Free Teaching Activities Inspired by Charlie and The Chocolate Factory


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a classic children’s book by Roald Dahl, continues to captivate young readers with its enchanting story of a young boy who wins a golden ticket to visit the world’s most extraordinary chocolate factory. This imaginative tale provides numerous opportunities to engage students in fun, interactive learning activities. Here are some free teaching activities inspired by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

1. Golden Ticket Scavenger Hunt

Hide golden tickets (laminated pieces of gold paper) around your classroom, school or outside area, and have students work together to find them all. This activity encourages teamwork, problem-solving skills, and physical exercise while creating an exciting atmosphere reminiscent of the novel.

2. Create Your Own Candy

Invite students to invent their own unique candy name, appearance, and flavor using art supplies, clay or other crafting materials. Encourage them to write a brief description of their creation and present it to the class. This activity fosters creativity, communication skills and persuasive techniques.

3. Chocolate Room Scene Dioramas

Have your students create dioramas representing scenes from the Chocolate Room in Willy Wonka’s factory. Students can use shoeboxes or small cardboard boxes as the base for their dioramas and decorate them with craft materials, drawing inspiration from Roald Dahl’s vivid descriptions. This activity will help develop visualization, spatial awareness and attention to detail in your students.

4. Character Analysis

Ask students to choose one character from Charlie & The Chocolate Factory and create a character profile that includes descriptions of their appearance, personality traits, actions in the story and character motivation. This activity helps build comprehension skills by encouraging critical thinking about characters and their roles in the story.

5. Creative Writing Prompt: My Day at the Chocolate Factory

Inspire your students’ writing skills by having them write a short narrative essay about their magical day at a chocolate factory. Encourage them to use vivid descriptive language, create original characters, and include twists or surprises to engage their readers.

6. Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Science

Introduce some fun science concepts in your teaching by doing experiments related to the theme of chocolate. For example, explore the melting points of different types of chocolate or teach students about the chemistry behind the process of tempering chocolate. This activity combines a love for Roald Dahl’s story with real-world scientific knowledge.


These free teaching activities inspired by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory offer fun and engaging ways to deepen your students’ understanding of this timeless classic, while also reinforcing key learning outcomes across various subjects such as literature, science, creativity and communication skills. Feel free to adapt these activities according to your class’s needs and enjoy the magic that comes from exploring this beloved tale.

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