Governors and head: make it a relationship that works


In any organization, the harmonious working relationship between the governing body and the head or CEO is crucial for the successful implementation of strategies and policies. This partnership contributes significantly to achieving the vision and mission of an institution. In this article, we will explore the importance of establishing a strong relationship between governors and heads, and provide practical tips on nurturing this essential partnership.

1. Understanding Each Other’s Roles

For a successful collaboration, both governors and head must have a clear understanding of their respective roles and responsibilities. While the governors are responsible for setting strategic direction, monitoring performance, and ensuring accountability, the head is responsible for daily management, implementation of policies, and leading the team towards organizational goals.

2. Trust: The Foundation

Mutual trust and respect are key ingredients in building a solid relationship between governors and head. When both parties trust each other’s intentions, judgments, and expertise, it fosters open communication, enhances teamwork, and encourages collaboration.

3. Transparency in Communication

Openness in communication is crucial for effective cooperation between governors and head. Clear channels of communication should be established to facilitate regular dialogue about organizational issues and challenges. A transparent system ensures that both parties can openly discuss their ideas without fear of reproach or judgment.

4. Shared Vision

One of the drivers that can bring governors and head together is having a shared vision for their organization’s future. When both parties are committed to pursuing common goals, they will be more inclined to work together as a team focused on overcoming barriers to success.

5. Regular Interaction

Regular interaction between governors and head is essential for fostering stronger relationships. Face-to-face meetings, video conferences or telephone calls provide opportunities to address emerging issues timely, share mutual concerns or achievements, review organizational progress, and reassess priorities.

6. Continuous Professional Development

Both governors and head should invest in continuous professional development to keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date. Attending training courses, conferences, or workshops together can not only help them grow professionally but also strengthen their relationship by sharing experiences and learning from each other.

7. Performance Evaluation

It is important to have an effective and regular mechanism in place for evaluating the performance of both governors and head. This process provides an opportunity for self-assessment, constructive feedback, and recognition of achievements. It also identifies areas that need improvement, thereby enhancing individual and organizational performance.


Building and maintaining a strong relationship between governors and head does not happen overnight. It requires continuous effort, mutual understanding, trust, open communication, shared vision, regular interaction, professional growth, and rigorous evaluation. By investing in this partnership, organizations will be able to navigate complex challenges and optimize success more effectively.

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