GRE Timing Tips

To do as well as possible on an exam, it is imperative that students put in the work beforehand. However, if you go into the test and manage your time poorly, all the studying you did in preparation could have been for nothing. 

For example, you could end up missing out on essential questions because you spent way too much time in the earlier sections. On the other hand, you could rush the paper and leave out vital information that would have gotten you extra marks. 

In this article, we will be discussing a few helpful timing tips that you should use going into your GRE. This includes not rushing the sections, moving on if you are stuck, and reading the questions thoroughly. 

Don’t Rush The Sections

One of the most essential tips that you should always keep in mind going into the exam is not to rush the paper. Many students believe that they will not finish within the time limit – for this reason, they work through the questions as fast as they can. 

However, even though some pupils may not complete the exam within the set time, thoroughly answering all of the questions you do get to is always the better option. 

Move On If You Don’t Know The Answer

Another common mistake that many pupils make during the exam is spending way too much time on a question that they do not know the answer to. 

It is important to remember that if you do not know the answer, you should not waste precious time coming up with information that may not be correct. 

For this reason, it is a much better idea to move on and come back to the question if you have time left over at the end. 

Ensure That You Read The Questions And Comprehensions Thoroughly

Many pupils skim over reading comprehensions and essays to save time. However, this is never a good plan of action. 

Most of the time, the examiners hide important information within these texts, meaning that you could miss valuable marks. More so, misreading questions will obviously drastically affect your answer. 

Concluding Thoughts

Many students make poor timing decisions during their GREs. This can result in them missing out on valuable points that would have otherwise improved their result. 

For this reason, they should adopt a few timing techniques. This includes not rushing the sections, moving on if they don’t know the answer to a question, and thoroughly reading the questions/texts.

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