Criticism Essay Topics

Criticism Essay Topics

  1. An Artistic Critique of the Movie Syriana: The Complicated Drama
  2. Essay on Marxist Criticism of Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery”
  3. Review of The Literature for Film Criticism
  4. Walmart and Its Detractors
  5. Regarding the Asch Conformity Experiment: A Criticism
  6. Critique of Marxism
  7. Agnosticism’s Literary Criticism
  8. Literary Analysis of Huckleberry Finn’s Adventures
  9. A Work of Young Adult Fiction in Sylvia Plath’s “The Bell Jar”
  10. The Battle: Formalist Criticism by Louis Simpson
  11. Feminist Criticism as Illustrated in: “The Yellow Wallpaper.” and “The Story of an Hour.”
  12. “Our Faith in Science” Has Received Criticism.
  13. Review of The Titanic’s Rhetoric
  14. Little Big Man, a 1970 Motion Picture, Is A Social Commentary and Critique.
  15. Marx’s Understanding of the Idea of an Immanent Criticism and The Concept of Alienation
  16. Ads That Criticize Television
  17. Charlesworth Asks, “What Has Happened to Art Criticism?”
  18. The Negative Views on “New Media”
  19. Criticism’s Impact on Children’s Acquisition of Appropriate Handwriting Skills
  20. Review of Virginia Woolf’s Book, To The Lighthouse
  21. An Examination of “Guernica” By Pablo Picasso’s Works of Art
  22. A Psychological Evaluation and Analysis of the Tell-Tale Heart
  23. The Scandinavian Crime Fiction Novels’ Social Criticism Work

Essay Topics on Criticism

  1. Philosophy of Rhetoric and Shapiro’s Criticism of Dworkin’s Work
  2. Hillary Clinton: Using Feminism to Advance Her Political Agenda
  3. Criticism of Coca-Cola’s Advertising in the Media and Culture
  4. Conceptualization, Analysis, and Criticism of Pizza Hut Corporation
  5. S. Capitalism: Critiques and Alternatives
  6. Criticism of The Bretton Wood Institutions and Response
  7. Criticism of American Democracy and Equality
  8. Additional Information: Writing Below the Surface
  9. Outlining Benefits, Risks, and Criticism of the Boeing 787
  10. Description and Criticism of the Image
  11. The Criticism of the Nuremberg Trials
  12. By Blair Kamin, “Architecture Criticism: Dead or Alive?”
  13. Criticism of “The Yellow Wallpaper” By Stetson
  14. Miller’s “Death of A Salesman”: Marxist Criticism
  15. Michael Bay’s Concept of Films in Criticism
  16. Art Criticism and Its Basic Stages
  17. Criticism and Discussion in Science Evolution
  18. Emotional Intelligence Criticism by Steve Tobak
  19. Crisis Response to and Criticism of Hurricane Katrina
  20. Objections to the Thinker Anselm Method
  21. Differences between Confucianism and Daoism and Criticism
  22. The Feminist Method of Literary Analysis
  23. Blue Velvet, the Movie: Psychological Criticism

Fascinating Criticism Topics to Write About

  1. The War Prayer by Mark Twain: Sociological Criticism
  2. The Expansion of Family Businesses Abroad
  3. Ideological Criticism in Rhetorical Theory
  4. Firms’ Positive and Negative Criticism
  5. An Epitome of Social Criticism in Literature in Ursulak Le Guin`S “The Dispossessed” and Don Delillo’s “White Noise.”
  6. The Theory of Higher Criticism: Fundamental Fallacies and assumptions
  7. Film Criticism: aspects of It
  8. New Literature Criticism in English and America
  9. Tourism in Tanzania: Evaluations and Suggestions
  10. Rembrandt’s Self Portrait: Art Criticism
  11. Essential Elements of Psychological Science
  12. Caroline Bird’s Article “Where College Fails Us”: Criticism and Response
  13. The Literary Criticism Idea
  14. Lowell’s “Contemporary Literary Criticism”
  15. Historical Critiques of the Book Ivanhoe
  16. Mariano Azuela’s “The Underdogs”: A Critique of the Mexican Revolution
  17. Ibsen’s “Enemy of The People”: Literary and Theatre Criticism
  18. Symbolic Criticism in August Wilson’s “Fences.”
  19. Formalist Techniques in Literary Analysis
  20. Poetic Principles and Practices in “an Essay on Criticism”
  21. The Criticism of “The Story of an Hour” By Kate Chopin
  22. The Representation of Women in Literature According to Feminist Criticism
  23. Social and Literary Philosophy Theories of Literary Criticism
  24. Corporate Governance and Agency Theory: Criticism and Practical Applications
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