
These Outrageous Parent Requests of Teachers Will Make Your Brain Explode


Being a teacher is no easy feat, especially when dealing with overbearing parents who seem to have unrealistic expectations or outrageous requests. Here are some eyebrow-raising parent requests that teachers had to deal with, making the education sector a whole new bag of challenges.

1. Can You Babysit My Child After School?

One parent had the audacity to ask a teacher if they would babysit their child after school hours. Not only is this request inappropriate, but it also disregards the boundaries between professional and personal life. Teachers are not babysitters, they are educators doing an important job.

2. Can You Adjust My Child’s Grade to an A?

Yes, you read that right! A parent once asked a teacher to change their child’s grade from a B+ to an A simply because they thought their child deserved better. Demanding such preferential treatment undermines the grading process and creates an unfair environment for other students.

3. Please Teach Only Vegetarian Food in Cooking Class

In a cooking class meant to expose children to different food cultures and ingredients, one parent requested that only vegetarian dishes be taught. While being conscious of dietary choices is vital, it is unreasonable to impose personal preferences on others in this manner.

4. Can My Child Skip Homework or Exams due to Extracurricular Activities?

Parents often want their children to engage in various activities beyond academics. However, asking for exemptions from homework or exams because of extracurricular engagements is asking too much from already overstretched teachers.

5. Contact Me Immediately if My Child Gets a Low Score

While concern for your child’s academic progress is understandable, demanding immediate contact for every minor blip puts undue stress on teachers. With so many students under their watch, this request can add unwarranted pressure on educators.

6. Allow Extra Screen Time During Class

In our increasingly digital world, screen time management has become a pressing concern for parents and educators alike. However, a parent asking a teacher to permit their child to have extended screen time during class hours for entertainment purposes is completely unreasonable.


Teachers are entrusted with molding young minds into responsible adults. While parent involvement in education is essential, crossing boundaries with outlandish requests only impedes the learning process. By understanding and respecting the role teachers play in our children’s lives, we can foster healthier relationships and better educational experiences for everyone involved.

Help! I Have a Parent Screaming and Making Faces on Zoom. What Should I Do?

As emerging technology has significantly blurred the lines between personal and professional lives, we are now facing unprecedented challenges that continue to affect our daily virtual routines. A prime example of this would be how to handle uncomfortable situations on video meetings, like a parent making a scene in the background while you’re on a Zoom call. Here are some tips on how to gracefully manage such a delicate situation without compromising your workplace reliability.

1. Keep Calm and Carry On

The first rule of thumb for handling any unexpected situation is to stay calm, even if your parent is causing a disturbance while you’re trying to concentrate on an important call. Showing embarrassment or agitation will only exacerbate the situation and draw more attention to it. Instead, maintain your composure and remain focused on the topic being discussed.

2. Mute Your Microphone

To minimize any disruption caused by a noisy background, promptly mute your microphone when not speaking. This simple act will help prevent background noise (like your parent’s shouting) from reaching your colleagues, ensuring that the meeting proceeds smoothly.

3. Use Background Blur or Virtual Background

By using video software tools like background blur or virtual backgrounds, you can effectively hide a nosy parent from view. This useful feature available in Zoom or Teams allows you to replace or obscure your backdrop with images or patterns that keep focus solely on you.

3. Address the Situation Offline

Immediately after the meeting, have an honest yet respectful conversation with your parent about their behavior. Explain that their actions were disruptive and impacted both your performance and professional image during the video conference. Ultimately, try to establish ground rules for when you’re working from home in an effort to avoid similar episodes in the future.

4. Speak with Your Supervisor

If incidents like these become recurrent problems that affect your work performance or professional relationships, consider discussing it with your supervisor. Remember to approach the topic calmly and professionally, address the steps you’ve taken to solve the issue, and request any further guidance.

5. Adjust Your Home Workspace

Lastly, consider adjusting your home workspace to minimize distractions. Look for potentially quieter, private spaces in your home that reduce the likelihood of nosy parents interrupting your meetings. It might also help to invest in noise-canceling headphones or a better-quality microphone to guarantee a more professional audio output during calls.

In conclusion, handling an unruly parent during a Zoom meeting is undeniably difficult, but it doesn’t have to spell disaster for your professional reputation. By staying calm, following these practical strategies, and initiating understanding communication with both your parent and your employer, you’ll be able to smoothly navigate similar situations down the line, maintaining a positive work-at-home experience.

8 Promises I’m Making to My Family This School Year

As summer comes to an end, the anticipation and excitement for the new school year begins. It’s time to reassess our goals and priorities as a family and embark on yet another academic journey. With this in mind, I’ve decided to make 8 promises to my family this school year to ensure we have the most successful and enriching experience possible.

1. Consistent Family Time

While focusing on academics is imperative, it’s equally essential to make time for family bonding. I promise to set aside at least one evening per week for us to enjoy quality time together, whether it be sharing a family meal, playing board games, or simply talking and reflecting on our days.

2. Open Communication

Life can get busy and overwhelming at times, particularly during the school year. I vow to maintain open lines of communication with each family member, giving them the space and opportunity to discuss any challenges or concerns they may be facing.

3. Maintaining Routines

Routines provide comfort, stability, and make our day-to-day lives more manageable. I commit to establishing and maintaining consistent routines for bedtime, morning preparations, homework, and other essential tasks that can ease stress and promote a sense of calm throughout our home.

4. Supporting Extra-Curricular Activities

School isn’t just about academics; it’s also an opportunity for personal growth and development. I pledge to support each child’s extracurricular interests by attending events whenever possible and helping them balance their academic responsibilities.

5. Practicing Gratitude

Fostering a mindset of gratitude can lead to increased happiness and resilience in the face of adversity. I promise to encourage each family member to practice gratitude daily by sharing something they’re thankful for at dinnertime or before bed.

6. Modeling Accountability

As parents, it’s crucial that we model accountability for our children by admitting mistakes when we make them and demonstrating how to learn from those errors. This year, I commit to being more open about my own learning process and growing alongside my children.

7. Prioritizing Health and Wellness

Health and wellness are vital aspects of our well-being. This year, I promise to prioritize physical activity, nutritious meals, and sufficient sleep for our family.

8. Encouraging Academic Excellence

Finally, I pledge to support each child’s academic pursuits by providing them with the resources they need to succeed. Whether it be a quiet space for studying or a helping hand in preparing for tests, I will be there every step of the way.

By committing to these eight promises, I hope to create an atmosphere at home that fosters personal growth, communication, and a mindset of success for our family this school year. Here’s to a productive and memorable year ahead!

5 Things I’ve Learned From The Parent Who Hates Me


Growing up, I always had a  complicated relationship with one of my parents. Despite the hurt and bitterness that stemmed from their resentment, I’ve managed to learn several valuable lessons from this difficult experience. Here are five things I’ve learned from the parent who hates me:

1. Resilience:

Navigating the treacherous waters of a toxic parent-child relationship has taught me the crucial importance of resilience. As humans, it is our ability to bounce back from adversity that enables us to grow stronger and wiser during the journey called life.

2. Empathy:

Experiencing rejection from a person who is supposed to love you unconditionally makes you more understanding of others in similar situations. This has helped me develop empathy for people who might be struggling with their own personal battles, enabling me to provide support and encouragement wherever needed.

3. Set boundaries:

One major lesson I’ve learned from having a tumultuous relationship with my parent is the need to set boundaries. Establishing clear limits on what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior can work wonders in safeguarding your mental health, helping you maintain enough distance to avoid getting hurt.

4. Forgiveness:

Living with the hurt caused by a resentful parent can act as an emotional anchor and hamper personal growth. Learning how to forgive them for their actions doesn’t mean condoning their behavior; instead, it’s about releasing negativity and freeing yourself from lingering hatred.

5. Strive for self-improvement:

Instead of succumbing to bitterness, use your experiences as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. By focusing on bettering yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically, you’ll not only rise above the toxic influence of your past but also ensure you don’t inherit those traits and repeat similar patterns in future relationships.


Life doesn’t always deal us the perfect cards, and facing animosity from a parent is heartbreakingly crushing. Nevertheless, drawing strength from these lessons has made me who I am today. As you walk your own path, remember that overcoming hardships can foster growth, understanding, and wisdom.

Teachers Share the Funniest Things Kids Have Shared About Their Parents


Teachers often find themselves in hilarious situations when they hear the candid and unfiltered thoughts of their students. Sometimes, these moments come in the form of kids innocently sharing stories about their parents that leave teachers laughing uncontrollably. In this article, we’ve compiled some of the funniest instances where children have unwittingly revealed entertaining tidbits about their family lives.

1. Dad’s Identity Crisis

In a kindergarten class, a teacher asked her students what their fathers did for a living. When it was little Timmy’s turn, he responded confidently, “My dad is a stripper and dances for ladies at night!” The teacher struggled to contain her laughter and later contacted Timmy’s mother to share the story. As it turned out, Timmy’s father was a sales representative who occasionally performed magic tricks at parties.

2. Cooking Disasters

During a parent-teacher conference, a 6-year-old girl revealed that her father had once tried to make breakfast in bed for her mother on Mother’s Day. In his enthusiasm, he mistakenly used salt instead of sugar in the pancake mix, resulting in an inedible disaster. The girl gleefully shared that her mother pretended to enjoy the pancakes despite their terrible taste.

3. The Mystery of Mom’s Age

A primary school teacher asked her students how old they believed their mothers were. One boy guessed his mom was 65 years old, stating that she looked really old because she had a lot of wrinkles on her face. Upon meeting the boy’s young-looking mother at the next parent-teacher conference, the teacher was stunned by how far off the child’s estimation had been.

4. Bathroom Secrets Revealed

A second-grade student informed his teacher that his mom always spent hours locked away in the bathroom with dozens of small bottles and tubes – a revelation that both puzzled and amused the teacher. It turned out that the child was describing his mother’s painstaking skincare routine, which required her to use numerous toners, creams, and serums daily.

5. Bizarre Bedtime Story

During a discussion about favorite bedtime stories, one little girl disclosed that her father read her bedtime stories from a big yellow book filled with strange symbols and numbers. The teacher became curious and asked if she could see the book at the next parent-teacher meeting. To her amusement, she discovered the father had been reading stock market quotes from an old copy of the Financial Times to help his daughter fall asleep!


As these anecdotes demonstrate, children’s innocent and unfiltered perspectives can often lead to some of the funniest revelations about their parents. While these moments might make parents cringe or sigh in disbelief, they ultimately serve as priceless reminders that kids genuinely observe and admire the world around them – even when it comes to their parents’ quirks and foibles.

10 Things Only a Teacher Mom Will Understand  

1. The art of multitasking

Being a teacher mom means mastering the delicate balance between grading papers, preparing lesson plans, and fulfilling your duties as a parent. It’s not always easy, but it’s something that only teacher moms can fully appreciate and understand.

2. The importance of organized chaos

A teacher’s classroom often looks like organized chaos, and the same principle applies to the home of a teacher mom. There’s a method to the madness, and while it might not always look tidy or orderly, rest assured there is organization beneath the surface.

3. Constantly playing dual roles

Teacher moms are constantly walking the tightrope of their two roles—educator and parent. They’re responsible for their students’ well-being in the classroom just as their kids’ happiness at home – and sometimes it’s hard to separate those roles.

4. Emotions running high during parent-teacher conferences

During parent-teacher conferences, teacher moms understand the struggle of separating their emotions as a mom from their professionalism as an educator. Navigating these conversations with parents can be especially challenging when you’re keenly aware of both perspectives.

5. Homework is family time

When you’re both a mom and an educator, homework time often means sitting down with your own kids as well as helping your students during afterschool hours. This unique multitasking experience gives teacher moms insights on different aspects of learning at home.

6. Knowing that education starts at home

As both an educator and a parent, teacher moms deeply understand the importance of fostering a love for learning in their children from a young age. Reinforcing educational values at every opportunity is something they consider vital to raising well-rounded kids.

7. Double whammy vacation guilt

Teacher moms experience twofold guilt when taking vacations: not only do they feel guilty about leaving behind their students but also their family responsibilities. However, they understand the importance of self-care for their own well-being and that of the family.

8. A never-ending supply of stationery

The love for stationery extends from the classroom into the home for teacher moms. The abundance of colorful pens, markers, sticky notes, and other supplies is not only helpful for teaching purposes but also finds its way into everyday household use.

9. “Teacher voice” kicking in at home

Teacher moms sometimes inadvertently use their authoritative “teacher voice” at home, too. While it might help maintain order in the classroom, it can lead to giggles or eye-rolls from their own kids at home.

10. Understanding the power of growth mindset

As experienced educators, teacher moms recognize the importance of fostering a growth mindset in their students as well as in their children. They embrace challenges and setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow, instilling this invaluable life skill in both groups.

In conclusion, being a teacher mom is a unique experience that brings with it numerous challenges and joys. These 10 aspects are just a glimpse into the daily life and understanding that only those holding both roles can fully appreciate.

Free Poster: Life Skills Every Teen Should Know


Teen years can be filled with exciting transitions and new experiences. However, they often come with various challenges in terms of personal development, growing responsibilities, and decision-making. To help both teens and their guardians navigate this critical period, we created a free poster highlighting essential life skills. These skills not only empower teenagers to face the hurdles of adolescence but also set them up for success in their adult lives.

Skill 1: Time Management

One of the most valuable life skills every teen should learn is time management. Knowing how to efficiently allocate time for tasks like schoolwork, chores, extracurricular activities, and socializing ensures a productive and well-balanced life. Effective time management also reduces stress levels, allowing teens to be more focused on their priorities.

Skill 2: Money Management

Financial literacy is crucial during teenage years, as it teaches teens about budgeting, saving, and making informed financial decisions. Gaining proficiency in money management early on equips them with knowledge that will significantly benefit their adult lives and future financial endeavors.

Skill 3: Effective Communication

Communication is key to building healthy relationships and professional networks. By learning how to express themselves clearly and actively listen to others, teens develop empathy and understanding towards varying perspectives. This skill is an essential foundation for establishing good rapport in personal and professional settings.

Skill 4: Critical Thinking

Critical thinking involves evaluating information objectively and making logical conclusions based on evidence. This skill helps teens make well-informed decisions in various aspects of life, including academics, career choices, and interpersonal relationships.

Skill 5: Problem-Solving

Life will inevitably bring unexpected challenges and complications. Learning how to effectively address these situations involves creative thinking, reasoning, negotiation skills, resilience, and adaptability. Problem-solving skills enable teens to approach challenges with confidence and find feasible solutions.

Skill 6: Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence encompasses the ability to identify, understand, manage and express one’s emotions in a healthy manner. Having strong emotional intelligence helps teens navigate social situations better, build meaningful relationships, and manage stress.

Skill 7: Cooking

Learning how to cook is not only a practical skill but also a great way to instill independence and self-sufficiency in teens. Knowing how to prepare healthy and delicious meals serves as an essential foundation for maintaining a wholesome lifestyle as they transition into adulthood.

Skill 8: Basic First Aid

Acquiring basic first aid knowledge can be a lifesaver in unforeseen situations. Teens should be aware of essential skills like CPR, Heimlich maneuver, and wound care—knowledge that could help save their own life or someone else’s.


Equipping teenagers with these vital life skills can significantly contribute to their well-being and success in the future. By providing them with the tools, guidance, and support they need, we set them on a path to becoming well-rounded adults ready to face life’s challenges with confidence. Download our free poster as a reminder of these crucial skills and encourage today’s teens to learn and practice them.

Help! I Got Mad at a Parent and Sent Them a Rude Email


Maintaining healthy relationships with the parents of children you interact with, either in a school setting or extracurricular activities, is crucial for creating a harmonious environment. But what happens when emotions run high, and you end up sending a rude email to a parent? This article will walk you through the steps to recover from such an incident gracefully and work to rebuild trust.

1. Accept responsibility and apologize

Once you realize that you have sent a rude email, take responsibility for your actions. Admitting your mistake is important. Compose a thoughtful, sincere apology email addressing the parent, acknowledging the specific content that was harsh or impolite. Whenever possible, follow up with a face-to-face or phone apology to show genuine remorse for your actions.

2. Reflect on the reasons for your frustration

Think about what triggered your emotions in that particular situation. Identifying the reason might help in avoiding future outbursts. Was it unaddressed frustration from previous encounters with this parent or unrelated stress from your personal life? Understanding the cause of your anger can help prevent similar situations in the future.

3. Initiate communication with the parent

Re-establishing communication with the parent is essential for moving forward and rebuilding trust after the incident. Be open, honest, and willing to listen to their perspective and feelings about the situation. The affected parent may need some time to process everything before being ready to communicate. Respect their needs and keep lines of communication open for when they want to discuss it further.

4. Develop an action plan together

Invite the parent to join you in developing a mutually beneficial action plan to address any concerns raised by both parties. This plan should promote healthy communication between you two while resolving any issues which led to the incident in question. Ensure that both parties have regular check-ins and are committed to the plan for a successful resolution.

5. Seek advice from a mentor or colleague

Getting an objective perspective from someone with experience, like a mentor or colleague, can help you identify any blind spots or issues in your communication style. They may also provide guidance on how to better handle challenging situations in the future and ways to keep your emotions in check.

6. Reflect on your behavior and develop emotional intelligence

Take the time to reflect on your behavior and emotions that led to sending the rude email. Look for patterns of emotional responses in similar circumstances and work on developing strategies to manage those emotions more effectively. Seeking help from a therapist or counselor might assist in addressing personal emotions and building better interpersonal skills.


Mistakes do happen, and it is common for emotions to get the best of us occasionally. Recognizing your mistake, apologizing sincerely, and working on self-improvement are crucial steps to rebuild trust with the affected parent. Being proactive in maintaining open communication lines, seeking advice from trusted colleagues, and developing better emotional intelligence can help prevent such incidents from recurring.managing emotions

24 Adorable Preschool Jokes Your Kids Will Love

Are you always on the lookout for ways to entertain your young ones and keep them giggling all the way? Look no further. We’ve compiled a list of 24 adorable preschool jokes that will not only make your kids laugh but also provide a joyful bonding experience for the whole family.

  1. Why did the teddy bear say “No” to dessert?

Because he was already stuffed!

  1. Why did the tomato turn red?

Because it saw the salad dressing!

  1. How do you make a tissue dance?

Put a little boogie in it!

  1. Why don’t some couples go to the gym?

Because some relationships don’t work out!

  1. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a dog?


  1. Why did the scarecrow win an award?

Because he was outstanding in his field!

  1. What has keys but can’t open locks?

A piano!

  1. What do you call fake spaghetti?

An impasta!

  1. Why don’t scientists trust atoms?

Because they make up everything!

  1. What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary?

A thesaurus!

  1. How does a train eat?

It chew-chews!

  1. Why are ghosts bad liars?

Because you can see right through them!

  1. What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?

A carrot!

  1. What musical instrument is found in the bathroom?

A tuba (toothpaste)!

  1. Why did the picture go to jail?

Because it was framed!

  1. What do elves learn at school?

The elf-abet!

  1. How do we know that the ocean is friendly?

It waves!

  1. How does a bee comb its hair?

With a honeycomb!

  1. What do you get when you cross a sheep and a kangaroo?

A woolly jumper!

  1. Why did the chicken go to the playground?

To get to the other slide!

  1. What’s a pirate’s favorite letter?


  1. What animal needs to wear a wig?

A bald eagle!

  1. Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Because 7, 8 (ate), 9.

  1. Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Lettuce who?

Lettuce in, it’s freezing outside!

Sharing these adorable jokes with your little ones will bring endless laughter and help create beautiful memories for years to come. So, gather the troops, and let the fun begin!

22 of Our Favorite Father’s Day Books for Kids

Every Father’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate the special bond between dads and their children. One of the best ways to honor this connection is by reading stories that showcase the importance of fathers in their kids’ lives. Here, we’ve compiled a list of 22 heartwarming books perfect for kids to read with their dads on Father’s Day.

  1. “Guess How Much I Love You” by Sam McBratney
  2. “Daddy Hugs” by Karen Katz
  3. “My Dad Loves Me!” by Marianne Richmond
  4. “I Love My Daddy” by Sebastien Braun
  5. “My Daddy and I” by P.K. Hallinan
  6. “Me and My Dad” by Alison Ritchie
  7. “Dad By My Side” by Soosh
  8. “The Berenstain Bears: We Love Our Dad!” by Jan & Mike Berenstain
  9. “Hair Love” by Matthew A. Cherry
  10. “Just Me and My Dad” by Mercer Mayer
  11. “Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me” by Eric Carle
  12. “I’m Just Like My Dad/ I’m Just Like My Mom”, a Flip Book by Jorge Ramos
  13. “What Daddies Do Best/ What Mommies Do Best”, a Flip Book by Laura Numeroff
  14. “Why I Love My Daddy” edited by Daniel Howarth
  15. “My Dad is a Superhero” by Michael Gordon
  16. “My Dad Thinks He’s Funny” by Katrina Germein
  17. “Made for Me” by Zack Bush
  18. “The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish” By Neil Gaiman
  19. “My Father’s Dragon”by Ruth Stiles Gannett
  20. “The Father Who Had 10 Children” by Bénédicte Guettier
  21. “My Dad’s a Birdman” by David Almond
  22. “Your Baby’s First Word Will Be Dada” by Jimmy Fallon

These books cover a wide range of themes – from expressing love and appreciation to sharing funny moments and adventures together. Whether your child is a toddler or elementary school student, these titles are sure to touch the hearts of dads and kids alike! So, this Father’s Day, why not snuggle up with your little ones and share these heartwarming stories together? Enjoy the adventure, laughter, and love that these beautiful books have to offer as you cherish the time spent with your family.