Changing Teacher Feedback May Improve School Culture


A strong and healthy school culture is a crucial factor in student success and overall growth. It not only impacts academic performance but also nurtures mental and emotional wellbeing among students. Teacher feedback plays a critical role in shaping this healthy school environment. This article explores how changing the way teachers provide feedback can positively impact school culture.

Understanding the Current Scenario:

Traditional teacher feedback approaches often emphasize rote learning, test scores, and compliance. Such methods can lead to increased competition, stress, and anxiety among students. These practices often create an environment where rankings and standardized test results take precedence over creativity, critical thinking, and personal development.

Embracing a Different Approach:

To improve school culture, a change in perspective regarding teacher feedback is necessary. An effective way is by shifting the focus from mere task-completion to recognizing the value of effort, collaboration, and skill development. This approach allows teachers to concentrate on students’ progress rather than just their test performance.

Implementing Change:

To bring about this change in their feedback approach, teachers can adopt the following strategies:

1. Focus on Growth Mindset: Encouraging students to believe in their ability to improve promotes resilience, determination, and active learning. Teach them that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process, leading to growth and improvement.

2. Descriptive Feedback: Instead of merely providing numerical scores or grades, teachers should offer specific insights into areas where students excel or need improvement. Offering guidance on how to enhance their skills will help students implement these suggestions effectively.

3. Encouraging Peer Feedback: Incorporating peer review sessions where classmates exchange constructive critiques can help develop social skills, empathy, mutual respect, and collaborative work attitudes among students.

4. Emphasize Personal Learning Goals: Encourage students to set personal learning objectives instead of comparing themselves with peers. It can help alleviate unhealthy competition while fostering intrinsic motivation for learning.

5. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge students’ achievements and improvements, regardless of the size. This recognition can boost their self-esteem and motivate them to keep striving for success.

Benefits of Changing Teacher Feedback:

By adopting a more holistic approach to feedback, schools can create a more inclusive and supportive environment that nurtures the following benefits:

1. Improved Academic Performance: When students receive constructive feedback and encouragement, they tend to show better academic performance due to increased motivation and confidence.

2. Enhanced Social Skills: The adoption of compassionate feedback approaches teaches students essential social skills like empathy and collaboration that will serve them well in their personal and professional lives.

3. Reduced Anxiety and Stress: Creating an environment where errors are seen as opportunities for growth can significantly lower stress and anxiety levels among students, enabling them to thrive academically and emotionally.


Changing teacher feedback methods has far-reaching effects on promoting a healthy school culture. Emphasizing growth, providing descriptive feedback, encouraging peer reviews, focusing on personal goals, and celebrating small wins contribute to creating a positive learning environment that enables students’ all-round development. By making these changes in their teaching approach, educators can pave the way for nurturing well-rounded individuals who excel both academically and personally.

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