Does video feedback improve teaching?

Some teachers aren’t fond of having their classroom interactions filmed and dissected. It may be viewed as intrusive and a way to unfairly criticize an educator’s methods.

But one company is out to improve that process and has statistics to back it up.

Insight Education Group recently announced the formation of a new company arm called ADVANCEfeedback. It was created after Insight Education Group conducted years of research in varied schools and districts across the country.

For the purpose of professional growth and improvement of classroom instruction, ADVANCEfeedback aids educators in their quest for efficiency and better ways to advance participation within the classroom.

It’s also designed to better assist educators when it comes to professional development through classroom observation. Instead of using an antiquated method of observing teachers in the classroom by having someone physically show up to examine what’s happening, ADVANCEfeedback modernizes that process by introducing and designing video observations.

A report from Harvard University found that when teachers are observed through video, the examination process actually improves. The process is shown to be more effective and actually allows for better scheduling for those doing the observing.

ADVANCEfeedback not only improves the classroom environment for teachers, but coupling it with Insightfeedback, will also help with peer feedback.

Insightfeedback is another tool that educators may use to help with professional development. Teachers have the ability to upload video from a classroom observation and share it with other teachers and educators for additional feedback. It’s almost a practice device so that educators may continue to improve in the classroom prior to being officially observed.

What’s great about the Insight Education Group is that its make-up is that of ex-teachers, administrators, and those who may have a specialty in education. Not only do these individuals bring a wealth of knowledge with them, but they’re also aiding in the process of creating products that are catered specifically for educators.

For more information on Insight Education Group and the new InsightADVANCE offerings, please visit

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