Debate Topics for College Students

Are you an instructor or professor looking for debate topics for college students? Check out the list below.

  • Social media sites are used for stalking instead of communicating.
  • Torture is never justified, no matter the situation.
  • How can peer pressure affect an innocent soul?
  • Violent games should be illegal for teenagers.
  • The modern college education system is not better than the traditional one.
  • Beauty pageants are the way to objectify women.
  • Cigarettes should be allowed in public places.
  • Homework should not be banned.
  • Models are creating unrealistic standards of beauty.
  • Fast-food chains are the cause of the rise in the obesity rate.
  • We are living in a dystopian world.
  • Is the Paris Agreement pertinent today?
  • How can a college degree assist you in getting an excellent job?
  • Why should religion be avoided in discussions?
  • Why history an essential subject area?
  • Why is it essential for the learners to play sports regularly?
  • Boarding school is detrimental to the mental health of the learners.
  • Abortion should be available to all women.
  • Barbie is not a great model for young girls.
  • Burning the flag should be illegal.
  • Can censorship ever be justified?
  • Censorship is sometimes warranted on the internet.
  • Companies should not be required to hire 50% male and 50% female employees.
  • Drug addicts should be helped rather than punished.
  • Drug use should not be treated as a mental health issue.
  • Euthanasia should be legal.
  • Feminism should focus more on men’s rights.
  • Gay marriage should be legalized.
  • Gay people should not be allowed to adopt children.
  • Has the #MeToo movement gone too far?
  • Healthcare should be universal.
  • Is feminism irrelevant in the 21st century?
  • Is graffiti art just as worthy of regard as classical paintings?
  • Is privacy important?
  • Marijuana should be legalized.
  • Peer pressure is a good thing.
  • Police should not be allowed to use excessive force.
  • Religion does more harm than good.
  • Sex work should be legal.
  • Should genetic engineering be legal?
  • Should human cloning be legalized?
  • Should insurance cover cosmetic procedures?
  • Smoking should be banned.
  • Social media does more harm than good.
  • The death penalty should be abolished.
  • The government should provide free birth control.
  • The harms of patriotism outweigh the benefits.
  • The minimum wage should be lowered (or raised).
  • We’re living in a dystopian society.
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