Hillary Clinton sets sights on early childhood education policy

As former Florida Governor Jeb Bush rolled out his campaign for president on Monday, White House hopeful Hillary Clinton was busy hawking her position on early childhood education.

According to Bloomberg.com, Clinton visited a YMCA in New Hampshire to talk about her desire to increase funding for head start and other early childhood programs.

During her speech, Clinton took the opportunity to chide Republicans on their lack of interest in improving early childhood education.

“Republicans took care of those at the top and went after the kids. Republicans aren’t just missing the boat on early childhood education, they’re trying to sink it,” Clinton said according to Bloomberg.com.

In addition to fully funding early childhood programs, she wants extra tax breaks for “people who are taking care of kids” and wants to ensure that “every 4-year old has access to high-quality preschool” within 10 years.

Certainly striking a more progressive tone this go around, Clinton is likely trying to shore up the more liberal wing of the Democratic Party. With Senator Elizabeth Warren turning into a certified political rockstar over the past couple of years, Clinton has to do all that she can to appease the part of the party’s tent who supports Warren.

Talking of early childhood education and head start is a great way to show the party that you’re serious about earning their votes and about education. Clinton’s likely to pay it closer to the center than so far left, but so far, she’s doing a great job of pleasing the party faithful.

Check out all of our posts on Hillary Clinton here.

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