College Care Package Ideas

A college care package can be a great way to ensure your student is well cared for while away from home. Here are some ideas to get you started:

-Package of fresh snacks: Whether your student is studying for exams or enjoying downtime, a package of healthy snacks can help keep them going. Try things like fruit, nuts, or trail mix.

-A jug of water: A thirsty student is a grumpy student. Ensure a jug of water is always on hand to quench their thirst.

-A blanket or sleeping bag: A cold dorm room can be a downer. Include a blanket or sleeping bag to make your student feel extra cozy and warm.

-A travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste: Nothing is worse than heading to college and discovering that they don’t have any toothbrush or toothpaste! Pack these essentials in case they run out.

-A portable charger: A portable charger is a must whether your student uses their phone constantly or needs a quick charge for their camera.

-A small bag of snacks: If your student is homesick, a small bag of snacks can help tide them over until they can get home.

-A set of fresh laundry detergent and fabric softener: A college student will be busy, and dirty laundry is the worst. Ensure they have everything they need to clean their clothes on the go.

-A travel-sized toiletry bag: Every student is different, but most likely, they will need toiletry items while away from home. A travel-sized toiletry bag is a great way to have everything they need without carrying much extra weight.

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