Equity vs. Equality: Steps Toward Equity

When discussing the concept of equality, it is important first to understand the difference between equity and equality. Equity is a measure of how well a group of people is being treated relative to their ability to contribute. Conversely, equality is a moral goal that seeks to ensure that all people have an equal opportunity to succeed.


Equality is often confused with equity, but they are actually two different concepts. Equality is the goal of giving all people an equal opportunity to succeed. Equity is the measure of how well a group of people is being treated relative to their ability to contribute.


There are two main ways to achieve equity: equality of opportunity and outcome. Equality of opportunity means everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve their goals, regardless of their background or previous experiences. Equality of outcome, on the other hand, means that everyone in a group receives the same result, regardless of their ability.


Equality of outcome is often more difficult to achieve because it requires everyone in a group to have the same ability. This can be difficult because different people have different abilities. For example, some people are better at math than others, and others are better at writing.


Several steps can be taken to achieve equity. The first step is to identify the areas where the group falls short. Next, the group must identify the barriers to equality. These barriers can be physical, social, or economic. Finally, the group must take action to overcome the barriers.


Equity is a worthwhile goal because it ensures everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.

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