Dyslexia: Everything You Need to Know

Dyslexia is a disability that lowers a person’s ability to recognize letters and associate them with sounds. Individuals with dyslexia usually have a normal intelligence level yet still experience this language development problem. Although it is now treatable, students with dyslexia often suffer from long periods where their literacy skills make it hard for them to perform academically before they are diagnosed and provided with support.

The signs of dyslexia may be difficult to spot until a child begins school. A teacher may be the first person to notice the symptoms, especially if a kid struggles to spell, read, and follow instructions in the classroom. The symptoms change at different stages of life and ages. Each kid with dyslexia faces distinct challenges and has unique strengths. However, there’re some general symptoms that a child may need some additional help in school.

Preschoolers with dyslexia may exhibit symptoms that include:

·         Finding it difficult to remember or learn the letters of the alphabet

·         Having trouble recognizing letters

·         Mispronouncing familiar words

·         Being unable to identify rhyming patterns

Grade-schoolers with dyslexia may show symptoms that include:

·         Reading more slowly than other children of their age

·         Being unable to tell the difference between particular words or letters

·         Writing numbers or letters backward

·         Having trouble sounding out words when reading

·         Struggling to follow a series of instructions

Middle and high schools pupils with dyslexia may exhibit symptoms that include:

·         Having trouble writing clearly (making errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling)

·         Taking a long time to complete tests or finish their homework

·         Having messy handwriting

·         Using the wrong words

·         Avoiding reading aloud

Adults with dyslexia may find that they have a hard time:

·         Spelling, remembering, or memorizing words

·         Reading at a good pace

·         Copying things down or taking notes

·         Learning another language, doing math, or remembering numbers such as pin numbers or passwords

·         Meeting deadlines and staying organized

Scientists haven’t yet pinpointed the exact causes of dyslexia. However, they do know that brain differences and genes play a role. Brain differences between persons with and without dyslexia happen in the brain’s areas involved with crucial reading skills. These skills include identifying what written words look like and understanding how sounds are represented in words. Many times, dyslexia runs in families. A significant percent of siblings of people with this condition also struggle with reading. Researchers have also found genes associated with problems with processing and reading language.

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