Exploring ‘Ungrading’: A New Approach to Improve Student Retention in Colleges

Student retention has become a growing concern for colleges and universities worldwide. With the increasing importance of education in today’s world, it is crucial that schools find effective strategies to ensure student success and alleviate the pressure of standardized grading systems. One approach gaining momentum among educators is the concept of ‘ungrading,’ which aims to shift the focus from traditional letter grades to an emphasis on learning, improvement, and personal growth.

The Problem with Traditional Grading

Traditional grading systems often place undue stress on students, as they are assessed based on standardized tests, assignments, and other measurements used to assign arbitrary letter grades. This pressure can lead to decreased motivation and diminished mental well-being for students driven by a singular pursuit of high marks instead of truly understanding the subject matter. Consequently, this can cause some students to disengage from their studies or even drop out altogether.

The ‘Ungrading’ Solution

‘Ungrading’ is an alternative assessment approach that aims to promote deep learning while reducing student anxiety relating to grades. It focuses on providing meaningful feedback through various means such as self-assessment, peer review, and personalized instructor feedback, enabling students to actively engage with their work and internalize the development process.

Some key aspects of ungrading include:

1. Emphasizing student learning: Ungrading promotes a more profound intellectual engagement with course materials by eliminating the grade-based comparison mindset.

2. Encouraging self-reflection: Students become more accountable for their academic progress as they regularly evaluate their performance and understanding by means of self-assessment and goal-setting exercises.

3. Valuing individual growth: Ungrading takes into account each student’s unique learning journey rather than purely focusing on standardized metrics.

4. Prioritizing feedback over marking: By placing importance on comprehensive and constructive criticism, ungrading allows students to understand their strengths and areas requiring improvement, better preparing them for future success.

Implementing ‘Ungrading’ in Colleges

Introducing ungrading to a college or university’s assessment structure necessitates a shift in institutional mindset and the pedagogical approach of its educators. Possible steps for implementing ungrading include:

1. Training faculty: Educators must be well-versed in the ungrading philosophy and proficient in providing constructive feedback to foster student growth.

2. Designing an evaluation system: Colleges should develop a comprehensive ungrading system that incorporates self-assessment, peer review, and personalized instructor feedback.

3. Engaging with students: For ungrading to be genuinely effective, students must understand the approach’s benefits and commit to a more proactive role in their learning process.

4. Gauging success: As with any new initiative, it is necessary to review the effectiveness of ungrading strategies periodically. This could involve surveys of students and faculty or collecting qualitative data on student engagement and academic progress.


Ungrading has the potential to revolutionize how we perceive and approach education by prioritizing the learning process over standardized metrics. By implementing the principles of ungrading in higher education institutions, colleges can work towards improved student retention and overall academic success for their students in an environment that nurtures individualized growth and holistic development.

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