Cyberbullying with new technologies: how teachers should respond


With the advancements in technology, new platforms for communication and social interaction have erupted. As much as these tools provide numerous benefits and opportunities for educational purposes, they can also become a breeding ground for cyberbullying. In recent years, cyberbullying has become an increasingly significant concern for educators, students, and parents alike. This article aims to discuss the emerging issue of cyberbullying on new technologies and how teachers should respond to protect students in the digital age.

Understanding Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is the act of using electronic means, such as social media, text messages, or other online platforms, to intentionally harass, threaten, or embarrass someone. Cyberbullies may target their victims based on their appearance, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation.

The role of new technologies in Cyberbullying

With the growing popularity of smartphones and other devices in recent times, the internet has become more accessible to young people. Students often spend hours on these platforms and are more vulnerable to encountering cyberbullies than ever before. To make matters worse, anonymous apps and websites make it easier for cyberbullies to torment their victims without revealing their identity.

How Teachers Should Respond

1. Establish a supportive classroom culture: Create a safe environment where students feel comfortable discussing their experiences with cyberbullying without feeling judged or ostracized. Encourage open dialogue and educate students about the potential consequences of harmful online behavior.

2. Develop clear policies: Develop strict policies regarding bullying incidents both offline and online. Engage in regular talks about the school’s stance on bullying and ensure that these policies are clear to all students.

3. Increase awareness about online safety: Educate students on how to protect themselves from potential threats online by setting privacy settings on their accounts, blocking bullies from contacting them on social media or recognizing signs of online harassment.

4. Monitor online activity: Familiarize yourself with popular apps, platforms, and trends among students. Supervise their online activity in school-provided devices to ensure students are not engaging in or being targets of cyberbullying.

5. Collaborate with parents: Establish an ongoing rapport with the parents of your students to keep them informed about cyberbullying issues concerning their children. By working together, you can create a comprehensive support system.

6. Provide support for victims: If a student confides that they are experiencing cyberbullying, respond promptly and with empathy. Follow the school’s policies to address the issue and keep an open line of communication with the victim.

7. Encourage bystander intervention: Empower students to intervene when they witness cyberbullying occurring. Teach them to report incidents to teachers or trusted adults, and offer support to the victim in appropriate ways.


Dealing with cyberbullying is an ongoing process that requires vigilance, education, and awareness among both educators and students. Teachers hold a pivotal role in helping create safe learning environments by responding proactively to incidents of cyberbullying on new technologies. With proper action, communication, collaboration between school staff, guardians, and students themselves, it will be possible to minimize the harmful effects of cyberbullying on young minds effectively.

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