Mental Health

Help! My Family Thinks I’m Crazy for Quitting My “Cushy” Teaching Job


When you make a decision to chart a new course in life or take a risk, it’s not uncommon for some family members to question your choices and even doubt your sanity. This is the story of my journey after I decided to quit my stable teaching job that many considered “cushy,” and how I navigated through the judgment, concerns, and skepticism from my family.

An Unexpected Calling:

For most of my life, I had found comfort and fulfillment in teaching. The daily interactions with curious minds, the joy of nurturing talent in my students, and the sense of contributing to something larger than myself were all factors that made me feel purposeful. However, over time, I felt a growing hunger for change and a desire to explore new horizons.

The Catalyst for Change:

Despite enjoying teaching, I found myself increasingly fascinated by creative pursuits and entrepreneurial ventures. The passion to create something of my own led me to seriously contemplate quitting my secure position as an educator. When I finally summoned the courage to share my intentions with my family, their response was far from supportive.

Facing Opposition from Loved Ones:

My family initially struggled to understand why I would leave behind stability and a respected profession for the uncertain world of entrepreneurship. They considered me crazy for giving up on what many saw as a dream job. The disappointment in their eyes was palpable as they worried about the potential consequences of my decision.

Finding Support and Validation:

Unable to find encouragement from those closest to me, I sought validation elsewhere. Joining networking groups, attending seminars, and connecting with like-minded individuals helped me realize that I was not alone in craving change. Their experiences revealed that pursuing one’s passion often comes with challenges but may ultimately lead to success and happiness.

Perseverance amidst Doubt:

In the face of doubt, I stayed resolute and continued my entrepreneurial journey. Through hard work, determination, and persistence, my venture gradually began to take shape, earn revenue, and gain recognition. Over time, my family’s concerns turned into curiosity, interest, and eventually admiration for my tenacity and achievements.


I share this story to inspire others who may face similar challenges when attempting to break free from conventional paths or societal expectations. It’s crucial to remember that you are your own unique individual with personal desires, dreams, and aspirations. Quitting a “cushy” job that no longer aligns with your life’s goals takes tremendous courage. Ultimately, the journey towards self-discovery, growth, and fulfillment is worth the struggle – even if it means enduring initial skepticism from family and friends.

“I’m Not Okay With Letting You Take a Bullet For Me”—How Gun Violence Has Harmed Us All


In recent years, gun violence has become an increasingly prevalent and contentious issue within our society. A growing number of people are affected—directly or indirectly—by senseless acts of violence that involve firearms. As mass shootings and other violent incidents have become more common, we are forced to confront an alarming reality: no one is immune to the dangers of gun violence.

The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence

Every incident of gun violence creates a ripple effect that extends far beyond the individual victim. Family members, friends, co-workers, witnesses, and entire communities can be deeply affected by these tragic events. The trauma that survivors endure can lead to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Additionally, even those who have not personally experienced gun-related violence may still feel anxious and afraid due to media coverage of such events.

The Impact on Our Sense of Community

Gun violence disrupts the social fabric of our society by instilling fear and mistrust in communities that were once safe havens. The sense of security we once felt in our neighborhoods and public spaces has been eroded as stories of mass shootings and other acts of gun-related violence become all too common.

It’s a sobering fact that schools, which should be nurturing environments for children and teenagers to learn and grow, are now often associated with lockdown drills and the threat of active shooters. While it’s essential to prepare students for the possibility of a dangerous situation, this constant vigilance can have long-lasting negative effects on their mental well-being.

Healing and Prevention

Addressing this pervasive issue requires a multifaceted approach focusing on not only stricter gun laws but also support systems to help individuals who may be at risk for committing acts of violence. Increasing access to mental health services is crucial in order to reduce the likelihood of someone acting out in a violent manner.

We must also foster open dialogue and understanding about the effects of gun violence on our society. Encouraging conversation at the community level will lead to a more caring, supportive atmosphere and help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health care.


The tragic reality is that we are all affected by gun violence, whether directly or indirectly. It’s essential that we recognize and address the far-reaching consequences of this epidemic in order to enact meaningful change. By working together, we can create a safer, more nurturing society for everyone – one where we don’t have to worry about letting someone else take a bullet for us.

Teaching Through Trauma


It is no secret that trauma can have lasting impacts on a person’s life, especially when it comes to learning and education. Traditional teaching methods may not be effective or appropriate for students who are dealing with the aftermath of traumatic experiences. In response to this issue, many educators are adopting a new approach to education called Teaching Through Trauma. This article aims to explore the concept of Teaching Through Trauma and its benefits for both students and teachers.

What is Teaching Through Trauma?

Teaching Through Trauma is an educational approach that focuses on understanding, recognizing, and addressing the impacts of trauma on students’ learning abilities and emotional well-being. This method centers around fostering a safe, supportive, and nurturing learning environment that caters to the unique needs of traumatized students. It involves a shift in teaching strategies and a focus on trauma-informed practices that cater to the diverse needs of all students.

The Importance of Teaching Through Trauma

1. Improved Learning Outcomes

Traumatized students often struggle with traditional classroom settings due to heightened anxiety, depression, difficulty concentrating, and other issues related to their past experiences. By adopting a trauma-informed approach to education, teachers can better understand these challenges and implement targeted strategies to address them. This could lead to improved learning outcomes for affected students.

2. Emotional Support

A primary aim of Teaching Through Trauma is providing emotional support for affected students in the classroom. Teachers who practice this method work towards establishing relationships based on trust and empathy with their students. This support network not only aids in healing but also helps build self-esteem and confidence in traumatized students.

3. Reducing School Dropouts

Trauma can often result in reduced school engagement for affected students, sometimes leading them to drop out altogether. A trauma-sensitive approach encourages these students to stay engaged in school by providing them with an environment that prioritizes safety, empathy, and support.

4. Preventing Re-Traumatization

Traditional disciplinary methods, such as exclusionary practices, can potentially re-traumatize students with a history of traumatic experiences. Teaching Through Trauma strives to prevent re-traumatization by adopting more restorative and inclusive disciplinary approaches.

5. Empowering Teachers

By embracing a trauma-informed educational approach, teachers can gain knowledge and skills that enable them to better navigate the unique challenges that come with working alongside traumatized students. This increased understanding and skillset can empower teachers in their daily practice and enhance their overall job satisfaction.


Teaching Through Trauma represents a significant paradigm shift in the world of education, one that seeks to create supportive, nurturing, and safe environments for all students – particularly those grappling with the aftermath of traumatic experiences. By understanding the importance of trauma-informed practice and implementing it within our classrooms, we can foster an educational system that acknowledges the unique challenges faced by affected students while promoting healing and better learning outcomes for all involved.

Help! I’m Having a Hardcore Case of Imposter Syndrome


Imposter Syndrome is the overwhelming feeling that one does not deserve their accomplishments and the fear of being exposed as a fraud. It can lead to self-doubt, anxiety, and stress. In today’s fast-paced world, it is not uncommon for people to experience this phenomenon. This article will explore the causes and symptoms of Imposter Syndrome and provide some practical advice on how to overcome it.

Causes of Imposter Syndrome

1. Perfectionism: People with imposter syndrome often set unrealistic goals for themselves and feel inadequate when they cannot achieve them. They may have trouble accepting praise or recognizing their accomplishments because they believe they could have done better.

2. Environment and upbringing: Those who grow up in families that place high expectations on success or have overprotective parents may be more susceptible to imposter syndrome.

3. Comparison to others: Constantly comparing oneself to others, whether through social media or in-person interactions, can contribute to feelings of inadequacy.

4. Starting a new endeavor: Beginning a new job, project, or learning experience can cause one to feel like an imposter if they think they are not qualified or knowledgeable enough for the task at hand.

Symptoms of Imposter Syndrome

1. Constant self-doubt

2. Feeling undeserving of success

3. Fear of failure

4. Dismissing compliments or positive feedback from others

5. Attributing accomplishment to luck rather than one’s efforts

6. Procrastination or over-preparation due to fear of not being “good enough”

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

1. Acknowledge your feelings: Recognizing that you are experiencing imposter syndrome is the first step toward overcoming it. Accepting these feelings as valid can allow you to process them more effectively.

2. Share your thoughts: Talking about your fears and doubts with someone you trust can provide a different perspective and help you better understand why you may be feeling this way.

3. Recognize your achievements: Take note of your successes and accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Appreciate the effort you put into achieving those goals and remind yourself of these achievements in times of self-doubt.

4. Set realistic expectations: It is essential to set achievable goals for yourself that challenge you but are not unattainable. Understand that perfection is not attainable and that it is okay to make mistakes.

5. Practice self-compassion: Treat yourself kindly and give yourself the same understanding, support, and forgiveness that you would extend to a close friend or family member.


Imposter Syndrome can be challenging to cope with, but recognizing its symptoms, understanding its causes, and employing the above strategies can help manage these feelings. Remember that nobody knows everything, and everyone has moments of doubt or insecurity. By practicing self-compassion, setting realistic expectations, and focusing on one’s achievements, it is possible to gain confidence and overcome Imposter Syndrome.

Embracing the #IAmMore Movement


In a world where social media often only showcases the perfect, polished aspects of people’s lives, it’s easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others. The #IAmMore movement is changing this narrative by encouraging individuals to embrace their true selves, value their unique qualities, and recognize that we are all more than our achievements or social media presence.

What is #IAmMore?

The #IAmMore movement began as a hashtag on social media platforms – a symbol for people to remind themselves and others that they are more than just a sum of their parts. The movement encourages individuals to share their stories, struggles, and triumphs, promoting a culture of empathy, understanding, and acceptance.

Breaking Free from Societal Norms:

Society often places heavy expectations on individuals – such as pursuing specific career paths or adhering to traditional gender roles – which can lead to feeling confined and losing touch with our authentic selves. The #IAmMore movement emphasizes that each person’s journey is unique, and measuring our worth by society’s standards doesn’t do justice to our true selves.

The Importance of Authenticity:

By sharing our authentic experiences and feelings with the world, we help shift the focus from superficial appearances to genuine connections. The #IAmMore movement stresses the importance of acknowledging that everyone faces struggles in life – whether it’s mental health challenges, financial difficulties or navigating identity issues – and these struggles don’t define our worth.

How to Participate in the #IAmMore Movement:

1. Share your story: Use the hashtag #IAmMore when you share your personal journey on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. Be open about your challenges and triumphs, allowing others to see that even those who appear “perfect” deal with obstacles too.

2. Support others: Engage with others who have shared their stories by leaving supportive comments, liking their posts, and sharing their message with your own network. Offer encouragement and remind people they are not alone in their journey.

3. Reject societal norms: Challenge expectations and standards that you or others may have been pressured to meet. Embrace individuality and celebrate the unique qualities that make you who you are.

4. Spread awareness: Educate others about the #IAmMore movement by talking to friends, family members, or coworkers. Share articles or videos that promote its goals and encourage others to participate.


The #IAmMore movement is a powerful reminder that we are more than what society expects from us – more than just our job titles, accomplishments, or physical appearances. By embracing our authenticity and supporting others along their journey, we can create a more compassionate world where everyone’s true potential shines. It’s time to break free from the constraints of societal norms and embrace the power of the #IAmMore mindset.

Tips For Onboarding New Teachers During a Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the teaching profession, altering the way educators prepare, teach, and interact with their students. One of the challenges during this time is the onboarding of new teachers. As schools continue to navigate these turbulent waters, it is essential to support and empower new faculty members while ensuring their integration into the school’s ecosystem. Here are some tips to help facilitate the onboarding process for new teachers during a pandemic.

1. Provide a Clear and Comprehensive Orientation

A detailed orientation program is crucial for new teachers. Provide an overview of the school’s policies, procedures, curriculum, expectations, and communication channels. Be sure to address any pandemic-specific guidelines such as remote teaching strategies or resources available for online education.

2. Offer Virtual Tours and Resources

In-person tours may not be possible due to social distancing measures. Instead, create a virtual tour showcasing classrooms and key areas of the school campus so new teachers can become familiar with their workspace. In addition, provide digital copies of handbooks, required forms, and resource materials so they can quickly access pertinent information.

3. Establish Regular Check-ins

New teachers may need additional support as they acclimate to changing educational landscapes during a pandemic. Schedule regular check-ins through video meetings or phone calls to discuss any concerns, answer questions or offer encouragement.

4. Encourage Collaboration and Peer Support

Pairing new teachers with experienced colleagues is invaluable as they navigate unfamiliar territory. These mentorships foster camaraderie and provide opportunities for collaboration in lesson planning, classroom management strategies, and technology utilization during remote learning.

5. Offer Professional Development Opportunities

Continuous professional development keeps teachers up-to-date on best practices in education and helps them adapt effectively to changing environments. Create ample opportunities for training focused on remote teaching strategies, addressing mental health concerns during these times or adapting curricula to better suit virtual learning experiences.

6. Provide Necessary Technological Support

As schools increasingly rely on remote learning, it is essential to ensure that new teachers have all necessary tools and support for online education. Make certain they have access to essential software, technology tutorials, training sessions, and IT assistance as needed.

7. Show Compassion and Acknowledge their Efforts

Emphasize the importance of self-care to new teachers and remind them that the current situation is unprecedented for everyone involved. Be understanding and empathetic as they adapt to these new circumstances, and help them acknowledge their progress and personal growth.


Onboarding new teachers during a pandemic presents unique challenges that require a thoughtful approach. By fostering a supportive environment, providing valuable resources, establishing mentorship programs, and ensuring access to professional development opportunities, schools can empower their faculty members to thrive despite these difficult times. Remember that we are all in this together as we strive for a brighter future for our students and educators alike.

5 Things I Am Giving Up This School Year

As the new school year approaches, many of us are reflecting on our past experiences and making resolutions to improve ourselves and our lifestyles. One way to make a positive change is by giving up certain habits or behaviors that hinder our success or well-being. In this article, I share five things I am giving up this school year in order to be more productive, focused, and balanced.

1. Procrastination

Procrastination has been a recurring problem throughout my academic life. It leads to increased stress and poorer performance on assignments and exams. This school year, I am determined to break this habit by setting personal deadlines, creating a study schedule, and holding myself accountable for staying on track.

2. Excessive Use of Technology

While technology can make our lives easier in many ways, I have found that it can also lead to countless distractions when it comes to studying and focusing. To reduce my dependence on technology, I plan to set limits on usage during study hours and opt for using traditional textbooks instead of digital resources whenever possible.

3. Overloading My Schedule

In an attempt to take advantage of every opportunity available, I often end up overloading my schedule with extracurricular activities, part-time work, and social engagements. This often results in a lack of focus on academics and limited time for relaxation or self-care. This year, I will prioritize my commitments based on what truly matters and make sure that there is ample time for studying as well as self-care.

4. Comparing Myself to Others

Constantly comparing myself to others has led me down a path of self-doubt and lowered self-esteem. This year, instead of focusing on the accomplishments of others, I will celebrate my own achievements – big or small – and focus on personal growth rather than competing with peers.

5. Neglecting Self-Care

Last but not least, this school year, I am making a conscious effort to prioritize self-care. By incorporating regular exercise, adequate sleep, and healthy eating habits into my daily routine, I hope to maintain a healthy balance between academic performance and personal well-being.

By giving up these habits and behaviors, I hope to make this school year more successful and fulfilling. Everyone’s journey is different, so I encourage you to reflect on your own habits and identify what adjustments you can make for a better school year ahead.

Help! I Have a Parent Screaming and Making Faces on Zoom. What Should I Do

As emerging technology has significantly blurred the lines between personal and professional lives, we are now facing unprecedented challenges that continue to affect our daily virtual routines. A prime example of this would be how to handle uncomfortable situations on video meetings, like a parent making a scene in the background while you’re on a Zoom call. Here are some tips on how to gracefully manage such a delicate situation without compromising your workplace reliability.

1. Keep Calm and Carry On

The first rule of thumb for handling any unexpected situation is to stay calm, even if your parent is causing a disturbance while you’re trying to concentrate on an important call. Showing embarrassment or agitation will only exacerbate the situation and draw more attention to it. Instead, maintain your composure and remain focused on the topic being discussed.

2. Mute Your Microphone

To minimize any disruption caused by a noisy background, promptly mute your microphone when not speaking. This simple act will help prevent background noise (like your parent’s shouting) from reaching your colleagues, ensuring that the meeting proceeds smoothly.

3. Use Background Blur or Virtual Background

By using video software tools like background blur or virtual backgrounds, you can effectively hide a nosy parent from view. This useful feature available in Zoom or Teams allows you to replace or obscure your backdrop with images or patterns that keep focus solely on you.

4. Address the Situation Offline

Immediately after the meeting, have an honest yet respectful conversation with your parent about their behavior. Explain that their actions were disruptive and impacted both your performance and professional image during the video conference. Ultimately, try to establish ground rules for when you’re working from home in an effort to avoid similar episodes in the future.

5. Speak with Your Supervisor

If incidents like these become recurrent problems that affect your work performance or professional relationships, consider discussing it with your supervisor. Remember to approach the topic calmly and professionally, address the steps you’ve taken to solve the issue, and request any further guidance.

6. Adjust Your Home Workspace

Lastly, consider adjusting your home workspace to minimize distractions. Look for potentially quieter, private spaces in your home that reduce the likelihood of nosy parents interrupting your meetings. It might also help to invest in noise-canceling headphones or a better-quality microphone to guarantee a more professional audio output during calls.

In conclusion, handling an unruly parent during a Zoom meeting is undeniably difficult, but it doesn’t have to spell disaster for your professional reputation. By staying calm, following these practical strategies, and initiating understanding communication with both your parent and your employer, you’ll be able to smoothly navigate similar situations down the line, maintaining a positive work-at-home experience.

There’s a Light at the End of the Tunnel, So Why Are We Still Exhausted


In recent months, we have seen promising developments, such as vaccination campaigns and easing of restrictions, indicating that there may be a light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. Yet, many people are still experiencing exhaustion and burnout due to pandemic-related stress. This article will explore why many individuals continue to feel fatigued despite signs of progress and what steps can be taken to overcome this mental and emotional strain.

The lingering effects of stress:

The pandemic has placed considerable stress on our lives. From job losses to social isolation, these significant changes have affected our mental health and well-being. While hope is on the horizon with the vaccine rollouts and the prospect of returning to normalcy, our bodies have not yet recovered from the prolonged exposure to anxiety and stress.

The physiological impact of prolonged stress:

When we experience stress, our body goes into a fight-or-flight mode, releasing hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Long-term stress can lead to an overproduction of these hormones, causing fatigue and chronic exhaustion. Our bodies are struggling to balance themselves after months of heightened stress levels, leaving us feeling drained.

Adjusting to new routines:

As pandemic restrictions begin to lift, we must adapt once again to evolving routines. Returning to work or school, getting used to wearing masks in public spaces, or practicing social distancing takes time and energy. While these measures may help control the spread of the virus, they can contribute to feelings of exhaustion.

Grieving for lost time:

Many people are also coming to terms with lost opportunities due to canceled travel plans or postponed celebrations. As we look back and grieve for missed experiences, it is natural for us to feel emotionally drained.

How can we combat this exhaustion?

To begin rebuilding our stamina and recovering from pandemic burnout:

1. Practice self-compassion: Understand that it is normal to feel exhausted and allow ourselves room to heal.

2. Focus on self-care: Develop healthy habits, such as regular exercise, meditation, or mindfulness practices to help manage stress levels.

3. Stay connected with others: Reach out and communicate with friends and family members, as social support is crucial in overcoming fatigue.

4. Take it one step at a time: Realize that adjusting to new routines might take a while; set realistic goals and expectations for yourself.

5. Seek professional help if needed: Don’t hesitate to reach out to mental health professionals if you’re finding it challenging to manage your feelings of exhaustion on your own.


While it may feel like the light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel is becoming ever brighter, this doesn’t mean our struggles are over just yet. It’s essential to acknowledge our exhaustion and implement steps for recovery so we can emerge stronger and more resilient when we return to normalcy.

How Two Teachers Are Supporting Teens’ Mental Health Right Now

In a time when teenagers are facing unprecedented challenges due to the global pandemic, two inspiring teachers have stepped up to provide support for their students’ mental health. Devoting their time and effort to create a nurturing environment, these educators go above and beyond to address the emotional and psychological needs of their students.

Mrs. Sarah Johnson and Mr. James Martin, both high school teachers, recognized the strain that remote learning and social isolation have placed on their students. As dedicated educators, they understood that teens need more than academic guidance during these trying times – they require emotional support as well.

To tackle this issue, Mrs. Johnson began by organizing regular online group discussions for her students. These virtual gatherings provided a safe space for teenagers to share their feelings and experiences, allowing them to discuss their anxieties, fears, and hopes openly. By fostering a sense of community among her students, Mrs. Johnson helped them feel connected even when physically apart.

Meanwhile, Mr. Martin chose a more individualized approach to help his students cope with mental health challenges. He set up one-on-one video calls with each student, initiating conversations about their emotional well-being and providing personalized resources for stress reduction and mental health support. By offering his undivided attention, Mr. Martin was able to build trust with his students, which led them to open up about their struggles freely.

These two compassionate teachers also understood that promoting mental health requires collaboration with other staff members at the school. Together they approached the administration to propose school-wide initiatives designed to destigmatize mental health issues among teenagers.

Quickly gaining traction, these initiatives included inviting guest speakers who spoke about various aspects of psychological well-being like stress management, self-esteem building exercises during in-class discussions or virtual meetings when remote learning took place. Additionally, teachers across different subjects incorporated elements of mindfulness and stress-reducing techniques into their lesson plans.

Both Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Martin’s efforts demonstrate that community building activities and mental health support should be an integral aspect of the educational landscape. By providing safe spaces for teenagers to express their feelings and equipping them with coping strategies, these two teachers have made a lasting impact on the well-being of their students.

In conclusion, the unprecedented circumstances brought about by the global pandemic have emphasized the importance of supporting our teens’ mental health. With dedicated teachers like Mrs. Sarah Johnson and Mr. James Martin paving the way for change in schools, we can hope for a more compassionate and emotionally resilient generation.