Gaslighting Parents – 10 Examples, Signs & Fightbacks

If you’re experiencing gaslighting from your parents, it can feel like you’re in a constant state of confusion and doubt. Here are 10 signs that you’re being gaslighted as well as some ways to fight back against your parents’ manipulation.

1. Your parents start to make you doubt your own thoughts and feelings.

Your parents will start to make you doubt your own thoughts and feelings, telling you that you’re overthinking things or that you’re making things up. They’ll try to make you feel like you’re crazy or like you’re not capable of making decisions for yourself.

2. Your parents start to make you question your friends and family.

Your parents will start to make you doubt your friendships and family, telling you that you’re not being truthful or that your friends are bad people. They’ll try to make you think that everyone is against you or that you’re the only person who is feeling this way.

3. Your parents start to make you doubt your own memories.

Your parents will start to make you doubt your own memories, telling you that you’re not remembering things correctly or that you’re making things up. They’ll try to make you feel like you’re not capable of remembering anything from the past.

4. Your parents start to make you doubt your own abilities.

Your parents will start to make you doubt your own abilities, telling you that you’re not smart or capable enough. They’ll try to make you feel like you’re not good enough in any area of your life.

5. Your parents restrict your freedoms.

Your parents will start to restrict your freedoms, telling you that you can’t do things that you used to be able to do. They’ll try to make you feel like you’re not free to make your own decisions anymore.

6. Your parents start to make you feel like you’re broken.

Your parents will start to make you feel like you’re broken, telling you that you’re not capable of fixing yourself or that you’re nothing without them. They’ll try to make you feel like you need their help to survive.

7. Your parents start to make you feel like you’re not good enough.

Your parents will start to make you feel like you’re not good enough, telling you that you’re not meeting their expectations or that you’re not good enough in any way. They’ll try to make you feel like you’re not worth anything.

8. Your parents start to make you feel like you’re a liability.

Your parents will start to make you feel like you’re a liability, telling you that you’re costing them money or that you’re a burden to them. They’ll try to make you feel like you’re not worth anything to them.

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