Eustress vs Distress Examples – Positive & Negative Types of Stressors

Stress is an unavoidable part of life. It can be good or bad. There are two main types of stress: eustress and distress. Eustress is positive stress that helps us feel alert and motivated, while distress is negative stress that can lead to anxiety, depression, and other problems. Here are some examples of eustress and distress in everyday life.

Positive Eustress

Positive Eustress helps you feel alert and motivated. It can come from things like a challenging job, a new relationship, or a positive accomplishment.

Some examples of positive eustress in everyday life include:

Feeling motivated to learn after a challenging class

Feeling excited about a new project

Enjoying a challenging workout

Feeling happy after a successful accomplishment

Negative Eustress

Negative eustress can lead to anxiety, depression, and other problems.

Some examples of negative eustress in everyday life include:

Feeling stressed out about a difficult task

Feeling overwhelmed by a big project

Feeling stressed out about a personal problem

Feeling anxious about an upcoming test


Distress is negative stress that can lead to anxiety, depression, and other problems.

Some examples of distress in everyday life include:

Feeling tense and anxious

Feeling overwhelmed and stressed

Feeling sad and lonely

Feeling angry and frustrated

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