Early Signs That Your Child Has Reading Difficulties

Children’s primary interaction in their earlier years is with their parents. Unsurprisingly, they are the ones that have the most influence on children’s development. Also, they are the first ones to notice if their children have developmental delays

Continue reading to see how parents have successfully noticed reading difficulties early in their children’s lives. You will also find out ways to assess if your child is having a reading problem and what to do in such a situation.

Instances Where Parents Realized That Their Children Had Trouble Reading

  • A parent finds that their child had difficulty in learning letters and symbols. Although the parent gave undivided attention to the child, the child could not learn letters and symbols. The parent realized that not being able to remember such things, despite constant instruction, was concerning.
  • Another parent recalls that their three-year-old child was not speaking at the same level that her peers were. This was an early sign, and it was correct as the child eventually did face reading difficulties.
  • A parent recalls how her preschool son disliked nursery rhymes. Despite having heard the same rhyme many times, her son failed to fill in the rhyme’s last word, which she would keep blank. He just didn’t seem to recognize the pattern of similar-sounding words that is characteristic of rhyming.

Ways Of Finding Out If Your Child Has Reading Difficulties

If your child has started school and you are concerned that s/he is having a reading difficulty. Here are some ways that you could confirm your doubts:

  • Your child is guessing the sounds of alphabets instead of remembering them. This is concerning as first-graders usually have acquired a grip on phonics by now and tend to remember letters’ pronunciation.
  • Your child is not able to read aloud the books recommended for their age group.
  • It is considered a warning if your child skips words in a sentence and does not stop to correct themselves.
  • Mispronouncing the same word many times.
  • Your child might struggle with rhyming or recognizing words that start with the same sound.
  • Your child does not enjoy rhymes or word games and shows explicit disapproval of them, it is also a reason to worry.

What Next?

If you have figured out that your child has reading difficulties, do not panic. A calm and composed response will help the child more. Realize that having reading difficulties amongst children is not as unusual as you may think it is. Be grateful that you realized that your child is struggling as soon as you have. 

The earlier you pick these signs, the quicker you can find a way to help your child. You can start by giving extra time to read together with your child and ask them to pick the book themselves to be more interested in reading.

Concluding Thoughts

A parent is usually the first to assess if their child is undergoing a physical, emotional, or cognitive development issue. Similarly, if your child is struggling to read, you can be the first person to notice it and help them overcome it.

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