Character Education: Parent Dos and Don’ts


Character education is essential for children, shaping their behavior, moral compass, and their future. As parents, you play a crucial role in instilling good character traits in your children. In this article, we’ll explore the do’s and don’ts of character education for parents, helping you raise responsible, empathetic, and well-rounded individuals.


1. Be a role model: Children learn by example, so it’s essential to exhibit the qualities you want them to develop. Demonstrate honesty, empathy, respect, and responsibility in your daily interactions.

2. Teach them values: Actively teach your kids the importance of good values like kindness, compassion, patience, and diligence. Engage them in discussions about what these traits mean and the significance they have in navigating life’s challenges.

3. Encourage teamwork: Encourage your children to cooperate with others constructively by working together on tasks or participating in team activities. This nurtures their sense of responsibility towards others and the community.

4. Practice active listening: When your children share their thoughts or feelings with you, listen attentively and respond thoughtfully to encourage open communication. This teaches them to value others’ thoughts and opinions.

5. Foster empathy: Teach your children to consider how others may feel in different situations. Encouraging them to understand different perspectives helps develop their empathetic nature.


1. Avoid negative reinforcement: Instead of yelling or punishing your child for mistakes or misconduct, use positive reinforcement to guide their behavior gently. Help them understand why certain behaviors are unacceptable rather than employing harsh criticism.

2. Do not ignore moral dilemmas: When your children face challenging situations that test their character, don’t shy away from discussing these issues with them openly and honestly.

3. Resist over-controlling: Allow your kids some independence so they can learn from their experiences and develop their problem-solving skills. Attempts to control every aspect of your child’s life can inhibit their growth.

4. Don’t speak poorly about others: Avoid gossiping or speaking negatively about other people in front of your children, as this sets a poor example for their behavior towards others.

5. Refrain from comparing your children: Constantly comparing your kids’ achievements or behavior with those of their peers can lead to self-esteem issues. Instead, focus on their unique strengths and areas for improvement, and help them to develop these qualities.


Character education is fundamental in raising morally upright and mentally resilient children. By following these do’s and don’ts, parents can effectively guide their children in developing essential character traits that will serve them throughout life. Remember, the best way to promote good character in your children is to lead by example, setting high standards for your own behavior and attitudes.

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