of global citizens.

Interactive Projectors vs. Flat Screens: How to Choose the Best Option for Your School


As technology advances, schools are faced with the challenge of determining the most effective tools for enhancing the learning experience. Amongst these are interactive projectors and flat screens, two popular solutions for classroom presentations. But which one should your school choose? In this article, we will outline the differences between these technologies and guide you through your decision-making process.

Interactive Projectors

Interactive projectors allow instructors to turn any surface into an interactive whiteboard. They enable teachers and students to perform various tasks using digital pens or their fingers. Some benefits of interactive projectors include:

1. Large display area: Interactive projectors provide a larger display area than flat screens, making it easier for students to see content from anywhere in the classroom.

2. Cost-effective: Compared to large flat screens, interactive projectors generally offer a more affordable solution.

3. Flexibility: These projectors can be easily connected to various devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

However, interactive projectors have some limitations:

1. Image quality: Projector images can be affected by ambient light conditions, potentially reducing picture quality for students.

2. Maintenance: Projector bulbs can have a limited lifespan and may require periodic replacement.

Flat Screens

Flat screens are large, high-resolution displays that provide clear images and visuals. They offer several advantages over interactive projectors:

1. Superior image quality: Flat screens produce sharper images that are not affected by ambient light conditions.

2. Energy efficient: These displays often consume less power than projector-based systems.

3. Low maintenance: Flat screens require minimal maintenance compared to projectors, as there is no need to replace bulbs or components frequently.

On the other hand, some drawbacks of flat screens include:

1. Higher upfront cost: Large flat screens typically have higher initial costs compared to projectors in terms of both purchase and installation.

2. Limited size options: Flat screens are available in a limited range of sizes, which may not suit larger classrooms or presentation areas.

Making the Decision

When choosing between interactive projectors and flat screens for your school, consider the following factors:

1. Budget: If you have a tight budget constraint, interactive projectors will likely be your best option due to their cost-effectiveness.

2. Classroom size: For larger classrooms and spaces, an interactive projector’s ability to cover a wider display area might make it a better choice.

3. Image quality importance: If image quality is a top priority for your school, investing in flat screens will be beneficial due to their superior visual quality.

4. Maintenance requirements: Flat screens might be preferred if maintenance costs are a significant concern for your institution.


Both interactive projectors and flat screens have their unique advantages and drawbacks. When selecting the best option for your school, thoroughly assess each technology’s features in relation to your institution’s needs, budget, and priorities. By considering these factors carefully, you can make an informed decision that will enhance the educational experience for your students.

Free Poster: 7 Questions Students Should Ask Before Saying ‘I’m Done’


As students progress through their academic journey, they often rush to complete assignments and declare themselves “done” without thorough self evaluation. To help students invest more time in self-assessment and reflection, we have developed a free poster outlining 7 essential questions they should ask before considering their work complete.

1. Have I read the instructions carefully?

Before claiming to be done, students should always review the assignment instructions to ensure they have understood and followed each guideline. This allows them to identify areas where they may have deviated from the given task and rectify any discrepancies.

2. Did I check my work for errors?

Students should thoroughly proofread their work, checking spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. By dedicating time to perfecting their writing, students can greatly improve the overall quality and readability of their assignments.

3. Have I provided clear explanations and examples?

In an ideal assignment, every idea should be supported with clear explanations and relevant examples. Before considering themselves finished, students must make sure they have included substantial evidence that effectively communicates their understanding of the topic.

4. Are my arguments well-structured and logical?

A well-thought-out argument is key to a standout assignment. Students should examine their work to ensure it follows a logical structure with comprehensive points that flow sequentially from one idea to the next.

5. Did I answer all of the questions or address all required aspects of the assignment?

To guarantee that every aspect of an assignment is covered, students must double-check whether all questions posed and sections required by the instructions are addressed in their work.

6. Have I properly cited all sources and used an appropriate reference style?

Proper citation is crucial in academic writing as it establishes credibility and prevents plagiarism. Before submitting an assignment, students must confirm that they have cited every source accurately in accordance with the specified reference style.

7. Did I seek input from a peer or teacher?

Receiving feedback from peers or instructors provides students with the opportunity to improve their work before submitting it. By incorporating advice from others, students can refine their assignments and better achieve learning objectives.


Asking these 7 essential questions can greatly enhance the quality of a student’s work, fostering a mindset focused on self-improvement and reflection. By implementing this self-assessment strategy, students will develop vital skills that not only benefit their academic performance but also prepare them for success in future pursuits. Download our free poster now to help your students take responsibility for their learning and strive for continuous growth.