Finding Other LGBTQIA+ Friends in College 

College is a time of self-discovery, especially for members of the LGBTQIA+ community who may have struggled with their identity in their adolescent years. Finding friends who understand and support your identity is essential. Therefore, if you are an LGBTQIA+ college student looking to make new friends, the following tips will guide you through the process.

1. Attend Campus Events or Join Campus-based Clubs

Most universities have a queer, gender, and sexuality alliance (QGSA), which is a group that’s open to everyone, especially at the college level. Through this group, you can participate in various events and meet other students who are also looking for friendship and acceptance.

Additionally, some colleges offer Pride Weeks, which is a week with many LGBTQIA+-themed events and opportunities for students to connect. Attending these events can be a great way to make new LGBTQIA+ friends while participating in recreational activities.

2. Use Social Media

Another way to find LGBTQIA+ friends is through social media. Most colleges have an LGBTQIA+ group page or organization that can be found online. Joining these groups can help connect with like-minded individuals on campus. Also, many social media platforms have specific private groups and chat rooms exclusively for LGBTQIA+ students.

Moreover, you can use dating apps that have a feature enabling you to specify that you want to make friends only. In some cases, you can filter by orientation, age, and interests.

3. Attend LGBTQ+ events Outside of Campus

Apart from joining on-campus events and clubs, attending events and meetups outside of campus can also help you find LGBTQIA+ friends. Join your local LGBTQIA+ community, attend local pride parades, and ask around for any relevant events. Community events that allow safe spaces for LGBTQIA+ students are an excellent chance to connect and potentially make friends.

Additionally, many areas have specific LGBTQIA+ bars, clubs, and social groups. Researching and attending these events can be an excellent way to expand your social circle and find like-minded individuals.

4. Reach out to Others

Lastly, a simple and effective way to make friends is to reach out to people within the LGBTQIA+ community. Being vulnerable and letting people know you’re looking for new friends can lead to building new and lasting relationships. Many people may be in the same position as you, so don’t hesitate to initiate conversations and relationships.

In conclusion, finding friends in college takes time and patience. It is essential to prioritize your safety and comfort when it comes to meeting new people, especially within the LGBTQIA+ community. Remember to surround yourself with people who accept and support you, as they will become part of your support system during and beyond college.  

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