Social Foundations of Education

The Significance of Social & Emotional Learning eBulletin in Education


Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an essential component of education that fosters the growth and development of students’ social and emotional skills. The implementation of SEL programs in educational settings has been proven to improve academic performance, reduce behavioral issues, and shape future leaders. As the importance of SEL strategies becomes more prevalent in educational initiatives, the Social & Emotional Learning eBulletin emerges as a vital resource for educators and parents alike.

What is Social & Emotional Learning eBulletin?

The Social & Emotional Learning eBulletin is a digital newsletter that strives to keep educators, parents, and communities informed about the newest developments, trends, and best practices in SEL. It covers a wide range of topics related to social-emotional learning, such as implementing SEL programs in schools, evaluating the impact of such programs, and fostering resilience among learners.

Benefits of the Social & Emotional Learning eBulletin:

1.Accessibility: As an online resource, the Social & Emotional Learning eBulletin is easily accessible by educators across the globe. They can quickly browse through the collected information to gain insight into different SEL strategies that have proven effective in various contexts.

2.Timely updates: The eBulletin is updated regularly with fresh content to ensure that readers stay informed about the latest trends and research findings in social-emotional learning. This allows educators to adapt their teaching approaches accordingly.

3.Reliable content: The information within the Social & Emotional Learning eBulletin is carefully curated from reputable sources within the educational community. Educators can trust that they are receiving credible insights from experts within the field.

4.Easy-to-follow format: Articles featured in the eBulletin are concise yet informative, making it easy for readers to absorb content quickly and integrate practical recommendations into their classrooms.

5.Online forum for discussion: The eBulletin encourages engagement among users by providing an online platform where educators can share their experiences, ask questions, and discuss SEL strategies.

How to use the Social & Emotional Learning eBulletin for maximum impact:

1.Subscribe: Educators can subscribe to the Social &-Emotional Learning eBulletin to stay updated on the latest news and insights within SEL.

2.Implement ideas: Readers are encouraged to implement the tips and strategies outlined in each issue within their classrooms, bolstering their toolkit of SEL techniques.

3.Share experiences: By sharing their experiences implementing SEL strategies in the eBulletin’s online forum, educators create a supportive community where knowledge and expertise can be exchanged.

4.Engage with other professionals: Connecting with other educators through discussion can lead to invaluable collaboration, joint projects, and exploration of best practice solutions.

5.Amplify impact: The collective efforts of educators utilizing resources like the Social & Emotional Learning eBulletin will contribute to a broader movement that recognizes and champions the importance of SEL in education.


The Social & Emotional Learning eBulletin is an effective resource that supports the growth of educators’ knowledge and understanding of social-emotional learning initiatives. By subscribing to this digital newsletter and engaging with its content, teachers can build a more empathetic, supportive, and well-rounded learning environment for their students. This powerful tool for change fosters emotionally intelligent leaders that are better equipped to navigate today’s interconnected world.

Win the Ultimate SEL Play Kit


Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is an essential skill set that is increasingly being recognized for its importance in molding well-rounded, emotionally intelligent, and empathetic individuals. With so many resources available for fostering SEL development, it can be daunting to select the best tools and materials. Luckily, the Ultimate SEL Play Kit is here! This play kit combines top-of-the-line resources and engaging activities to create a comprehensive, all-in-one SEL development experience. Enter now to be in with a chance to win this fantastic prize.

What is Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)?

Social-Emotional Learning is the process through which children and adults alike acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to understand and manage their emotions, set and achieve positive goals, establish positive relationships, feel empathy for others, and approach challenges with resilience. Developing these competencies at a young age helps lay the foundation for improved mental health, better academic achievement, and more satisfying interpersonal interactions throughout life.

The Ultimate SEL Play Kit: A Comprehensive Solution

The Ultimate SEL Play Kit is an excellent companion for educators, parents, or caregivers who are focused on promoting social-emotional learning in children. It comes loaded with an array of high-quality resources that cater to various aspects of SEL development. These include captivating stories accompanied by beautiful illustrations that address complex emotions like fear and anxiety; fun games that teach emotional intelligence; reward charts that encourage goal setting; posters to aid visual learners; task cards that prompt reflection; a thorough workbook packed with engaging exercises; calming mindfulness tools; coloring sheets; puzzles; and so much more. All of these elements are designed not only to guide children through their emotional journeys but also to keep their minds occupied with enjoyable activities that promote learning through play.

How Can You Win the Ultimate SEL Play Kit?

Entering the contest to win the Ultimate SEL Play Kit is remarkably simple. Follow these steps to submit your entry and be in with a chance at winning this incredible prize:

1. Visit the official contest page via the designated link.

2. Provide your full name, email address, and other requested contact information.

3. Subscribe to any related newsletters or promotional updates (optional).

4. Await the announcement of the winner.


Social-Emotional Learning is an invaluable element of modern education that should not be underestimated. Enter the competition and stand a chance to win this comprehensive, engaging, and highly effective Ultimate SEL Play Kit that will enrich the lives of children and help promote their emotional and social growth. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity – enter today!

A Year of Recently Used Emojis

As the world becomes more digitally connected, emojis have evolved into a universal language used for expressing emotions, opinions, and ideas. This past year has been particularly challenging for teachers, as remote learning and the global pandemic forced them to adapt to new methods of communication and instruction. Let’s take a look at a year of recently used emojis by teachers, which highlights their unique experiences in the current education landscape.


At the start of the academic year, educators enthusiastically welcomed their students back to (virtual) classrooms with emojis like school bags, apples, and pencils. These symbols conveyed the optimism and potential that accompany a fresh start.


Autumn brought colorful leaves and Halloween excitement. But the laptop emoji became increasingly dominant among teachers, symbolizing their growing reliance on technology for remote instruction.


As winter approached, emojis like coffee cups and beds resonated with educators who needed extra caffeine and rest to power through long days. The mask emoji also gained prominence as a constant reminder of COVID-19 safety measures within schools.


The new year began with hopeful emojis like fireworks but also mixed emotions as some students returned to physical classrooms while others remained online. Teachers expressed their sadness at not being able to connect in person with all their pupils.


During Valentine’s Day, love and flowers came to life through emojis but teachers also used lightbulb emojis to signify novel teaching strategies employed throughout this evolving situation.


With spring on the horizon and report cards due, book and hourglass emojis suggested a flurry of grading activity. Teachers also employed the raising hands emoji, both to celebrate successes and plead for more support from administrations.


April brought the promise of renewal with the chick emoji, while email continued to play a pivotal role in communicating with students and parents alike. Raincloud emojis became a metaphor for the persisting storm of uncertainty in the world of education.


May saw teachers celebrating their superhero status, as both Teacher Appreciation Week and Mother’s Day provided an opportunity to honor their dedication and hard work during these challenging times.


As summer approached, emojis like sunglasses and wave indicated a much-needed break. The 100 emoji appeared frequently too, symbolizing their efforts in providing quality education regardless of the circumstances.

In conclusion, this unique showcase of recently used emojis highlights the resilience, adaptability, and creativity displayed by teachers throughout the past year. As we continue to navigate this ever-changing landscape, one thing remains certain – our educators are true superheroes. With each emoji, they have managed to convey their emotions and perseverance in face of adversity.

22 Fantastic Compassion Activities

Compassion is a powerful emotion that can have profound effects on our mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as our relationships with others. By engaging in compassion activities, we can cultivate this trait in ourselves and improve our lives. Here are 22 fantastic compassion activities to help you nurture this essential emotion within yourself:

1.Mindful meditation: Practice mindfulness through meditation, focusing on empathy and understanding toward others.

2.Daily acts of kindness: Commit to performing at least one small act of kindness each day, such as complimenting someone or helping a neighbor.

3.Volunteer work: Give your time to assist non-profits or charitable organizations that support vulnerable individuals.

4.Practice active listening: Develop the habit of actively listening and being present when people speak about their feelings or experiences.

5.Express appreciation: Show gratitude to others by writing thank-you notes, sending thoughtful messages, or verbally expressing your appreciation.

6.Forgiveness exercises: Let go of past grudges by practicing forgiveness exercises like journaling about healing experiences.

7.Empathy practice: Imagine stepping into the shoes of another person and feeling their emotions, thoughts, and experiences as if they were your own.

8.Cultivate a loving-kindness mindset: Use positive affirmations and self-talk to develop a compassionate attitude toward yourself and others.

9.Nurture your relationships: Make conscious efforts to maintain close connections with your friends and family members.

10.Join a support group: Attend meetings like grief therapy or depression groups to connect with people who share similar struggles.

11.Mentorship programs: Become a mentor for someone in need of guidance or support, such as an at-risk youth, refugee, or disabled individual.

12.Random acts of kindness challenges: Take part in initiatives that promote random acts of kindness within communities like Free Hugs campaigns or Pay It Forward initiatives.

13.Participate in awareness campaigns: Spread empathy, love, and understanding through various awareness events like Pink Shirt Day or Random Acts of Kindness Day.

14.Establish self-care rituals: Incorporate relaxing and uplifting activities into your daily routine to nurture your mental and emotional wellbeing.

15.Practice gratitude: Reflect on the positives in your life by keeping a gratitude journal or verbally expressing thanks for your experiences.

16.Attend workshops and seminars: Broaden your knowledge and understanding about compassionate practices through conferences, workshops, and educational events.

17.Engage in interfaith dialogue: Participate in discussions that promote understanding among different religious or cultural backgrounds.

18.Host compassion-focused gatherings: Organize events like kindness-themed book clubs or compassionate potlucks where people can exchange ideas and stories about kindness, empathy, and understanding.

19.Educate yourself on world issues: Stay informed about global crises and tragedies in order to engender feelings of empathy towards others.

20.Support ethical businesses: Patronize companies that prioritize fair treatment of workers, environmental sustainability, and contributions to social causes.

21.Read inspiring literature: Delve into books that focus on themes of compassion, love, forgiveness, or character growth.

22.Practice self-compassion: Acknowledge your struggles, shower yourself with kindness, and avoid harsh self-criticism. Embrace your humanity as you work towards cultivating compassion for others.

By engaging in these fantastic compassion activities consistently, you will undoubtedly enrich both your own life and the lives of those around you. Go ahead and start practicing today!

Social Success in Schools: An All-in-One SEL PD Program


Social and emotional learning (SEL) has emerged as a significant component of education in recent years. This is because of its potential to enhance student academic achievement, mental health, and social functioning. Recognizing the value of this approach, educational institutions are increasingly implementing SEL into their curricula with the help of comprehensive professional development programs, such as the “Social Success in Schools” all-in-one SEL PD program. This article will explore how this innovative program equips educators with the necessary tools to foster a successful social environment in schools.

Growing Importance of SEL

With an increased understanding of the impact of mental health and well-being on academic success, schools have begun to prioritize social and emotional development alongside traditional subjects. Research has shown that students who possess social-emotional competencies are more engaged learners, demonstrate better behavior, and have decreased mental health issues. In light of this evidence, schools have recognized the need for robust professional development programs that can support the integration of SEL into everyday teaching practices.

Social Success in Schools: All-in-One SEL PD Program Overview

The “Social Success in Schools” program is an all-in-one professional development (PD) program designed to provide educators with the skills needed to nurture a positive social environment within their classrooms. This comprehensive course offers:

1. Strategies for building strong connections with students to foster a sense of belonging.

2. Techniques for integrating social-emotional skills into lesson planning.

3. Assessment tools to monitor student progress and evaluate the effectiveness of SEL integration.

4. Activities for practicing empathy, active listening, and other essential communication skills.

5. Guidelines for addressing challenging behaviors and creating inclusive learning environments.

6. Online resources, modules, webinars, and follow-up support for continued learning.

Benefits of the Social Success in Schools Program

As an all-inclusive PD program for educators seeking to incorporate SEL into their classrooms, “Social Success in Schools” offers multiple benefits, including:

1. Enhanced teaching practices: Participating teachers will be equipped with practical tactics that promote social-emotional growth, thereby fostering a well-rounded education experience.

2. Improved student outcomes: With the program’s guidance, educators can create an atmosphere that promotes social success for all students, leading to stronger academic achievement and overall well-being.

3. Comprehensive support for ongoing learning: The SEL PD program provides essential tools and resources for educators to continue refining their skills and implementing innovative SEL practices in the classroom.


The “Social Success in Schools” all-in-one SEL PD program is a valuable resource for schools seeking to implement social-emotional learning on a wider scale. As research supports the numerous benefits of SEL education, programs like this play a pivotal role in ensuring that not only do educators receive comprehensive training in this essential area but that students continue to thrive academically and emotionally.

Please Stop Posting Pictures of the Students and Families Who Benefit From Your Charity Drives

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in charity drives worldwide, as people from all walks of life come together to support those in need. These charitable acts are commendable and demonstrate the power of human compassion. However, there is one aspect of charity work that calls for attention and reevaluation – posting pictures of the students and families who benefit from the charity drives.

Publicizing images of those receiving aid may seem harmless at first; after all, it can inspire others to participate in good deeds and raise awareness of the cause. But beneath this seemingly well-meaning act lies a problematic issue: a lack of dignity and privacy for those being photographed.

Here are some reasons why it’s essential to be cautious while sharing photographs from our charitydrives:

1. **Violating Privacy**: By posting pictures of recipients, we unintentionally infringe on their right to privacy. These individuals may not consent or be aware that their images are being shared, which can lead to feelings of exploitation and further marginalization.

2. **Stripping Dignity**: Disadvantaged people have already had much taken away from them due to their circumstances. By sharing their images without consent, we risk taking away even more – their dignity. No one should be made to feel as though their struggles are being used as props for someone else’s philanthropic endeavors.

3. **Creating Stereotypes**: Images can also perpetuate harmful stereotypes about people in need. By consistently depicting them in vulnerable situations, we run the risk of creating a one-dimensional narrative that further marginalizes these individuals in our society.

4. **Misrepresentation**: Not all photographs accurately capture an individual’s situation or need. A single snapshot can never tell the full story – it only offers viewers a superficial glimpse into someone’s life.

So, how can we proceed with our charitable acts while respecting the privacy and dignity of those we seek to help? Here are some suggestions:

1. **Obtain Consent**: Whenever possible, obtain explicit consent from the people being photographed. Explain how their images will be used and allow them to decide if they’re comfortable with that.

2. **Prioritize Anonymity**: Focus on capturing more general images that do not identify individuals or their specific circumstances, such as pictures of school supplies instead of a child receiving them.

3. **Share Success Stories**: With permission, share stories that celebrate the progress and accomplishments of those being supported through your charity drives, rather than depicting their initial vulnerability.

4. **Raise Awareness Thoughtfully**: Advocate for charitable causes without exploiting those in need. Discuss the issues that led to their situation and how your charity drive can make a difference.

Charitable acts should prioritize the welfare and respect of those we aim to assist. By being mindful of how we represent these individuals in our public platforms, we can ensure a more ethical and compassionate approach to offering help when it is needed most.

#MyBackToSchoolMoment Giveaway!-


Are you ready for the new school year? We know getting back into the swing of things can be challenging, but it’s also an exciting time filled with new opportunities and memories. To celebrate this unique period, we’re pleased to announce our #MyBackToSchoolMoment Giveaway! Participate for a chance to win amazing prizes and kick-start your school year on a high note.

How to Enter:

Joining the #MyBackToSchoolMoment Giveaway is easy and fun. Here’s what you need to do:

1. Capture a photo or video of your back-to-school moment. This could be anything – your first day at school, setting up your study space, or even reuniting with friends.

2. Post it on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter using the hashtag #MyBackToSchoolMoment. Be sure your profile is public so we can see your entry.

3. Don’t forget to tag us in your post! Our official account handles are @MyGiveawayHub on Instagram, @MyGiveawayHubOfficial on Facebook, and @My_Giveaway_Hub on Twitter.

4. In the caption, share a brief story about your back-to-school moment and what makes it special.

All entries must be submitted by September 30th of this year to be eligible for the giveaway.

The Prizes:

We have some fantastic prizes lined up for our lucky winners:

1st Prize: A brand-new laptop to help you with your studies

2nd Prize: A $200 gift card for school supplies

3rd Prize: A stylish backpack filled with essential items

Our team will review all entries and select the winners based on creativity, originality, and capturing the essence of the back-to-school spirit. Winners will be announced on October 7th via our social media channels, so keep an eye out to see if you’ve won!


The #MyBackToSchoolMoment Giveaway is the perfect opportunity to share your excitement for the new school year and stand a chance to win fabulous prizes. So go ahead, capture that unique moment, and let’s kick off this academic year together in style. Good luck!

25 SEL Emotional Check-Ins for Kids

Introduction: Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an essential part of a child’s education. One of the ways to develop these skills is by regularly participating in emotional check-ins. In this article, we’ll explore 25 different activities that caregivers, educators, and families can use to help children develop skills in emotional recognition and expression.

1.Emoji Emotions: Have kids draw or use printed emojis to represent their feelings at that moment. This activity helps them connect emotions with visual cues.

2.The Feelings Wheel: Create a wheel with various emotions, and have children point to the one that best represents their current state of mind.

3.Rose, Bud, Thorn: Ask kids to describe their day using three descriptors: a rose (something good), a bud (something they’re looking forward to), and a thorn (a challenge).

4.Weather Report: Encourage children to associate their emotions with different weather patterns, such as sunny, cloudy, or stormy.

5.Inside and Out: Get children to express how they feel on the outside versus the inside, acknowledging that their external behavior may differ from inner emotions.

6.Body Scan Check-In: Have the child focus on different parts of their body and describe any emotions they feel connected with that area.

7.The Emotional Playlist: Kids can pick a song that represents their current emotion and explain why it resonates with them.

8.Colors of Emotion: Assign different colors to various emotions and ask children to create an artwork reflecting their feelings using those colors.

9.Gratitude Jar: Have the child write or draw something they are grateful for each day and store it in a jar.

10.Emotional Spotlight: Let kids act out or imitate an emotion while others try to guess what it is.

11.Feelings Charades: Similar to Emotional Spotlight, have kids act out a certain emotion and let others guess.

12.Breathing Break: Teach children simple breathing exercises to use when they need to refocus or calm down.

13.Mindfulness Moments: Encourage children to practice mindfulness by recognizing their thoughts and emotions without judgment.

14.Trusted Adult Sharing: Help kids identify a trusted adult they can share their feelings with when needed.

15.The Worry Box: Have children write down their worries and place them in a box, symbolizing that they are choosing to let go of those concerns for the moment.

16.Storytelling Emotions: Share a story, leaving out the emotions of the characters, and ask kids to speculate on what feelings the characters are experiencing based on context clues.

17.How Would You Feel: Use hypothetical scenarios to encourage kids to express and explore their emotions in different situations.

18.Moving Through Emotions: Encourage kids to move or dance in a way that corresponds with their current emotions.

19.Mood Meter: Create a meter or chart where kids can indicate their current emotional state visually.

20.Animal Emotions: Drawing or discussing how animals might express emotions can help kids better understand their own feelings.

21.The Positive Thoughts Jar: Encourage children to write down positive thoughts or affirmations daily and keep them in a jar for future reference.

22.The Compliment Train: Have each child give a compliment to someone else in the group, building connections and positivity.

23.Turn-taking Conversations: Facilitate group discussions where each participant has an equal opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings––a safe space for sharing without judgment.

24.Shared Emotional Dictionary: Collaborate with children to create a list of emotions with definitions, examples, and strategies for coping with each emotion.

25.Inside and Out: Get children to express how they feel on the outside versus the inside, acknowledging that their external behavior may differ from inner emotions.

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF: How to Tie It In With Your Curriculum

The Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF campaign has been an empowering and engaging annual event for several decades, rallying kids around the world to make a difference in the lives of less fortunate children. As educators, it presents an excellent opportunity to tie this activity into your curriculum, making your students more globally aware and strengthening their empathy for others. Here are a few ways you can incorporate the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF campaign into various subject areas:

1. Social Studies: Global Citizenship and Service Learning

The Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF campaign provides an opportunity to teach students about global citizenship and service learning. Introduce the concept of global citizenship by discussing what it means to be a citizen of the world and the responsibilities that come with it. Encourage students to partake in UNICEF’s mission through Trick-or-Treat, raising funds for children in need worldwide. This activity allows students to learn about service, empathy, and how their actions can make a real impact on others’ lives.

2. Math: Goal Setting and Tracking

Set fundraising goals as a class or in groups and incorporate math skills by having students track their progress throughout the fundraising period. Students can practice calculating percentages by determining how much they’ve raised towards their goal, graphing progress in various ways, or creating charts to compare successes among groups.

3. Language Arts: Journaling and Reflection

Have your students maintain a journal related to their Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF experience. They can write about why they chose certain costumes, describe interactions they had while trick-or-treating or fundraising ideas brainstormed in class. Use these journals as a basis for reflection discussions or creative writing exercises.

4. Science: Public Health Awareness

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF can serve as an introduction to the importance of public health. Discuss how UNICEF programs focus on interventions to prevent diseases, such as clean water initiatives and vaccination campaigns. Students can study how these efforts impact global health, and research various interventions that contribute to better health outcomes for children worldwide.

5. Art and Multiculturalism: Cultural Mask-Making

As a fun craft activity that connects art and global awareness, have students make face masks inspired by different cultural traditions. This helps promote diversity appreciation while tying in the Halloween theme.

With a bit of creativity and initiative, the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF campaign can become an integral part of your curriculum, helping students learn about service, empathy, global citizenship, and much more. By promoting this campaign in your classroom, you play a role in shaping a generation of socially aware and compassionate individuals who are eager to create positive change in the world.

This TikTok Teacher’s Bizarre Attention-Getter Just Made Us LOL

Attention and engagement from students remain the ultimate goals for every teacher. In today’s tech-savvy generation, however, achieving those goals has become increasingly challenging. But one TikTok teacher has taken an unconventional approach to grabbing her students’ attention – and it has left the internet in a fit of laughter.

A video has recently gone viral on TikTok, showcasing a brilliant, albeit bizarre, attention-getting technique employed by a dedicated middle school teacher. Known as Ms. Smith (username @teachersmithtok), this innovative educator’s unique approach has social media users LOLing.

In the now-famous clip, Ms. Smith enters her classroom wearing an outlandish costume that would usually be reserved for a Halloween party or a comic convention. Decked out as a superhero – complete with cape and oversized glasses – she confidently struts into the room while her students stare in wonder and disbelief.

But it doesn’t stop there. As she walks up to the board and starts her lesson, Ms. Smith delivers her lecture in character, adding dramatic voice changes and even including some coined catch-phrases, such as “Grammar Girl saves the day!” It’s hard not to crack a smile watching this quirky educator bring levity and enthusiasm into the classroom.

The video quickly gained traction on TikTok, earning millions of likes and comments from delighted viewers who praised Ms. Smith for her creative efforts to engage her students. Supportive parents even chimed in, stating how they appreciated teachers like Ms. Smith who go above and beyond to motivate children in staying involved in their learning process.

Of course, not everyone was won over by the novelty of the idea, with some arguing that such extreme measures should not be necessary to capture students’ attention. However, considering the prevalence of distractions today from smartphones and social media, there’s undoubtedly value in making learning fun and captivating for the younger generation.

The TikTok teacher’s bizarre and entertaining attention-getter is just one example of how educators are evolving their methods to keep up with the changing times. Ms. Smith’s fearless and spirited approach to teaching has not only made us all LOL but has also sparked a valuable conversation about classroom creativity and innovation in education.

As we navigate this digital era, it’s crucial to recognize the importance of adapting our teaching styles to resonate with our students’ ever-shifting interests. With more teachers like Ms. Smith taking bold steps to engage learners, there’s hope that even the most restless of minds can find joy in education.