Middle School

15 Perspective Taking Activities for Middle School

As middle school students navigate the complex world of adolescence, it becomes crucial to develop their perspective-taking skills. These activities help students understand and empathize with others, improve their communication skills, and foster a climate of acceptance and respect. Here are 15 perspective-taking activities that can be easily implemented in middle school classrooms.

1. Role-Playing Scenarios: Create various social situations and have students act out different roles. This exercise allows them to step into another person’s shoes and imagine how they might feel or react.

2. Active Listening Exercises: Encourage students to engage in conversations where they attentively listen to each other’s viewpoint without interruptions or judgement.

3. Journaling: Ask students to write about a time when they had to see things from another person’s perspective. Reflective writing can help them internalize this skill.

4. Picture Books: Utilize picture books with stories that focus on diverse experiences and encourage discussions about characters’ emotions, motivations, and actions.

5. Two Sides Debate: Divide the class into two groups with opposing views on a topic, and educate them on both sides before initiating a debate where they must argue from the opposing perspective.

6. Perspective Swap Art: Have students create artwork that shows the same scene from two different perspectives to illustrate how things can appear differently depending on one’s point of view.

7. Shared Reading: Use novels or short stories with multiple narrators or viewpoints to demonstrate how individuals perceive situations differently.

8. Observational Role Play: Ask students to observe their peers during lunch or recess and then re-enact what they saw from that individual’s perspective.

9. Perspective Announcement: Post a daily or weekly scenario on the board for students to consider and then share their thoughts on how different people might feel about it.

10. Virtual Reality Experiences: Use technology, such as VR headsets, to immerse students in different environments where they can experience new perspectives.

11. Cultural Pen Pals: Pair students with peers from different cultural backgrounds and encourage them to exchange letters discussing their perspectives on various topics.

12. Gratitude Circle: Initiate a gratitude circle where students share something they’re grateful for and explain why. This activity allows students to gain insight into one another’s lives and the unique challenges they face.

13. Empathy Interviews: Assign students to conduct interviews with individuals who have experienced challenges or triumphs unique to them. The interviewees can be siblings, parents, teachers, or community members.

14. Collaborative Group Projects: Encourage students to work together on group assignments, ensuring that each person has a chance to lead, contribute, and express their point of view.

15. Perspective Challenges: Issue daily or weekly perspective-taking challenges such as trying something new, sitting with someone different at lunch, or engaging in activities that encourage empathy and open-mindedness.

Incorporating these perspective-taking activities into the middle school curriculum will not only enhance social-emotional learning but also improve students’ critical thinking abilities and overall well-being. By encouraging students to consider others’ viewpoints, a more inclusive, empathetic educational environment is created—one that fosters personal growth and prepares them for success in an interconnected world.

20 Jolly-good Christmas Reading Activities For Middle School

1. Christmas Mad Libs: Have students create their own mad libs using Christmas-themed vocabulary and stories. Share them with the class for a fun and educational laugh.

2. Reader’s Theater: Assign small groups of students to act out scenes from famous Christmas stories, such as “A Christmas Carol” or “The Polar Express.”

3. Book-to-Movie Comparisons: Watch a movie adaptation of a classic Christmas story and have students compare the book to the movie, discussing what they enjoyed in each version.

4. Themed Book Reports: Encourage students to read a holiday-themed book and write a book report with an emphasis on plot, characters, and themes.

5. Poetry Writing: Have students write their own Christmas poems using various literary techniques and forms like haiku, acrostic, or limerick.

6. Writing Santa Letters: In this creative writing exercise, students write letters to Santa Claus from the perspective of different characters in the books they’ve read.

7. Book Tree: Create a “book tree” in the classroom with holiday-themed books for silent reading time throughout December.

8. Holiday News Articles: Assign students to research historical events that occurred around Christmastime and write news reports on their findings.

9. Character Stocking Stuffers: Students pick characters from their favorite books and decide on the perfect Christmas gift for each one, explaining their choices in writing.

10. Reading by the Fire: Host a cozy classroom reading session with dimmed lights, soft music, and comfy seating as students read holiday-themed books of their choice.

11. Gift-wrapped Vocabulary: Wrap small gift boxes containing vocabulary words for students to unwrap and define during a vocabulary review game.

12. Sequencing Stories: Assemble jumbled scenes from famous Christmas stories on cut-out strips and have students put them in order based on plot events.

13. Carol-inspired Stories: Students choose a Christmas carol and write a short story inspired by the song’s lyrics or themes.

14. Christmas Book Swap: Organize a book swap where students bring in wrapped books to exchange with their classmates, promoting a love for reading across various genres.

15. Christmas Around the World: Assign countries to students who research their holiday traditions and read stories originating from these cultures, presenting their findings to the class.

16. Holiday Reading Challenge: Create a bingo board or checklist of Christmas-themed books for students to read over the break, offering small rewards for completed challenges.

17. Book Trailer Projects: Assign students the task of creating video trailers for holiday-themed books to persuade others to read them.

18. Scavenger Hunt: Have students hunt around the classroom or school library for holiday items related to books they have read, like stockings, ornaments, or quotes from stories.

19. Group Read Aloud: Choose a classic holiday story and take turns reading it aloud as a class, discussing plot events and literary elements as you go.

20. Book Character Snowball Fight: As a review game, write book characters’ names on paper snowballs and have students throw them at each other while answering questions about that character’s role in the story.

With these jolly-good Christmas reading activities, middle school students will find joy in literature during the festive season and expand their reading horizons with engaging themes and creative tasks.

20 Cause and Effect Activities for Middle School

1. Cause and Effect Card Matching: In this activity, students are given a set of cause cards and effect cards. They must match each cause with its corresponding effect.

2. Domino Effect Experiment: Demonstrate the domino effect using real dominos or by creating a chain reaction using books, blocks, or other classroom materials.

3. Historical Events Analysis: Students analyze historical events and identify the causes and effects involved in each event.

4. Create Your Own Story: Students write their own stories where they incorporate cause and effect relationships.

5. Cause and Effect Jigsaw Puzzle: Cut a set of cause and effect sentences into separate pieces; students must reassemble the puzzle by linking causes to their correct effects.

6. Environmentally Friendly Decisions: Students analyze different environmental scenarios and discuss the potential consequences of various actions.

7. Chain Reaction Presentations: Students present a chain reaction of events from history or literature to demonstrate cause and effect relationships.

8. Illustrating Cause and Effect: Have students create illustrations or comic strips to depict the cause and effect relationships in a story, science concept, or historical event.

9. “What If…” Scenarios: Students brainstorm alternative outcomes for various scenarios by changing one element of the situation.

10. Film Analysis: Analyze movies for cause and effect relationships by identifying key events that lead to other events occurring later in the plotline.

11. Cause And Effect In Advertising: Discuss advertisements with your class, determining what problems they offer solutions to (causes) and how those solutions will improve consumers’ lives (effects).

12. Connect The Dots Game: Students create their own list of causes and effects; classmates must determine which effects match with certain causes on different lists.

13. Fact or Fiction? Provide students with a mixture of real-world news headlines and fictional ones as well; they must determine if the cause results in that particular effect or if it’s a fabrication.

14. Science Lab Experiments: Design science experiments that involve cause and effect relationships, such as making a volcano erupt or creating a balloon-powered car.

15. Fishbone Diagrams: Teach students to identify root causes of problems using fishbone diagrams, where causes branch out from the main problem like fishbones.

16. Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Story: Create a story with multiple branches, allowing students to decide their own cause-and-effect paths.

17. Cause and Effect with Idioms: Discuss and analyze idioms that depict cause and effect relationships, such as “the straw that broke the camel’s back” or “an eye for an eye.”

18. Habit Building and Breaking: Discuss how habits are formed and broken through cause and effect relationships (positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, cues, etc.).

19. “Two Truths and a Lie” Game: Students create three cause-and-effect scenarios with two being real and one being false; classmates must determine which is the lie.

20. Rube Goldberg Machines: Have students design their own Rube Goldberg machines to understand how a series of actions can lead to a final effect.

Incorporating these engaging activities into your middle school lessons will not only help students better understand cause and effect relationships but also foster critical thinking skills that will benefit them throughout their educational and professional careers.

15 Unit Price Activities for Middle School

1. Introduction to Unit Price – Begin by introducing the concept of unit price and its importance in real-world situations like budgeting, shopping, and comparing products.

2. Grocery Store Comparison – Give students product advertisements from different grocery stores and have them calculate the unit price for each item. Then, ask students to compare the unit prices between the stores.

3. Coupons and Discounts – Teach students how calculating unit prices can help them assess the value of discounts and coupons when shopping for various items.

4. Price per Serving – Have students compute unit prices of recipes based on the cost of ingredients and number of servings per dish, highlighting healthy meal planning on a budget.

5. DIY Store Visit Activity – Take your students to a local store (or have them do this at home) to find real examples of products with their associated costs and quantities. Then have them calculate unit prices for each item.

6. Bulk vs. Individual Items – Compare the cost and unit price of buying items in bulk versus purchasing individual units, helping students determine which option offers a better deal.

7. Fraction and Decimal Conversion – Reinforce conversion skills by having students calculate unit prices using both fractions and decimals.

8. Online Shopping Comparison – In today’s digital age, comparing online store prices has never been easier! For this activity, instruct students to research their favorite products on various e-commerce websites and calculate the unit price for each.

9. Unit Price Game Show – Create a fun, competitive environment by hosting a game show-style activity where students take turns calculating unit prices of various items under a time constraint.

10. Math Art Project – Get creative with mathematics as students design posters that visually represent examples of different numbers expressed as unit prices.

11. Recipe Remix – Task learners with modifying recipes to obtain a lower ingredient cost while maintaining serving size, utilizing their newfound skill in calculating unit price.

12. Classroom Store Simulation – Set up a mock classroom store, stocking it with necessities and fun items. Allocate students a budget, and as they “shop,” they must determine the unit price of their selected items to stay within their budget.

13. Energy Usage Analysis – Incorporate environmental education by analyzing energy consumption of appliances and calculating the unit cost per hour or day.

14. Snack Bar Economics – Plan a snack bar for the school or class, requiring students to choose the best deals on snack items by comparing their unit prices.

15. Unit Price Relay Race – To encourage teamwork, set up relay race-style stations where small groups of students work together to solve unit price problems in a fun and time-sensitive scenario.

Incorporating these engaging activities into your middle school curriculum will not only make learning about unit prices more enjoyable but also equip students with valuable life skills that can be applied beyond the classroom.

24 Palm Sunday Activities for your Middle School Child


Palm Sunday, the day that marks the beginning of Holy Week, is a great opportunity for families to engage in meaningful activities together. For middle school children, it is essential to keep activities interesting and enjoyable while still teaching them about the significance of this special day. Here are 24 Palm Sunday activities for your middle school child to enjoy and learn from.

1. Palm leaf weaving – Teach your child how to weave palm leaves into crosses, hearts, or other shapes.

2. Resurrection Eggs – Create a set of resurrection eggs with symbols related to the Holy Week events.

3. Bible story scavenger hunt – Organize a scavenger hunt using clues based on bible stories.

4. Palm Sunday procession – Join or organize a local Palm Sunday parade within your community.

5. Jesus’ footsteps craft – Help your child make a craft representing Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.

6. Donkey craft – Create a donkey craft symbolizing the humble animal that Jesus rode on.

7. Bible trivia challenge – Put together Bible trivia questions about the Easter story for your kids to know more about the event.

8. Lenten promise jar – Encourage your child to make special promises during Lent and put them in a jar.

9. Songwriting – Write and perform an original song as a family based on the Palm Sunday story.

10. Holy Week timeline project – Illustrate the events of Holy Week in chronological order as an art project.

11. Dramatize the story – Organize or participate in a play or skit to act out the events of Palm Sunday.

12. Bake Hosanna bread- Learn how to bake traditional Hosanna bread with your children.

13. Palm Sunday word search- Create or find a word search featuring vocabulary from the Easter story.

14. Make a Holy Week banner- Design a banner with symbols relating to Palm Sunday and Holy Week.

15. Watch a movie – Choose a family-friendly movie that portrays the Easter story to watch together.

16. Create a prayer journal – Encouraging your child to keep a prayer journal during the Lenten season.

17. Learn about Palm Sunday traditions around the world – Educate your child on how different cultures and countries celebrate Palm Sunday.

18. Serve at a soup kitchen – Volunteer as a family at a local soup kitchen or shelter to practice the spirit of service.

19. Paint rock art – Paint palm branches, donkeys, or other symbols related to Palm Sunday on rocks and display them.

20. Scripture reading- Read the biblical account of Palm Sunday and discuss its significance with your child.

21. “Hosanna” praise dance- Choreograph a dance with your children based on the “Hosanna” theme of Palm Sunday.

22. Attend church service together- Make it a point to attend Palm Sunday mass with your family, focusing on the spiritual aspect of the day.

23. Create Easter cards with palm leaves– Make handmade cards for friends and family with palm leaves attached as decorations.

24. Reflect and discuss- Share personal reflections about Palm Sunday and Holy Week with your middle school child, encouraging open dialogue.


These 24 Palm Sunday activities will not only keep your middle school child engaged but will also teach them about the importance and meaning behind this significant religious day. Encourage participation and open communication as you explore these activities, creating memories that will last for years to come.

Primary Assembly: A Spotlight on Lloyd Coleman


Acclaimed composer, arranger, and musician, Lloyd Coleman, has a truly unique talent – the ability to seamlessly blend his personal experiences with traditional composition techniques to create strikingly original music. In this article, we will dive deep into Coleman’s journey, his contributions to the world of music, and understand the significance of his “Primary Assembly” performance.

In the Beginning

Lloyd Coleman grew up in Cheltenham, England, where he discovered his love for music at an early age. Born with both hearing and visual disabilities, Coleman utilizes these challenges in a rather constructive manner to sculpt his music in an entirely distinct way. As a talented multi-instrumentalist and gifted singer-songwriter, Coleman has defied all barriers thrown up by his disabilities.

His Education and Career

Coleman studied at the prestigious Royal Academy of Music and furthered his education at the University of Southampton. Defining moments in his career include being appointed as associate composer for the Paraorchestra in 2016 and working as a researcher and presenter for BBC Radio 3 series ‘The Listening Service.’

His compositions trace themes such as multiculturalism, human rights activism, and celebrating unconventional perspectives in art. His work has garnered attention from venues like Cadogan Hall, The Sage Gateshead, St. George’s Bristol, and Queen Elizabeth Hall.

Primary Assembly: The Masterpiece

‘Primary Assembly,’ created by Lloyd Coleman for the Paraorchestra ensemble in 2014, is an outstanding example of how he infuses his powerful sonic narratives with themes such as multiculturalism and community resilience. It incorporates non-western instruments like bamboo flutes from Ghana and sultry reeds from Thailand.

The composition explores several styles and textures to create a dynamic narrative about acceptance through sound. With skilled musicianship from each player, ‘Primary Assembly’ embodies unity among its participants – conveying a message of connection and empowerment.

On a larger scale, the piece tells compelling stories and engages the audience by integrating complex themes with mesmerizing harmonies. It truly captures Coleman’s unique ability to weave his personal experiences into his music while remaining approachable for any listener.


Lloyd Coleman’s art demonstrates that limitations do not define the capacity of an individual’s talent and creativity. With ‘Primary Assembly,’ he has successfully carved out a space in the world where his voice can be heard and his work appreciated. He continues to inspire audiences all over the world, breaking barriers and redefining what it means to be a composer in today’s world.

20 Middle School Newspaper Ideas: How to Start One

Starting a middle school newspaper club can be a fun and engaging way to foster creativity, hone writing skills, and keep students informed about what’s happening in their community. From interesting articles to exciting updates and stories, there is no shortage of ideas available for your middle school newspaper. Here are 20 ideas to get you started:

1. School News: Keep students updated on important events, such as dances, fundraisers, sporting events, and PTA meetings.

2. Student Interviews: Feature different students each issue, providing a platform for them to share their thoughts and experiences.

3. Teacher Profiles: Highlight the educators who make your school special with interviews and short biographies.

4. Opinion Pieces: Encourage students to express their opinions on topics relevant to their community or the world in general.

5. Book Reviews: Offer recommendations for new books to read based on recent releases or student favorites.

6. Club Updates: Encourage club leaders to share updates on their activities and achievements.

7. Recipes & DIY Projects: Include step-by-step instructions for simple recipes or crafts that students can try at home.

8. Sports Results & Highlights: Recap recent games, matches, and competitions, spotlighting key players and moments.

9. Creative Writing Corner: Publish original poems, short stories, or essays by students.

10. Historical Features: Explore the history of your school or local community in a series of articles.

11. Advice Column: Designate a student or teacher as the resident advice-giver, responding to anonymous inquiries from readers.

12. Comic Strips & Illustrations: Showcase the talents of artistically-inclined students with original comics or drawings.

13. Science & Technology Updates: Share the latest news surrounding innovations in science and technology that might interest middle schoolers.

14. Study Tips & Tricks: Provide advice on ways to improve study habits and succeed academically.

15. Quizzes & Puzzles: Entertain readers with crossword puzzles, trivia quizzes, or word searches.

16. Movie & TV Reviews: Recap popular new movies or TV shows that students are watching.

17. Environmental News & Tips: Educate students on ways to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle and local environmental initiatives.

18. School Surveys: Conduct surveys to gauge student opinions on various topics and share the results in the newspaper.

19. Fashion & Style Trends: Keep readers informed about the latest fashion and style trends specific to middle schoolers.

20. Behind-the-scenes looks at school events: Provide insight into what goes on behind the scenes of school productions, concerts, or other events.

By incorporating a variety of these ideas into your middle school newspaper, you’ll create a diverse and engaging publication that appeals to a wide range of interests. Start assembling your team of writers, editors, and designers today and begin crafting a newspaper that will serve as a source of education and entertainment for your school community.

25 Speed Activities for Middle School


Speed activities play a significant role in the development of middle school students, helping them to improve their physical abilities, motor skills, and social interaction. These activities provide fun ways to challenge and engage students while fostering healthy habits. In this article, we present 25 speed activities that are perfect for middle school students.

1. Relay Races: Divide students into teams and set up a relay race to encourage teamwork and speed.

2. Sprints: Organize short sprinting contests to improve running technique and stimulate healthy competition.

3. Jump rope competitions: Challenge students with individual or team-based timed jump rope sessions.

4. Red Light, Green Light: In this classic game, students listen for commands to start or stop running.

5. Sharks and Minnows: Students attempt to avoid being “eaten” by chasing sharks in this fast-paced game.

6. Capture the Flag: Teams strategize how to capture the opposing team’s flag while defending their own in this rapid action outdoor activity.

7. Obstacle Courses: Create obstacle courses that require quick maneuvering through various types of equipment and pathways.

8. Four Square: A popular playground game where participants bounce balls within designated squares to eliminate opponents.

9. Tug-of-War: Test teamwork and endurance with this traditional game of strength and speed.

10. Dodgeball: Improve agility and accuracy as teams throw balls at each other, attempting to hit opponents without being hit themselves.

11. Frisbee Golf: This disc-throwing sport combines elements of golf and ultimate Frisbee — great for practicing hand-eye coordination.

12. Freeze Tag: Combining tag with freeze dancing encourages quick reflexes as players aim not to get caught standing still.

13. Speed Ladders: Training tool used in athletic drills designed to improve speed, agility, and coordination by stepping between rungs while maintaining proper form.

14. Parachute Games: Participating in parachute games is fun and encourages teamwork while focusing on speed and coordination.

15. Soccer Dribble: Improve foot control and agility dribbling a soccer ball through cones.

16. Simon Says: Players try to keep up with the leader’s commands, which helps develop mental agility and sharp reaction time coordination.

17. Basketball Speed Drills: These drills require quick movement around the court, making sharp cuts and precise passes.

18. Hopscotch: A childhood favorite that helps improve balance, coordination, and jumping ability as players hop through the squares.

19. Skblitz: A fast-paced competitive skateboarding game involving speed, balance and dexterity on a skateboard.

20. Swimming Races: Increase swimming speed through relay races and individual challenges in the pool.

21. Speed Ball: A mix between handball and soccer, where students must maintain their speed and precision to score goals.

22. Pop-Up Running Drills: Quick movements in different directions enhance coordination while increasing sprinting ability.

23. Time Trials: Set up short races to see who can complete them in the fastest time possible.

24. Flag Football: Develop quick reflexes avoiding opposing defenders while running down the field to catch a pass or defending against offense.

25. Yard Dash: Challenge students to complete short sprints across a marked-off area on the school field, building strength, endurance, and speed.


Incorporating speed activities into middle school curricula fosters an engaging environment for students to develop invaluable physical skills while having fun. With these 25 activities, your middle school students will be well on their way to becoming faster, stronger, and more coordinated individuals – all while fostering a sense of camaraderie through team-based exercises!

24 Engaging Earth Day Activities for Middle School

Earth Day is an annual event that encourages individuals worldwide to learn more about the environment and seek ways to protect it. As a teacher, you can use this day to inspire your middle school students to engage in various activities that promote environmental awareness. Here are 24 Earth Day activities designed to educate and motivate your students:

1. Plant a Tree: Organize a tree planting event on school grounds or another suitable location.

2. Create Upcycled Art: Encourage students to create art using discarded materials like plastic bottles, cardboard, or old fabrics.

3. Start a Recycling Program: If your school doesn’t have one already, initiate a recycling program and provide guidelines for proper recycling practices.

4. Nature Hike Field Trip: Arrange a field trip to a local park or nature reserve where students can learn about native flora and fauna.

5. Environmental Documentary Screening: Host a screening of an environmental documentary appropriate for middle schoolers, such as “An Inconvenient Truth” or “Chasing Coral.”

6. DIY Bird Feeders: Have students create their bird feeders using recycled materials like tin cans or plastic bottles.

7. Climate Change Debate: Organize a debate on climate change’s effects on our planet, allowing students to research both sides of the argument.

8. Trash-Free Lunch Challenge: Encourage students to bring waste-free lunches in reusable containers.

9. School Garden Project: Begin designing and planting a garden at your school that incorporates native plant species.

10. Environmental Pledge: Have students create and sign an environmental pledge outlining actions they commit to taking in order to live more sustainably.

11. Class Presentations on Endangered Species: Assign each student an endangered species, and have them present their findings on the species’ habitat, threats, and conservation efforts required.

12. Writing Prompts on Environmental Themes: This could include short stories, poems, or essays.

13. Green Technology Research: Instruct students to research the latest green technologies and present their findings to the class.

14. Energy Conservation Campaign: Educate students on energy conservation practices and encourage them to implement these practices at home.

15. Eco-Friendly Product Design Contest: Hold a contest for students to design an eco-friendly product or packaging.

16. Bicycle Challenge: Encourage students to ride their bikes to school during Earth Day week.

17. Environmental Guest Speaker: Invite a local environmental advocate to speak with your students about their career and experiences in the field.

18. Neighborhood Cleanup Project: Organize a cleanup day with your class, picking up litter and debris from nearby streets, parks, or waterways.

19. Earth Day Pictionary: Create an Earth Day-themed Pictionary game where students must draw environment-related terms or concepts.

20. Adopt-a-Park Program: Partner with a local park or nature reserve to help maintain its beauty by periodically collecting trash, planting trees, or maintaining trails.

21. Reduce Single-Use Plastic Usage: Provide reusable water bottles for each student and encourage them to bring them every day instead of disposable plastic bottles.

22. Solar Oven Pizza Party: Build solar ovens using cardboard boxes and cook homemade pizzas using the power of the sun!

23. Green Careers Exploration: Invite professionals from environmentally-focused career fields to speak with your students about their jobs and how they make a positive impact on the environment.

24. Rain Barrel Workshop: Teach your students about rainwater harvesting by creating rain barrels that collect water for use in school gardens or other projects.

By incorporating these engaging Earth Day activities into your curricula, you can encourage middle school students to take ownership of their environment and understand the importance of preserving our planet for future generations. Happy Earth Day!

We Put on a Middle School Musical in 8 Days: Here’s What We Learned

At first glance, the idea of organizing and performing a middle school musical in just 8 days seems nearly impossible. Still, through sheer determination, creativity, and teamwork, we managed to pull it off. Here’s what we learned throughout this incredible experience.

1. Time Management Is Crucial

With only 8 days to accomplish everything, we quickly realized the importance of proper time management. We created a detailed schedule that covered auditions, rehearsals, costume fittings, set design, tech setup, and last-minute run-throughs. This allowed us to make the most of every single minute.

2. Collaboration Makes It Happen

This tight deadline forced us to rely on each other more than ever. Students, teachers, and volunteers came together to build sets, create costumes and props and perfect the choreography. The sense of camaraderie that developed among our team was genuinely inspiring.

3. Creativity Knows No Bounds

With limited resources and time, we found new ways to overcome obstacles. For example, when faced with a shortage of materials for set design, we got creative with how we painted and arranged backgrounds to use less material while still achieving our desired effect.

4. Students Learn More Than Just Theater Skills

Though the students honed their acting, singing, and dancing talents during this process, they also developed valuable life skills such as problem-solving and adaptability. As challenges cropped up throughout the week — forgotten lines or missing props — students quickly adapted and became resourceful in their solutions.

5. Encourage Mistakes

Under such intense pressure with little room for error, some mistakes were inevitable. Rather than dwelling on these road bumps during our journey, we embraced them as learning opportunities and focused on moving forward.

6. Celebrate Mini-Milestones

To keep morale high during this whirlwind experience, we regularly celebrated small accomplishments like a completed set or a successful rehearsal. These mini-celebrations helped us stay motivated and reminded us of what we had achieved so far.

7. Trust Your Team

When time is limited, you simply cannot micromanage every single aspect, so trusting your team is vital. This not only allows everyone to contribute their unique talents but also builds a more cohesive group dynamic..

8. Anything Is Possible

Perhaps the most significant lesson we learned during our 8-day journey was that anything is possible with dedication, passion, and teamwork.

Pulling off a middle school musical in just eight days was no easy feat, but our experience has shown that it can be done with planning, collaboration, and determination. The lessons we’ve learned extend beyond the theater walls and into everyday life. So next time you’re faced with an impossible task, remember—anything is possible!