Five Reasons Why We Need Poetry in Schools

Poetry is an artform that can be wildly effective in schools. Here’s why every K-12 school should implement poetry into their curriculum.

1. Poetry can help children learn about the world around them.

If children can read and understand poetry, they are more likely to be aware of their own thoughts and feelings and be able to connect with others. They also learn about the history and culture of other countries and cultures.

2. Poetry can help students learn about themselves.

When children read poetry, they are often able to reflect on their own thoughts and feelings. They also develop a love for reading and writing.

3. Poetry can help children learn to think critically.

When children read poetry, they can identify and understand the problems and issues with which they are faced. They are also able to think about the ways they could have done things better.

4. Poetry can help children learn to communicate effectively.

When children read poetry, they can express their thoughts and feelings in a clear and concise way. They also learn how to write effectively.

5. Poetry can help children learn to connect with others.

When children read poetry, they can build relationships with other people. They also learn about the different values and beliefs of other people.

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