Community Cohesion: What Does it Mean for Primary Schools?


Community cohesion is a concept that emphasizes the importance of creating a sense of belonging, understanding, and respect among all members of a community. It focuses on nurturing common values, equal opportunities, and fostering positive relationships among diverse groups. But what does community cohesion mean for primary schools? In this article, we will explore the role of primary schools in promoting community cohesion and its impact on students.

The Role of Primary Schools in Community Cohesion

Primary schools play a crucial role in laying the foundation for community cohesion for several reasons:

1. Early exposure to diversity: Primary schools are often the first setting where children encounter people from different backgrounds. This early exposure can shape their understanding and acceptance of diversity, which contributes to community cohesion.

2. Equipping students with social skills: Primary education is not just about gaining academic knowledge; it’s also about equipping students with essential social skills, such as communication, empathy, and conflict resolution. These skills enable children to relate mutually to one another and build strong relationships that foster community cohesion.

3. Incorporating inclusive curriculums: By including topics about different cultures, religions, and perspectives in the curriculum, primary schools can create an environment that promotes inclusivity and tolerance. This helps students understand different perspectives respectfully while recognizing similarities between themselves and others.

4. Encouraging parental involvement: Engaging parents from diverse backgrounds to participate in school events and governance can enhance the sense of community within a primary school setting. This facilitates connections among parents and fosters an inclusive atmosphere that contributes to community cohesion.

The Impact of Community Cohesion on Students

Promoting community cohesion in primary schools has several positive impacts on students:

1. Improved academic performance: Studies have shown that students from cohesive communities tend to perform better academically compared to those from less cohesive environments. This improved academic performance is likely due to increased access to resources, support, and learning opportunities.

2. Enhanced social and emotional well-being: Community cohesion fosters positive relationships among students, leading to an improved sense of belonging and well-being. This can contribute to enhanced emotional and psychological health among primary school children.

3. Reduced bullying and discrimination: A strong sense of community within primary schools helps create an environment that discourages bullying and discrimination among students. This not only improves the school climate but also promotes students’ mental health.

4. Development of responsible citizens: Students who experience community cohesion at a young age are more likely to develop empathy, tolerance, and appreciation for diversity. These values pave the way for the emergence of responsible and active citizens in the future.


Community cohesion is an essential aspect of primary education that fosters a sense of inclusivity, respect, and understanding among students. By placing emphasis on diversity education, social skills development, parental involvement, and inclusive curriculum strategies, primary schools can significantly contribute to promoting community cohesion. Ultimately, this positively impacts academic performance, personal well-being, and the growth of responsible global citizens.

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