Physical Education

25 Teacher-Approved Outdoor Toys to Get Kids Learning & Moving

1. Hula Hoops: These classic toys not only help improve physical coordination, but also encourage outdoor play and burning energy.

2. Jump Ropes: Great for developing coordination, balance, and endurance, jump ropes are a versatile and fun way to get kids moving.

3. Sidewalk Chalk: Encouraging creativity, sidewalk chalk can be used for drawing, hopscotch grids, and more, providing hours of fun.

4. Soccer Balls: Kids can learn teamwork and develop their gross motor skills while playing soccer.

5. Frisbees: Frisbees are perfect for developing hand-eye coordination, making them a great addition to any outdoor games collection.

6. Playground Balls: Perfect for kickball or other ball games, these balls encourage physical activity and team-building skills.

7. Tug-of-War Rope: This simple yet effective game helps build both teamwork and upper body strength.

8. Gardening Tools: Encourage kids to learn about plants and the environment by providing child-sized gardening tools including shovels, rakes, and watering cans.

9. Bubbles: Simple yet mesmerizing, bubbles are an excellent way to keep younger children entertained outside while also helping to develop their fine motor skills.

10. Scooters: Scooters promote balance and coordination while providing endless fun as kids zip around the neighborhood.

11. Trampoline: Teachers love trampolines for building strength, balance and promoting an active lifestyle.

12. Pogo Sticks: These bouncy toys help build gross motor skills as well focus and determination as kids try to hop as many times as possible.

13. Water Table: A fantastic sensory play opportunity that allows kids to explore water properties such as sinking or floating while engaging in a group activity.

14. Obstacle Course Kit: Let the kids set up their own obstacle course, helping them improve their problem-solving skills and motor coordination.

15. Chutes and Ladders: A large outdoor version of this popular board game is perfect for teaching counting and number recognition.

16. Bean Bag Toss: A classic game that helps develop gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and patience.

17. Balance Beam: This playground staple improves balance and coordination while also building core strength.

18. Sandboxes: Perfect for sensory play, sandboxes can keep kids entertained for hours while they build their fine motor and creative thinking skills.

19. Velcro Paddleball Set: This simple yet fun game helps develop coordination while providing a great way to engage kids in outdoor play.

20. Croquet Set: Teach kids the basics of this quintessential outdoor game while working on their fine motor skills and strategic thinking abilities.

21. Parachute Games: Perfect for large groups, parachute games help teach cooperation, coordination, and timing skills.

22. Kites: Flying kites is an excellent way to get kids outside, teach them about wind and weather patterns, and work on their coordination skills.

23. Scavenger Hunt Kit: Encourage exploration and discovery with a pre-made scavenger hunt kit or create your own using natural items found outdoors.

24. Bocce Ball Set: Bocce is an easy-to-learn game that promotes strategy, precision, and teamwork among players.

25. Butterfly Nets: Inspire young naturalists by providing butterfly nets for them to explore the wildlife in their backyard or nearby parks.

In Utah, Recess Now Counts as Instructional Time

A groundbreaking change has recently taken place in the state of Utah, where recess has now been deemed as instructional time for students. This change represents a progressive leap in education and is set to have a massive impact on children’s learning experiences.

The concept of recess has always been seen as a break from the classroom, a time for students to stretch their legs, engage in physical activities, and socialize with their peers. However, the educational benefits of recess are often overlooked. With this new policy in place, Utah has acknowledged the importance of incorporating playtime into a student’s day-to-day activities.

Various studies have shown that recess provides multiple benefits for students’ mental and physical well-being. It has been linked to improved cognitive performance, better attention spans, and increased creativity. Moreover, it offers opportunities for social interaction and helps students develop vital skills such as negotiation and teamwork.

One primary concern educators have had about recess is the lack of structured activities that ensure children can make the most out of their free time at school. By allowing recess to count as instructional time, schools can create a more comprehensive approach to combining physical activity and academics within the curriculum. This can help address gaps in educational achievement, especially for children struggling with traditional methods of instruction.

By counting recess as instructional time, Utah not only highlights the need for physical activity and healthy living but also endorses a shift towards more holistic approaches to education. It is important to recognize that learning does not solely occur in classrooms or through textbooks. Children learn through interactive experiences; therefore, embracing playtime as part of learning is crucial.

Utah’s decision comes at an opportune time when schools across the country are rethinking their approaches to education following the challenges posed by COVID-19. With increasingly sedentary lifestyles due to remote learning and stringent classroom measures, introducing structured recess time is one way to counteract this harmful effect on students’ mental and physical well-being.

In conclusion, Utah’s move to consider recess as instructional time is a progressive step in the right direction. It highlights the importance of embracing holistic methods of learning, now more than ever. By offering students opportunities for physical activity and social interaction during recess, schools can foster a diverse learning environment that supports children’s cognitive, emotional, and social development.

This Gym Teacher Uses Unbelievable Trick Shots to Teach Students an Important Lesson

At first glance, Mr. James Thompson may seem like your average gym teacher. But upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that there’s something truly exceptional about his teaching methods. Using a series of unbelievable trick shots, Mr. Thompson has managed to capture the attention and interest of his students while imparting valuable life lessons.

In a world where children are often glued to their screens and more inclined towards video games than physical activity, implementing extraordinary techniques has proven to be an excellent way of getting students excited about physical education.

Mr. Thompson’s trick shots are not only jaw-dropping but also serve as unique teaching tools. One example involves him tossing a basketball towards the hoop while spinning in circles–and miraculously making the shot every single time.

By accomplishing these seemingly impossible feats, Mr. Thompson conveys an essential life lesson to his students: anything is possible with hard work, perseverance, and dedication. By showcasing his incredible skill set, he inspires his students to push their limits and step outside their comfort zones.

Furthermore, Mr. Thompson carefully incorporates these trick shots into various sports activities for his students. Each awe-inspiring maneuver comes with precise instructions that develop motor skills, coordination, and teamwork.

For instance, in a basketball class, students might be tasked with replicating one of Mr. Thompson’s trick shots by working together to improve passing skills and accurate shooting under pressure. In this manner, each trick shot serves as a vehicle for fostering strong bonds between classmates and instilling confidence in each other’s abilities.

Both students and fellow staff members have shared their admiration for Mr. Thompson’s approach to physical education. Many have noticed significant improvements in student participation and overall enthusiasm for the subject matter.

One of Mr. Thompson’s colleagues was quoted as saying “James brings unparalleled energy to our school’s gymnasium. You can’t help but feel motivated when you see his trick shots in action. It reminds us all to dream big and never give up, even when the odds seem insurmountable.”

In conclusion, Mr. James Thompson serves as a shining example of the impact that creativity and dedication can have on education. By incorporating unbelievable trick shots into his lessons, he has managed to teach his students valuable life lessons while reigniting a passion for physical education among today’s youth.

Let’s Get Moving: 20 Fun Walking Activities For Kids To Stay Active & Explore The Outdoors


Getting kids outdoors and enjoying nature is essential for their overall well-being, physical health, and mental development. Walking is a great form of exercise, as it can be easily incorporated into a daily routine and enjoyed by people of all ages. To keep children engaged and excited about exploring the outdoors, here are 20 fun walking activities that promote both activity and adventure.

1. Nature scavenger hunt: Create a list of items to find in nature (e.g., interesting leaves, colorful stones) and have the kids search for them during the walk.

2. ABC walk: While walking outdoors, the children must identify objects that begin with each letter of the alphabet.

3. Animal imitation: While exploring new areas, try imitating the sounds or actions of animals that might be found nearby.

4. Musical walk: Bring along a portable speaker and play music while walking. Encourage dancing or singing along to make it more engaging.

5. Walking races to landmarks: Select natural landmarks (e.g., trees or rocks) as destinations and safely race to them.

6. Storytelling walk: Share stories inspired by the natural sights and surroundings during the journey.

7. Themed walks: Pick a theme for the walk (e.g., fairytale characters, superheroes) and explore according to that theme.

8. I-Spy game: Play I-Spy while walking outdoors with your surroundings as clues.

9. Sound walk: Ask kids to close their eyes and focus on identifying the sounds they hear (birds chirping, leaves rustling).

10. Photojournalism: Have kids take pictures of interesting things they see and encourage them to create a short narrative with their photos.

11. Color hunt: Have children look for objects in specific colors while exploring outside.

12. Geocaching: Use a GPS to hunt for hidden “caches” or treasures left by others in the community.

13. Follow the leader: The leader of the group chooses a walking path, and everyone else must follow.

14. Outdoor bingo: Create bingo cards with various natural objects or sights and search for them during the walk.

15. Walk and draw: Bring along sketchbooks and pencils, stopping at designated spots to sketch or draw the surroundings.

16. Collect souvenirs: Encourage kids to collect small objects or create their own art with natural materials found on the walk.

17. Walking meditation: Practice mindful walking, focusing on each step and breath while walking.

18. Obstacle course walks: Plan a route with obstacles (e.g., logs or rocks) and challenge kids to safely navigate them.

19. Shadow chasing: Wait for a sunny day to play this simple yet exciting game where children race against their shadows.

20. Trace a shape walk: Pick a shape and identify its outlines during the walk; for example, look for a circular route surrounding a park.


Partaking in these fun walking activities will not only encourage kids to stay active but also foster their connection with nature and instill a lifelong love for outdoor exploration. By incorporating adventure and movement into daily routines, parents can help create memorable experiences while keeping children healthy, happy, and engaged. So grab some comfortable shoes and set out for an exciting walk with your little ones today!

20 Fabulous Feet Games for Kids

1. Toe Tug-of-War: Place a small towel or rope on the ground between two players. Each player must use their toes to pull the object towards them. The first one who succeeds wins the game.

2. Hopscotch: Draw a hopscotch pattern on the ground with chalk and let kids take turns hopping on one foot through the squares.

3. Sock Puppet Show: Encourage children to make sock puppets with different facial expressions. They can then put on a show using only their feet to control the puppets.

4. Foot Tennis: Using a soft and lightweight ball, kids can take turns kicking it back and forth to each other, practicing their aim and control.

5. Twinkle Toes: Place socks or shoes with bells attached around children’s ankles. Have them dance and move around to create a twinkling sound with their feet.

6. Egg-and-Spoon Race: Replace the traditional spoon with an empty paper cup held between their toes. Kids race towards the finish line while balancing an egg on the cup without dropping it.

7. Balloon Stomp: Tie balloons to children’s ankles using strings. The goal is to pop each other’s balloons while protecting their own using only their feet.

8. Musical Feet: Play music and have kids move around using various foot movements such as tiptoeing, heel walking, or hopping. Pause the music at random intervals, and everyone must freeze in place.

9. Feet Painting: Cover your child’s feet in washable paint and let them create a masterpiece by walking, jumping, or dancing on a large sheet of paper.

10. Foot Puzzle: Create a giant puzzle on the floor. Kids use their feet to slide and move the pieces into place.

11. Simon Says: Play a game of “Simon Says” with kids responding to commands related to foot movements such as “Simon says jump on your right foot.”

12. Foot Bowling: Set up a row of empty plastic bottles as pins and have children use a soft ball to knock them down with their feet.

13. Stomp the Shadow: On a sunny day, ask kids to chase and stomp on each other’s shadows to improve their coordination.

14. Animal Walks: Children pretend to be different animals, using only their feet to mimic the animal’s movements.

15. Toe Marble Pick-up: Kids compete to see who can pick up and transfer the most marbles from one container to another using only their toes.

16. Tightrope Walking: Lay a long piece of rope or masking tape on the ground for kids to practice walking across it without stepping off.

17. Foot Alphabet Writing: Encourage children to write the alphabet in mid-air using only their foot movement.

18. Footprint Memory Game: Create pairs of footprint cards by tracing the kids’ shoes onto cardstock. Flip them facing down and have children take turns flipping cards over and finding matching pairs.

19. Toe Tapping Challenge: Have children sit in a circle and take turns tapping on each other’s toes while saying funny phrases or rhymes.

20. Spider Web Maze: Use string or yarn to create a web-like pattern across an area in your backyard or living room, with all participants crawling under and over without touching the strings.

28 Engaging Gross Motor Activities for Elementary Students


Gross motor activities are essential for elementary students to develop their physical skills, build strength, improve coordination, and boost confidence. These activities can be incorporated into a physical education curriculum or simply included during recess or after-school programs. Here are 28 fun and engaging gross motor activities that will get your elementary students moving and help them develop essential skills.

1. Hopscotch – A classic playground game that improves balance and coordination.

2. Jump rope – Promotes agility, stamina, and hand-eye coordination.

3. Obstacle course – Design an age-appropriate course with various challenges to stimulate problem-solving and gross motor skills.

4. Hula hooping – Develops core strength, rhythm, and coordination.

5. Tug of war – A fun way for students to build teamwork and upper body strength.

6. Balloon volleyball – Enhances coordination, reflexes, and teamwork in a non-competitive setting.

7. Crab walk races – Strengthens arm, leg, and core muscles while developing balance.

8. Sack races – Encourages balance and coordination while promoting friendly competition.

9. Simon Says – An interactive game that promotes listening skills, focus, and body control.

10. Wheelbarrow races – Teams work together to develop upper body strength and cooperation.

11. Parachute games – Increases teamwork skills while promoting a fun physical activity.

12. Bean bag toss – Helps develop hand-eye coordination as well as spatial awareness.

13. Wall push-ups – Builds upper body strength at an age-appropriate level.

14. Ladder drills – Improve agility and speed while working on sequencing skills.

15. Scooter board relay races – Develops lower body strength in a fun engaging game of teamwork.

16. Freeze dance – Stimulates creativity, rhythm, balance, and self-confidence through dance moves.

17. Around the world – Basketball skill-building game that teaches accuracy and shooting skills.

18. Four corners – A fast-paced game reinforcing agility, speed, and decision-making skills.

19. Frisbee toss – Enhances hand-eye coordination while encouraging outdoor play.

20. Yoga for kids – Improves flexibility, balance, and body awareness in a calming setting.

21. Playground equipment – Swing sets, monkey bars, and slides promote essential gross motor skills.

22. Skating or rollerblading – Encourages balance and coordination in a challenging yet exciting activity.

23. Biking – Develops lower body strength, balance, and stamina while exploring the outdoors.

24. Relay races – Builds teamwork and endurance while working on running speed and agility.

25. Kickball – Encourages teamwork, coordination, and throwing, catching, and kicking skills.

26. Soccer drills – Improve footwork, agility, and speed by participating in fun soccer practice drills.

27. Capture the flag – Enhances strategic thinking and team cooperation in a high-energy game.

28. Jumping jacks – Increases heart rate while coordinating upper and lower body movements.


Incorporating these 28 gross motor activities into your elementary school program will provide students with a variety of engaging movement opportunities that build crucial physical skills, encourage teamwork, and boost self-confidence. These activities will not only help students develop as young athletes but also as cooperative teammates eager to learn from one another in a fun environment.

Linking Sport to Positive Behavior


In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, fostering positive behavior among children and adolescents is crucial. One proven method of achieving this goal is through sport participation. This article explores the various ways in which involvement in sports leads to better behavior, improved social skills, and emotional well-being.

The Connection Between Sports and Positive Behavior

1. Discipline and Self-Control

Participating in a sport requires discipline and self-control. Athletes must adhere to a strict schedule, train consistently, and learn to manage their physical and mental energies. These qualities extend beyond the playing field and contribute to a more responsible and disciplined lifestyle.

2. Teamwork and Cooperation

Most sports involve working with teammates towards a common goal. This fosters essential life skills such as teamwork, cooperation, communication, and conflict resolution. As a result, athletes are more likely to develop positive relationships with their peers and become effective collaborators later in life.

3. Goal Setting and Perseverance

Engaging in sports allows individuals to set challenging goals for themselves and learn the importance of perseverance when faced with obstacles. Athletes understand that success requires hard work, determination, and resilience – virtues that can be applied to other aspects of life as well.

4. Boosting Self-Esteem

Athletes gain a sense of accomplishment as they progress through various levels of competition or achieve personal milestones. This sense of achievement boosts self-esteem, which leads to higher self-confidence in everyday life situations.

5. Reducing Stress

Physical activity promotes the release of endorphins, which help alleviate stress hormones that can negatively impact behavior. With reducing stress through sport participation, individuals can maintain better emotional balance and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

6. Enhancing Social Skills

Individuals involved in sports often interact with others who share common interests outside their usual social circles – leading to more inclusive social groups, fostering a sense of belonging, and encouraging pro-social behavior.


Sport has an immense potential to foster positive behavior in individuals of all ages. By promoting discipline, teamwork, goal setting, boosting self-esteem, reducing stress, and enhancing social skills, involvement in sports can significantly contribute to an individual’s personal development. Encouraging active participation in sports should be a priority for parents, educators, and policymakers alike and has the power to shape a better future for society as a whole.

20 Middle School Yoga Ideas and Activities


Yoga has been proven to have numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits for individuals of all ages. For middle school students, the practice of yoga can provide a much-needed break from the stressors of academic and social pressures. It can also help students develop essential skills such as mindfulness, focus, self-regulation, and resilience. Here are 20 middle school yoga ideas and activities that teachers and parents can incorporate into their lesson plans or after-school activities.

1. Yoga Poses Bingo: Create a bingo game with images of different yoga poses in each box. Students can then perform the poses to mark their progress on the board.

2. Yoga Dice: Use dice labeled with various yoga poses for students to roll and perform whichever pose is shown.

3. Pose-Pose-Switch: Students form partners, strike a yoga pose simultaneously, hold for a few breaths, then switch poses.

4. Relaxation Station: Set up a quiet corner where students can practice calming yoga poses during breaks or after completing an assignment.

5. Yoga Jenga: Write different yoga poses on Jenga blocks and have students remove a block while balancing in Tree Pose or another balancing pose.

6. Group Poses: Encourage teamwork by having groups of students collaborate to form interconnected yoga poses.

7. Yoga Sculpture Garden: Students take turns being “statues” in various yoga poses while others walk through the “garden” and try to mimic the statues’ postures.

8. Pose Memory Game: Print out cards with matching pairs of yoga poses that students must flip over to find their match – once found, they must perform the pose together.

9. Mindful Breathing Exercises: Teach students various breathing techniques to use during stressful moments at school or home.

10. Yoga Storytime: Read a book or tell a story that incorporates various yoga poses related to the narrative for students to act out.

11. Yoga Unwind: Dedicate the last few minutes of class to performing a series of gentle, relaxing yoga poses and stretches to help students unwind after a day of learning.

12. Yoga Freeze Dance: Play music while students practice their favorite yoga poses; when the music stops, everyone must freeze.

13. Yoga Obstacle Course: Create an obstacle course with various stations featuring different yoga poses or exercises for students to complete.

14. Balance Challenges: Guide students through a series of balance-enhancing poses and track progress over time.

15. Yoga Charades: Students act out yoga poses for classmates to guess in this fun and engaging game.

16. Mindfulness Guided Visualization: Lead short, guided meditation sessions to help students develop mindfulness and relaxation skills.

17. Gratitude Yoga: Have students think about something they are grateful for while practicing various poses, emphasizing appreciation and thankfulness.

18. Artful Yoga: Combine art with yoga by having students create pictures or collages of their favorite poses or capturing the essence of their practice.

19. Goal-Setting Poses: Encourage students to set personal goals related to their yoga practice and track their progress with specific poses or techniques.

20. Partner Yoga: Teach basic partner yoga poses that promote connection and trust among peers while building strength and flexibility.


Facilitating a yoga practice in a middle school setting can offer numerous benefits to both teachers and students, promoting self-awareness, focus, and overall wellness during these formative years. These 20 activities will captivate your middle schoolers while helping them develop healthy habits that last well beyond the classroom walls.

A New Curriculum for Girls’ PE


The importance of physical education cannot be overstated, as it plays a crucial role in the overall well-being and development of young individuals. Historically, however, physical education curricula have been dominated by traditional sports and activities that often overlook the unique needs and preferences of female students. To address this imbalance and promote gender equity in schools, a new curriculum for girls’ physical education (PE) is essential.

Objectives and Benefits

The new curriculum aims to create an inclusive environment where girls feel empowered and motivated to participate in physical activities. Research shows that girls are often less active than boys during their school years, which can lead to various health issues later in life. By addressing these disparities head-on, the new curriculum will provide girls with the tools they need to maintain an active lifestyle.

Key Components of the New Curriculum

1. Diverse and Inclusive Activities: Offering a wide range of activities is key to engaging all students, including those who may not typically gravitate toward traditional sports. The new curriculum should incorporate alternative fitness activities (e.g., yoga, dance), non-competitive games, as well as modified versions of team sports that cater to different skill levels.

2. Fostering Positive Body Image: Physical education has the potential to cultivate a healthy sense of body image among female students when done correctly. The new curriculum should emphasize self-acceptance and body positivity by focusing on personal improvement rather than competition.

3. Emphasis on Skill Development: Providing opportunities for girls to develop their skills in various physical activities will not only improve their self-esteem but also empower them to take charge of their own fitness journey. Skill development should be prioritized over competition in the new curriculum.

4. Encouraging Lifetime Activities: The objective of any effective PE program should be to encourage lifelong participation in physical activity. In addition to focusing on just the traditional sports, the curriculum should introduce girls to activities that can be easily adopted into their daily lives, such as walking, cycling, or swimming.

5. Creating a Supportive Environment: Teachers and coaches play a significant role in shaping students’ attitudes toward physical activity. The new curriculum should include guidelines and ongoing training for instructors on how to foster a supportive and non-judgemental atmosphere within their classes.

Toward Gender Equity in Physical Education

By implementing a new curriculum that acknowledges and addresses the unique needs of female students, we can promote gender equity in physical education. This will not only encourage more girls to participate but also empower them to maintain an active lifestyle as they grow into adulthood. Ultimately, providing equal opportunities for boys and girls in PE is crucial for creating a healthy and inclusive society.

Boxing4Schools: Tackling Youth Issues

In today’s increasingly challenging times, young people face numerous issues affecting both their physical and emotional wellbeing. Rising rates of obesity, mental health struggles, and social disconnection continue to plague the youth of our society. Yet, amidst these challenges, a unique and effective solution has emerged to take on these pressing concerns: Boxing4Schools.

Boxing4Schools is a ground-breaking program designed to introduce the sport of boxing as a means to address widespread youth issues. By providing structured training, expert guidance, and a supportive environment, it empowers young individuals through the transformative power of sports.

Through rigorous physical training and daily discipline in boxing techniques, Boxing4Schools teaches dedication and commitment towards achieving personal goals. Promoting physical fitness, the program helps to lower the prevalence of obesity among young people who may not have otherwise discovered their passion for living an active lifestyle.

Furthermore, engaging in boxing can serve as an excellent outlet for managing stress. As mental health issues become more common among young individuals today, Boxing4Schools recognizes the need for such a constructive channel of energy release. By incorporating aspects of mindfulness and self-awareness into their coaching approach, this program allows participants to build resilience in the face of life’s challenges.

Just as crucial as the physical and mental benefits, Boxing4Schools addresses social disconnection – a prevalent issue faced by many teenagers today. The program promotes camaraderie among peers by fostering teamwork in a supportive environment. Young people are encouraged to form genuine connections with one another while working towards common goals.

Aside from addressing specific youth issues, Boxing4Schools provides critical life skills that are transferable to future endeavors. Participants learn about time management, discipline, responsibility, and communication – all necessary attributes for success in any aspect of life.

By leveraging the innate appeal of boxing and coupling it with tailored support systems, Boxing4Schools successfully tackles prevalent youth issues. The program is a testament to the power of sports not only in terms of promoting physical health but also in empowering young minds and enabling social connections. By continuing to grow and support more students, Boxing4Schools has the unique potential to transform lives and build a healthier, brighter future for all.