Evaluation Terminology: Types of Special Education Evaluations

Evaluation terminology can be confusing and daunting, especially for someone new to the field. In this article, we’ll discuss the different types of evaluations commonly used in special education, and provide some tips for navigating the evaluation process.

Special education evaluations can take many different forms, and can be used to assess a student’s progress or determine the need for special education services. Here are the most common types of evaluations used in special education:

1. Progress evaluations are used to track a student’s progress over time. They can help educators determine whether a student is making sufficient gains in learning, and whether the services he or she is receiving are meeting his or her needs.

2. Accommodation evaluations are used to determine whether a student is receiving the appropriate level of special education services. Accommodation evaluations should include an assessment of the student’s ability to access special education services, as well as a review of the physical environment in which the services are provided.

3. Individual education plans (IEPs) are special documents that outline a child’s educational goals and objectives. IEPs are created when a student is considered to be at high risk for not meeting his or her educational goals, or when a student’s needs are not being met in the regular classroom. IEPs can include provisions for special education services, such as accommodations in the classroom and modifications to the curriculum.

4. Diagnostic evaluations are used to determine whether a student has a disability. A diagnostic evaluation can identify the specific disability a student has, as well as the severity of that disability.

5. Screening evaluations are used to identify students who may be eligible for special education services. Screening evaluations should include an assessment of a student’s general cognitive ability, academic skills, and social/emotional development.

Evaluation terminology can be confusing and daunting, especially for someone new to the field. In this article, we’ll discuss the different types of evaluations commonly used in special education, and provide some tips for navigating the evaluation process.

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