Education Technology Innovation in Elearning

The early days of elearning looked suspiciously similar to traditional classes taken in brick-and-mortar classrooms.

You enrolled for a class, bought your books or downloaded content, and attended class via computer; on the day and time set by the school. Online courseware included opportunities for digital networking, conversing, and sharing computer screens. The classes were exclusive; those without computer access were left out.

Equal access is just the beginning of what’s possible in elearning. New education technology innovations make a synergy that makes elearning the preferred choice for most learners.

The Best Innovations in ELearning

Courseware isn’t the only innovation in elearning. Most supplemental tools support classroom instruction at all levels of learning, helping students engage in the learning process and have more fun doing it .

Learner response systems

Educators recognize the need for learner involvement in lessons, but connecting with each learner in every class can take time if the class size exceeds 30 learners. It’s necessary for learning, but engagement, response, and feedback are time-consuming.

Learner responses systems streamline the process for continuous communication.

Expanded social learning

Elearning models find themselves transitioning to more fluid models. Courses will no longer be one-time “events.”

Learners will have more access to social networks that function as tools for learning. Learners will find themselves connecting to their professors, subject matter experts, and people in the field as part of the learning experience.


Not surprisingly, online classes have a reputation for being boring. Usually, they fail to engage learners. Learners give up on the class and go on to something else. However, adding gamification gives it an element of fun.

Only the Beginning

Elearning is growing in popularity. One out of every three college learners has taken an online course; 15.4% take online classes toavoid enrollment in traditional classes. You can count on seeing the numbers grow, especially if elearning becomes more relevant and accessible.

The growth will happen only if companies make elearning accessible and engaging. If education technology entrepreneurs vigorously innovate for elearning, we may see incredible new innovations.

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