Dang, These Encanto Memes About Teaching Are 100% Accurate


With the release of Disney’s hit movie Encanto, the internet has been flooded with memes inspired by the enchanting film. Among them, a collection of hilarious yet accurate memes about teaching has emerged, striking home for educators worldwide. If you’re a teacher, or know someone who is, then sit back and enjoy these spot-on Encanto memes showcasing the rollercoaster ride that is the teaching profession!

1. Bruno Predicting Grade Curve Disasters:

Just like the character Bruno in Encanto who can foresee events, teachers can often predict when their students’ grades will nosedive in a frenzy towards the exam week. Every teacher knows that moment when they see an impending storm coming from miles away.

2. When The Lesson Plan Is On Point:

Teachers have this ongoing battle with lesson planning: sometimes it takes hours of tedious work to get it right. But once in a blue moon, they stumble upon a lesson plan that strikes gold, and they feel just like Mirabel – dancing with joy around the room.

3. When You Can’t Get Class Attention No Matter What:

Every teacher knows that feeling when they walk into class ready to teach an important concept or discuss essential information, and it seems like no one will ever listen – just like Antonio talking to his animal friends instead of people.

4. Empathy For The Student Struggling With Homework:

Teachers wear superhero capes in many instances – including when they empathize with their students for their struggle to juggle academics, clubs, sports, and social lives. The scene of Isabela commiserating with someone hidden beneath a pile of unfinished homework perfectly captures this sentiment.

5. That Teacher Who Can Make Any Subject Interesting:

Some teachers possess magical powers (à la Madrigal family) that allow them to turn any subject into an engaging adventure – it’s as if a lesson chants “We don’t talk about student boredom” as the undeniable energy engulfs the classroom.

6. When Something Clicks For A Struggling Student:

As a teacher, nothing is quite as rewarding as when a child who has been struggling to grasp a concept finally has that “Eureka!” moment. Suddenly, their eyes light up like fireflies, and the elation in the scene where Abuela admits Mirabel is right resonates with every educator.


Teaching can be a challenging and unpredictable profession, but that doesn’t stop educators from loving their job, just like how Mirabel didn’t let her absence of gifts hinder her. The humor and wisdom embedded in these Encanto memes make it clear that teachers can relate to the Madrigals’ journey, with its highs and lows, as they make an impact on young lives every single day. So for teachers everywhere – cherish these spot-on memes while waiting for Disney’s next captivating adventure and continue making those real-life differences!

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