Help! My Principal Is Coming To Observe Me and I Feel Like I’m Under the Microscope


Educators around the globe often feel a sense of anxiety when they find out that their principal will be coming to observe their classroom. This feeling of being under the microscope is all too familiar for most teachers, especially those who are new or have had issues in the past. However, it’s important to recognize that classroom observations don’t have to be a nerve-wracking experience. Instead, use this opportunity to showcase your teaching skills, improve your instructional techniques, and foster a positive relationship with your principal. In this article, we will explore some effective strategies to help you navigate this experience with confidence.

1. Be prepared

One of the best ways to ease your anxiety is to be ready for the observation. Make sure you have a detailed and well-organized lesson plan, along with any necessary resources and materials. Familiarize yourself with the content you will be teaching, practice your delivery, and anticipate possible questions or challenges from students.

2. Maintain a professional attitude

It’s crucial that you remain professional throughout the observation process. Dress appropriately, be punctual, and treat your principal with respect and courtesy. Remember that their presence in your classroom is an opportunity to observe not only your teaching skills but also your ability to interact effectively with students and colleagues.

3. Treat it as a learning opportunity

Instead of viewing classroom observation as an evaluation or critique, consider it as an opportunity for professional growth. Embrace any feedback given by your principal—whether positive or constructive—as valuable insights that can help you improve and enhance your teaching methods. Show that you’re willing to learn from the experience by asking questions or seeking clarification if needed.

4. Don’t change everything

Some teachers make the mistake of completely overhauling their usual routines or trying out entirely new strategies during an observation. It’s generally best to stick with your usual classroom management techniques and teaching style, as these will likely be more effective and authentic. Your principal wants to see you in your natural environment, doing what you do best.

5. Engage your students

Demonstrate your ability to foster a positive, inclusive, and engaging learning atmosphere by actively involving your students throughout the lesson. Use clear instructions and challenging questions to elicit thoughtful responses, facilitate group work or collaborative activities, and incorporate various teaching strategies to keep the learning environment stimulating for all students.

6. Highlight your strengths

While it’s essential to maintain a balanced and well-rounded approach to teaching, don’t be afraid to showcase your unique strengths as an educator. Whether you’re adept at integrating technology into the classroom or have a particular knack for creating stimulating discussions, highlight these skills during the observation.

7. Reflect on the experience

Once the observation is complete, take some time for self-reflection. Consider what went well during the lesson and identify any areas where you could improve. Use this information to set goals for continued professional growth, whether independently or in partnership with your principal or other colleagues.


Though classroom observation can feel daunting at first, it doesn’t have to be an anxiety-inducing ordeal. By preparing thoroughly, maintaining a professional demeanor, embracing the experience as an opportunity to learn and grow, engaging your students, and showcasing your strengths as an educator, you’ll navigate through this process confidently. Remember that every teacher has room for improvement; embrace this opportunity with an open mind and a positive attitude.

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