Getting Your Principal a Great Gift

It’s difficult to buy a gift for a principal. You want a gift that reflects your feelings or gratitude towards them but will also be appreciated. Principals are given all sorts of gifts, from ornaments to mugs, baked treats, and simple ‘thank-you’ cards; however, it’s a minefield. Sometimes, you buy a gift that’s too over the top or too expensive. While you might not think that’s an issue, it can be. So, what do you need to know about buying gifts for principals, and what should you buy?

The Gray Area of Gifts

Every principal has rules about gifts. Some principals will accept thank-you notes, cards, and minor gifts (such as a coffee mug); others, however, won’t. It’s tricky because some gifts might be seen as bribes, depending on how lavish they are. Of course, some schools won’t accept any gifts, no matter how insignificant or small. So, it’s important to know the school’s policy on the matter before you buy anything. Whether you’re a teacher, student, or parent, you should do this. 

It keeps you on the right footing. 

A Personal Thank-You Card

This isn’t an expensive gift; it’s more a token gesture but can mean a lot. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or student, you can personally thank the principal by writing down a few words. It can be a traditional or electronic card and can be well thought of by the principal. 

Cards are a simple gift but can be as heartfelt as you like. For example, ‘thank you so much for welcoming me to the school. I’ve appreciated all the help and support you’ve given to me this last and look forward to next term.’ This is a simple message from a teacher, and it’s a nice way to express your feelings about joining the team.

A Gift Card

Who doesn’t love a gift card? These are perfect gifts because the principal can treat themselves to whatever they like. For instance, a $5 gift card to a coffee store doesn’t seem much, but it’s a great gesture. A $5 gift card for a local cinema is a nice gesture. There are many gift card choices that can be useful if you aren’t sure what to buy a principal.

A Funny Calendar

A humorous calendar can be ideal if you’re searching for the perfect Christmas or festive gift. It’s cheeky but will give the principal a good laugh. Plus, it’s inexpensive, so it’s perfect for those on a budget who don’t want to spend a lot of money on a gift. 

A Personalized Diary 

Principals have teacher conferences, meetings with parents, talks with students, and plenty of other meetings to attend. So, why not opt for a simple diary? It’s a useful gift that is sure to be used. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on this gift and can personalize it too. 

A Humorous T-Shirt

On their off days, principals often like to go for casual wear, so a funny or humorous t-shirt can be ideal. It’s a simple gift and doesn’t cost a lot to buy either. Of course, you need to be careful with sizes and don’t be cheeky with the ones you buy. 

For instance, you have a plumper principal, and she’s quite sensitive about her weight. Don’t buy a t-shirt you know is going to be too small – and – don’t buy one that’s far too big. If you’re not sure, opt for a safe size or just give them a gift receipt. That way, if the size isn’t right, they can discreetly change it for one that fits. 

Chair Pillow 

Principals have a lot of stress and usually sit down a lot. A simple chair pillow can give them simple comfort. It’s a great gesture to help them out when they need to sit on an uncomfortable chair for prolonged periods. 

Sweets and Hampers

If you’ve been working with the principal a lot over the last year and are quite friendly with them, you might want to opt for a food hamper. The great thing about hampers is that you can go for pre-made or create one yourself, and it can be as expensive (or inexpensive) as you like. Or choose a box of chocolates. You can show your appreciation without going too overboard. 

Personalized Water Bottle

Everyone should carry a water bottle around because it encourages them to stay hydrated and avoid unnecessary sugary drinks. It’s a great gift that can be personalized if you so wish. On the plus side, it doesn’t cost a lot of money to buy and is typically a safe gift. 

Keep it Simple

Unless you are best friends with the principal or your child worked closely with them, you don’t need to go overboard with your gift. That might sound a bit mean, but the reality is that, if you’re a passing stranger to the principal, a simple gift works. Even if you are on friendly terms with the principal, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to show your appreciation. Gift cards, diaries, a box of chocolates, and a thank-you card, are all great ideas and very inexpensive. 

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