Constructive Play: Everything You Need to Know

It stands for the process by which children use nearby materials to build and mimic real-world objects. It’s all about building, shaping, and manipulating objects to create something new. The key is that the kids are intentionally and creatively making something. They approach the curiosity with a hands-on inquiry. They’re moving from a functional understanding to a clear concept of the properties of the materials they’re dealing with.

Some major benefits of constructive play include:

Strengthens problem-solving skills: When children engage in constructive play, they quickly learn about processes that can give them results or that don’t work. Additionally, they become flexible with their approach when solving a problem. Children can apply the problem-solving skills gained through constructive play to other areas of their lives that don’t involve play.

Teaches co-operation: Constructive play imbues children with the value of co-operating with other kids in the team. For example, a simple act like passing buckets to each other brings the children together and helps them feel like a single community working toward the same goals. It also paves the way to develop their social skills, an essential trait that’ll be valuable to them as adults.

Improves motor skills: Constructive play requires kids to move each of their body parts as they build. The crawling, walking, stretching, and grabbing help them to exercise their developing muscles actively. It also fine-tunes their motor skills, resulting in healthy body development.

Helps with creative thinking: Constructive play creates a platform that helps kids to be creative in their interactions. By identifying different uses for the materials, kids disengage from thinking in one direction and sharpen their lateral thinking abilities.

Develops self-esteem: During constructive play, children are completely in the driver’s seat. They have the freedom to come up with an objective, select the materials required to achieve the goal, and identify the best way to implement it. This sense of total control gives kids a positive feeling about themselves and helps to develop their self-esteem.

Constructive play requires materials or toys that can bring out the kids’ inner artist. From playdough and building blocks to sticks, cardboard, and sand, parents should give them materials that are versatile enough to be utilized in different ways. However, parents should remember not to dictate what the kid should do during constructive play. Parents need to let the children focus on their goals, solve problems, understand the environment, be inquisitive, and in the process develop a valuable range of cognitive skills that’ll help shape them into well-rounded individuals later.

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