How Common Core levels the K-12 playing field

By Matthew Lynch

Inequality of resources and opportunities for American K-12 children runs rampant and effects every member of society. When children are not given basic access to the same education as their peers, the country cannot progress the way it should.  One way that access can be assured is through federally-encouraged programs like Common Core Standards.

Developed by state governors, Common Core Standards are about creating a baseline of knowledge and skills that translates across all states in the nation. It is NOT about forcing children to all study the same curriculum or to be expected to learn the exact same ways.

The Committee for Economic Development, or CED, has put together a great short video (just about 3 minutes long) that explains exactly WHAT Common Core is meant to achieve. It also delves into some of the misnomers that surround this hotly-debated educational initiative. Take a look:

There is a reason why an economic organization would be so supportive of Common Core initiatives. There is clearly a belief that Common Core WILL make a difference when it comes to our future workforce and that matters NOW — not in another 20 years when we realize that the previous generation of K-12 students was not adequately prepped for the global workforce. There are a lot of educators who support Common Core initiatives but I think its vastly important that supporting groups, like the CED, speak up to its merits as well. It truly does take a village to raise and educate our nation’s youth. That’s the only way our kids will be able to compete, and succeed, in the global job market.

You can read the rest of my commentary on the CED video series here

Check out:

Why the business community cares about Common Core Standards

A look at how strong educational standards help the U.S. economy

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