Competency-Based Training (CBT): Getting Started

In a recent article published in the Harvard Business Review, authors discuss how competence-based training (CBT) can help organizations achieve their goals. The article is written from a business perspective and provides a great overview of what CBT is, how it works, and some of the benefits it can offer.

CBT has been around for a while now, but it is only recently that it has started to gain traction in the business world. One of the main reasons for this is the fact that CBT is based on the idea that people can learn and improve their skills by doing, rather than being taught. This is in contrast to many other forms of training, which are often based on the assumption that people are not able to learn on their own and require instruction from someone else.

CBT is based on the idea that people can learn and improve their skills by doing, rather than being taught.

One of the most important aspects of CBT is that it is learner-centered. This means that the focus is on helping the individual learner to become more proficient and successful in the area that they are trying to improve. In addition, CBT is often tailored to the specific needs of the individual learner. This means that the training is not the same for everyone and that the individual will be able to benefit from it more effectively.

CBT can be used in a number of different areas, including:

1. Training employees in new skills

2. Improving productivity

3. Reducing error rates

4. Enhancing customer service

The benefits of using CBT are clear, and businesses should consider implementing it if they want to achieve their goals. It is a simple and effective way to help employees become better and more efficient, and it can also improve customer service. If you are looking for a way to improve your business, look into implementing CBT.

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