Emotional Validation: How to Validate a Child’s Feelings

When it comes to validating a child’s emotions, it is important to be mindful of the appropriateness of the validation. Too often, we give our children unsolicited emotional validation, which can be harmful. Here are five tips for emotional validation that is appropriate for children:

1. Listen without interruption – Allow your child to talk without interruption. This will allow them to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings.

2. Validate their feelings – When your child shares their emotions with you, please validate them. Saying things like “I can see how that would make you feel” or “I understand why you would feel that way” will help them feel validated.

3. Avoid giving advice – Don’t offer unsolicited advice about how to feel or how to deal with their emotions. This will only confuse and frustrate your child.

4. Avoid making decisions for them – When your child shares their emotions with you, don’t make decisions for them. This will only further confuse them and undermine their sense of autonomy.

5. Let them cry – When your child is experiencing intense emotions such as sadness or anger: let them cry. This will allow them to release the emotion and hopefully feel better afterward.

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