Facts About Texas For Kids

Texas is a state located in the southern part of the United States of America. It is the second-largest state in the country, both in terms of area and population. Texas is a fascinating and exciting state for kids to learn about. Here are some interesting facts about Texas that will help any young learner grow in their knowledge.

State Symbols

Texas has several official state symbols. The state bird is the Northern Mockingbird, the state flower is the Bluebonnet, and the state tree is the Pecan tree. In addition, Texas also has an official state animal, which is the Armadillo. The state motto of Texas is “Friendship”, and its nickname is “The Lone Star State”.


Texas is known for its diversity in geography. It has the Gulf of Mexico to its south, the Rio Grande River to its west, while its southern border meets with Mexico. Texas has several landforms, including mountains, plains, and deserts. The highest peak in Texas is Guadalupe Peak, which stands at 8,749 feet. Texas also has three major rivers, including the Trinity River, Brazos River, and Colorado River.


Texas has a rich history dating back to the time of Native Americans who lived there before it was claimed by Spain in the early 16th century. Comanche, Apache, and Kiowa natives once inhabited the state. Texas was not officially part of the United States until 1845. One interesting fact about Texas is that it was once an independent country. In fact, Texas was its own country, called the Republic of Texas, from 1836 to 1845. The famous battle of The Alamo, where a small group of Texans fought a large Mexican army, took place on Texas soil in 1836.


Texas is known for its unique and delicious food. Some of the famous dishes from Texas are brisket, chili, and Tex-Mex cuisine, which combines traditional Mexican food with American cuisine. Texas also produces the most beef, cotton, and wool in the United States. In addition, Texas is well known for its state fair, which is famous for its fried foods, such as fried oreos, fried bologna sandwiches, and fried butter.


Texas is a state full of rich history, beautiful geography, delicious food, and unique state symbols. Learning about Texas can help kids learn about their country’s diverse landscape and culture. Whether it’s a school project or an interesting fact to impress their friends, expanding their knowledge of Texas can be fun and informative.

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