
Procedural Writing Teaching Resources

Procedural writing is a critical skill that students learn to help them explain how to do something in a logical sequence. Teaching resources for this writing style are invaluable as they provide both structure and creativity to guide learners through the process of constructing clear, concise, and effective procedural texts. Here are several resources that educators can use to enhance their procedural writing lessons:

1. Step-by-Step Guide Templates: These templates can help students organize their writing by breaking down the procedure into clear steps. Each step can include space for a description, illustrations, or specific tips.

2. Sequencing Activities: Interactive activities like sorting cards with different parts of a procedure or reassembling mixed up instructions enable students to understand the importance of order in procedural writing.

3. Procedural Writing Prompts: Offering students an array of engaging prompts can spark their imagination and provide them with a starting point for their own procedural texts. Prompts may include topics such as how to make a sandwich, how to prepare for a school trip, or how to play a simple game.

4. Video Demonstrations: Visual learners can benefit from video examples of procedures being followed. Teachers can create their own videos or utilize existing ones to demonstrate the procedural writing format effectively.

5. Editing Checklists: To ensure that students have included all necessary components of procedural texts, educators can provide checklists that highlight required features such as an introduction, sequenced steps, and concluding statements.

6. Peer Review Worksheets: These give students an opportunity to review each other’s work and provide constructive feedback centered specifically on the clarity and sequencing of the instructions.

7. Writing Rubrics: Clearly defined rubrics help students understand the expectations for their procedural texts and assess their work against defined criteria, including use of language, organization, and coherence.

8. Digital Storyboarding Tools: Technology offers advanced options for students to digitally construct their procedures through storyboarding applications, allowing for easy drafting and revising of step-by-step guides.

By integrating these resources into their curriculum, educators can support and enrich their students’ ability to write effective procedural texts that are useful both in academic settings and in real-world scenarios.

The Must-Have Persuasive Teaching Resource: Persuasive Writing Examples for Kids

Persuasion is an essential skill, not just for debates and essay writing in schools but for life. Teaching children how to articulate their opinions and arguments in a structured, logical manner creates a foundation that can enhance their communication abilities for a lifetime. This is why persuasive writing is a key component of the educational curriculum.

Persuasive writing is about convincing the reader to agree with the writer’s opinion or to take a particular action. It requires the writer to clearly present their stance, use valid arguments and evidence, and communicate in a way that resonates with the audience. For young learners, gaining experience in this form of writing is invaluable.

Recently, a teaching resource has become available that stands out as particularly effective at teaching kids how to write persuasively – it’s Teach Starter’s collection of persuasive writing examples. This resource offers a range of texts that demonstrate persuasive writing techniques tailored for children. What makes it an indispensable teaching tool?

Firstly, the examples are relatable to children, dealing with topics they find engaging and relevant. Issues such as school uniforms, homework policies, and environmental conservation are some themes explored within these texts. Having content that speaks directly to their interests motivates students to engage more deeply with the material.

Secondly, Teach Starter’s persuasive writing examples cover various complexity levels. This allows teachers to select texts appropriate for their students’ proficiency levels, providing challenge without overwhelming them. Younger students might start with simple texts arguing why recess should be longer, while older students could tackle more nuanced subjects like digital privacy in schools.

Moreover, these examples illustrate key persuasive writing elements clearly. They show how to introduce a topic effectively, how teachers can help students create strong thesis statements, and they demonstrate the use of supporting evidence. Each example also exemplifies transitional phrases to help build cohesive arguments and opportunities for refuting counterarguments – an advanced persuasive technique that bolsters credibility.


10 Childrens Books Teaching Persuasive Writing Us

1. “I Wanna Iguana” by Karen Kaufman Orloff

In this story, young Alex engages in a humorous exchange of letters with his mother, trying to convince her to let him have a pet iguana. Through this amusing narrative, children learn the arts of negotiation and persuasion.

2. “Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!” by Mo Willems

When the driver steps away, the pigeon makes many creative attempts to get readers to let him drive the bus, providing a funny and engaging example of persuasion for young readers.

3. “Earrings!” by Judith Viorst

This book follows a young girl who crafts argument after argument about why she should be allowed to have pierced ears. It demonstrates an understanding of appeals and how they can be used to persuade parents.

4. “Hey, Little Ant” by Phillip and Hannah Hoose

Through dialogue between a boy and an ant, this book explores themes of empathy and consideration from both perspectives, effectively showcasing persuasive argumentation.

5. “Can I Be Your Dog?” by Troy Cummings

A homeless dog writes letters to various people in his quest for a forever home, demonstrating persuasive writing through emotion and logic as he seeks empathy and understanding from potential owners.

6. “The Day the Crayons Quit” by Drew Daywalt

This innovative story is composed of letters from crayons each expressing their complaints persuasively about how they are used, providing children with examples of written persuasion with personality and humor.

7. “Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type” by Doreen Cronin

When cows discover a typewriter in their barn, they start typing demands to their farmer. A fun take on negotiation and striking deals, the book offers lessons on effective written communication.

8. “My Brother Dan’s Delicious” by Steven L. Layne

A young boy weaves a tale to dissuade monsters from eating his baby brother using various persuasive techniques which highlight creativity in making arguments compelling.

9. “LaRue for Mayor: Letters from the Campaign Trail” by Mark Teague

Ike LaRue – the savvy canine hero of the series – embarks on a political campaign full of persuasive letters that provide insight into building a convincing case through writing.

10. “A Pig Parade Is a Terrible Idea” by Michael Ian Black

With humorous logic and reasoning, this book explains why having a pig parade is not as great idea as one might think through convincing arguments that entertain while teaching persuasive elements.

Each of these books incorporates different aspects of persuasive writing that can induce children in mastering writing skills while engaging them with delightful stories.

Enhancing Writing Skills through Sentence Expansion: A Peek into Teach Starter’s Free Resource

Writing is a fundamental skill that has a profound impact on students’ academic success and future career opportunities. A key element of writing prowess is sentence fluency and the ability to convey complex ideas clearly and engagingly. Recognizing the importance of sentence structure, Teach Starter, an educational platform, has introduced an invaluable tool designed for educators aiming to enrich their students’ writing abilities—the “Expanding Sentences” free resource.

The “Expanding Sentences” resource is an innovative approach to teaching students how to take their writing from basic to brilliant by expanding simple sentences into more complex and informative ones. This educational tool is a game-changer for teachers seeking methods to encourage their students to add depth and detail to their work.

At the heart of Teach Starter’s resource is the strategy of incrementally building upon a basic sentence. Students learn how to enhance their sentences by adding adjectives, adverbs, nouns, verb phrases, and clauses that provide additional layers of meaning and interest. For example, a simple sentence like “The cat sat” can be transformed into “The old tabby cat sat quietly on the cozy, sunlit windowsill,” creating a more vivid picture in the reader’s mind and capturing their attention.

Teach Starter’s “Expanding Sentences” resource comes in a user-friendly format—a downloadable and printable PDF that teachers can easily integrate into their lesson plans. The guide offers clear explanations, examples, and exercises that cater to different learning styles. Moreover, it provides students with the opportunity to exercise creativity while anchoring their writing in grammatical accuracy.

Using Teach Starter’s free resource could be a turning point for young writers who struggle with bringing variety into their prose. By focusing on each component of sentence construction through this structured expansion technique, students will not only write more engaging sentences but also develop a stronger command of language overall.

Teachers across the United States and beyond who seek to inspire greater depth in student composition should consider incorporating Teach Starter’s “Expanding Sentences” resource into their curriculum. This tool aligns well with common educational standards and promotes active learning—it’s an ideal way for educators to make a lasting impact on their students’ communication skills.

Strengthening writing skills takes practice and dedication, but with valuable resources like those provided by Teach Starter, teachers have the right support to lead their students towards becoming articulate and thoughtful writers. Engaging lessons that make learning fun are key components in fostering an environment where young minds can flourish as writers who are not just competent but compelling storytellers as well.

Narrative Writing Examples: Bump it Up Wall

If you’re an educator, you know how crucial it is to foster your students’ writing skills. Narrative writing is one of the key genres that students must master, as it helps them learn to articulate their thoughts and stories in a structured and expressive manner. That’s where the concept of a ‘Bump it Up Wall’ comes into play.

What exactly is a Bump it Up Wall? It’s a visual teaching tool that helps students understand the different levels of writing quality and encourages them to ‘bump up’ their work to the next level. By presenting samples of narrative writing ranging from basic to advanced, students can visually apprehend what makes each level distinctive and what they need to strive for to improve their own writing.

On Teach Starter’s website, there are examples provided that can serve as a perfect resource for this innovative approach. These examples are designed to showcase a variety of narrative elements such as setting, plot development, character creation, dialogue, and use of descriptive language.

The idea behind using these narratives is not simply for students to compare their work with the examples but rather to analyze each example to understand what improvements or enhancements have been made from one level to the next. This self-assessment method encourages students to critically evaluate their own writing pieces.

Each narrative example highlights key features that are expected at different levels of student achievement. Teachers can use these examples during planning and instruction by:

– Showing students various leveled examples of narrative texts.

– Discussing with students what makes text more effective or engaging.

– Enabling students to identify goals for their narrative writing.

– Encouraging peer-to-peer feedback sessions where students use the wall as a reference guide.

For instance, on ‘Level 1’, narratives might display simple sentence structures with minimum detail. At ‘Level 3′, however, one might observe the inclusion of complex sentence structures and rich vocabulary that provide depth to the story.

The Bump it Up Wall strategy supports differentiated learning as well. It allows students at any level—in need of support or extension—to see clear pathways for enrichment in their writing based on their current capabilities.

Moreover, Teach Starter offers resources aligned with various curriculum standards so educators can ensure that they’re meeting required benchmarks while also catering to students’ individual learning needs.

To conclude, embracing tools like the Bump it Up Wall not only promotes continuous improvement among learners but also instills confidence in them as writers. Teach Starter’s blog on narrative writing examples can serve as an impactful starting point for educators wanting to implement this dynamic technique within their classrooms. As a result, students are likely to become more engaged and proficient in crafting compelling narratives that capture their unique voices and experiences.

Expanding Sentences: Enhancing Student Writing Skills

Have you ever read a piece of student writing and felt it was a little… lacking? Teachers across the globe recognize that one of the common areas where young writers need improvement is in sentence expansion. It is not just about adding more words; it is about adding depth, detail, and clarity to their writing. Teach Starter’s blog post titled “Expanding Sentences: How To Improve Student Writing” delves into practical strategies to help students transform their sentences from bare bones to flourishing expressions of thought.

The post begins by explaining why sentence expansion is vital. It’s not an exercise in verbosity; it’s an opportunity for students to express their ideas more clearly and engage their readers with vivid detail. Moreover, learning to expand sentences helps students enhance their overall writing structure, making their narratives or explanations more comprehensive and enjoyable to read.

One key technique highlighted in the blog is the use of ‘wh’ questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how. By considering these questions when revising a sentence, students can naturally add information that clarifies and enriches the original statement. For instance, the sentence “The dog barked” can transform into “The big brown dog barked loudly in our tranquil backyard as we played during the warm summer evening.” This expanded version not only tells us more about the dog but also sets a scene and develops atmosphere – giving the reader a much richer experience.

Another suggestion is the incorporation of adjectives and adverbs. Young writers often overlook these descriptive words’ ability to convey emotions and images vividly. The blog emphasizes that using sensory details—those that appeal to sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch—can significantly lift a reader’s engagement with the text.

Teach Starter does not leave teachers without resources; it offers teaching materials such as educational posters and worksheets that provide visual reminders to students about ways they can expand their sentences. For instance, educational posters can be powerful reference tools displayed in a classroom setting reminding students about using adjectives, adverbs, and varying sentence structures.

In addition to these strategies, the blog suggests encouraging peer review sessions whereby students can exchange papers and offer suggestions on sentence expansions. This collaborative learning not only bolsters writing skills but also fosters critical thinking as students analyze each other’s work.

The underlying message from Teach Starter’s blog post is clear – expanding sentences isn’t just a style choice; it is a crucial part of developing student voice and improving communication skills. Through mindful practice and employing varied techniques to flesh out sentences, teachers can lead students towards greater proficiency in writing that stands out for its clarity and richness of detail.

As teachers look ahead to improve their student’s writing abilities, incorporating Teach Starter’s guide on expanding sentences offers an enriching path for young writers eager to see their worlds bloom on paper. The article assures that with regular practice and constructive support from educators, all students have the potential to deepen their writing skills dramatically – one expanded sentence at a time.

32 Tips For Teaching Narrative Writing

Narrative writing plays a crucial role in developing a student’s storytelling abilities, fostering creativity, and enhancing expressive skills. However, teaching narrative writing can sometimes be challenging due to its subjective and artistic nature. Below are 32 strategies and tips for educators to effectively scaffold and nurture narrative writing capabilities in their students.

1.Brainstorm Ideas: Encourage students to brainstorm various topics, events, or personal experiences that could serve as the foundation for their stories.

2.Understand the Structure: Teach the fundamental structure of narrative writing, which typically includes an introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

3.Use Graphic Organizers: Utilize tools such as story maps or Venn diagrams to help students organize their thoughts and sequence events logically.

4.Study Examples: Have students read and discuss exemplary narrative texts so they can model their writing on effective storytelling techniques.

5.Focus on Sensory Details: Help students enrich their narratives by incorporating sensory descriptions that add depth to their settings and characterizations.

6.Practice Descriptive Writing: Regular exercises in descriptive writing can sharpen students’ ability to paint vivid pictures with words.

7.Develop Characters: Encourage the creation of compelling characters by asking students to outline backstories, motivations, and characteristics.

8.Explore Dialogue: Teach how to write realistic dialogue that moves the story forward and reveals character traits.

9.Emphasize Conflict: Discuss the importance of conflict within a story and how it drives the plot and engages readers.

10.Set the Tone: Work with students on establishing the mood or tone of a story, whether it’s humorous, suspenseful, or melancholic.

11.Use Mentor Texts: Provide students with mentor texts that exemplify strong narrative elements for them to analyze and learn from.

12.Peer Review Sessions: Conduct peer review workshops where students give constructive feedback on each other’s work.

13.Rewrite Real Life Events: Suggest rewriting real-life events with fictional twists as a fun way to practice narrative skills.

14.Personal Narratives: Assign personal narrative essays to help students draw from their own lives and experiences.

15.Implement Technology: Integrate digital storytelling tools or writing apps that can make the writing process more engaging.

16.Writing Prompts: Offer creative prompts or story starters to kindle imagination and overcome writer’s block.

17.Focus on Pacing: Teach how pacing affects the flow of a story and how to adjust it for maximum impact.

18.Create Storyboards: Use storyboarding techniques where students illustrate key scenes before writing them out.

19.Encourage Reading Aloud: Have students read their stories aloud either during drafting or upon completion to help refine voice and pacing.

20.Editing Checklists: Provide checklists that cover plot consistency, character development, grammar, punctuation, etc., for self-editing purposes.

21.Variety in Sentence Structure: Discuss the importance of varying sentence structure to make narratives more interesting.

22.Non-linear Storytelling: Introduce concepts like flashbacks or non-chronological order to create complex narratives.

23.Address Point of View: Make sure students understand different points of view (first person, third person) and how each influences storytelling style.

24.Word Choice Matters: Stress the importance of precise language choices in conveying themes and emotions accurately.

25.Incorporate Figurative Language: Teach similes, metaphors, personification, etc., to enhance descriptions.

26.Theme Development: Discuss how a thematic backbone can give direction to narrative stories.

27 Estimate your Timeline Properly

28 Emphasize Revision as an opportunity

29 Consider Digital Narratives over Traditional Narratives

30 Encourage Exploration outside Comfort Zones

31 Set attainable goals

32 Foster

15 Jolly Christmas Writing Prompts for Kids

Christmas is a magical time of year, filled with wonder and excitement. To get into the festive spirit, here are 15 jolly Christmas writing prompts for kids to spark their imagination and creativity!

1. Imagine you’re one of Santa’s elves. Write about your day preparing for Christmas Eve.

2. What would your perfect Christmas day look like? Describe it from morning until night.

3. If you could give any gift to the world for Christmas, what would it be and why?

4. Write a letter to Santa Claus telling him how you’ve been good this year and what gifts you’d love to receive.

5. Create a story about a lost reindeer and how it finds its way home in time for Christmas.

6. Invent a new holiday dessert and describe how to make it.

7. Imagine waking up to find out you’re in charge of Santa’s workshop for the day. What happens?

8. Write a poem about the sights, sounds, and smells of Christmas.

9. Think of your favorite Christmas film or book character. Write a diary entry from their perspective during the holidays.

10. Write about what happens when two families accidentally swap presents on Christmas morning.

11. Design your own magical sleigh – what special features does it have?

12. If your pets could talk on Christmas Eve, what would they say?

13. Come up with a new tradition that your family could start this Christmas.

14. Describe your dream snowman – what unique items do you use to decorate it?

15. Pretend you’re Santa Claus on Christmas Eve; write about your journey around the world delivering gifts.

These prompts are designed to not only entertain but also encourage children to explore their creative writing skills during the yuletide season!

10 Children’s Books For Teaching Persuasive Writing

Persuasive writing is a crucial skill that enables students to articulate their opinions and influence others through the power of written words. Cultivating this skill from a young age can empower children to become effective communicators. Here are ten children’s books that can be used as tools for teaching persuasive writing:

1. “I Wanna Iguana” by Karen Kaufman Orloff – This delightful book features a series of letters from Alex to his mother, persuading her to let him have a pet iguana.

2. “Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type” by Doreen Cronin – A humorous story about cows using a typewriter to negotiate better living conditions with the farmer, showing kids the power of collective bargaining.

3. “Earrings!” by Judith Viorst – A young girl uses every argument she can think of to persuade her parents to let her have pierced ears, demonstrating the persistence needed in persuasive writing.

4. “My Brother Dan’s Delicious” by Steven L. Layne – Here, a boy tries to convince monsters that his brother is not tasty—using humorous argumentation tactics reflective of persuasive strategies.

5. “Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!” by Mo Willems – Through engaging dialogue, the pigeon tries everything he can think of to persuade readers to let him drive the bus, exemplifying persuasion in action.

6. “Can I Be Your Dog?” by Troy Cummings – A dog writes letters to various residents trying to find a home, effectively showing how different approaches can be more or less persuasive based on the audience.

7. “A Fine, Fine School” by Sharon Creech – A student must convince her principal that while school is great, having time off is also important—highlighting balance in persuasion.

8. “The Day the Crayons Quit” by Drew Daywalt – The crayons write letters explaining why they’re fed up with how they’re used, which encourages problem-solving through persuasive arguments.

9. “LaRue for Mayor: Letters from the Campaign Trail” by Mark Teague – Dog detective Ike LaRue provides examples of campaign promises and persuasive techniques in his letters aimed at improving local policy.

10.”Hey, Little Ant” by Phillip M. Hoose and Hannah Hoose – Presented in a dialogue format, a boy and an ant debate about whether or not it is okay to step on ants, prompting discussions about ethical persuasion.

Using these ten books as resources in the classroom or at home can encourage children not only to enjoy reading but also support the development of their persuasive writing skills in an engaging and interactive way.

10 Ways to Use Persuasive Topic Cards

Persuasive topic cards are versatile tools that can be used in various activities to improve communication, debate skills, and critical thinking. Here are ten ways you can use persuasive topic cards to your advantage:

1. Debate Preparation: Use the cards to practice for debates by pulling out a card and formulating arguments for or against the stated position.

2. Ice Breakers: At social or professional gatherings, distribute cards to prompt discussions and help people engage in meaningful conversations.

3. Public Speaking Practice: Choose a card at random and give an impromptu speech on the subject to hone your public speaking abilities.

4. Writing Prompts: Writers can use the statements on the cards as prompts for essays, articles, or opinion pieces to explore different viewpoints.

5. Teaching Critical Thinking: Teachers can use these cards in classrooms to help students analyze issues from multiple perspectives and develop argumentative essays.

6. Group Discussions: In group settings, a card can serve as the focal point for discussion, requiring participants to articulate their stance and listen to others’ opinions.

7. Conflict Resolution Training: For those studying or practicing conflict resolution, persuasive topic cards can simulate real-life disagreements where finding common ground is key.

8. Sales Training: Sales teams can work with persuasive topic cards to craft compelling pitches or understand potential objections they might face from clients.

9. Networking Events: To encourage substantive conversations at networking events, persuasive topic cards can steer dialogues towards areas of professional interest and expertise.

10. Personal Development: Individuals can use the cards for self-reflection on personal beliefs and biases by considering their responses to each topic.

Persuasive topic cards are an excellent aid for anyone looking to enhance their rhetorical skills, engage in more profound discussions, or simply break the ice in a new setting.