How Does Musical Intelligence Affect Productivity?

One of the hottest topics in psychology is intelligence. There are many different definitions of intelligence, but the one that seems to be the most interesting was revealed in Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner. 

According to him, people who are comfortable with rhythms and patterns have high musical intelligence. This works for composing and playing music and learning other subjects, as these skills can be easily put into practice.

While some see musical intelligence as a psychological trait, others think of it as talent. No matter the definition, it is a fascinating topic to discuss, which we will do below. 

What Was Gardner Concerned About?

As he divided intelligence into nine different types, Gardner’s main concern was that people would struggle to figure out whether they lack a specific intelligence or have the ability to enhance it. The same goes for students and the professors who play a critical role in helping their students use their ability for more efficient learning. 

Concerned that people would get too confused by this, he posed a couple of suggestions on how educators can implement multi-intelligence methods. The first one is that they should do their best to have an individual approach to every student. 

The second one is to use multiple methods, including implementing audio and video technologies for “plural learning.” Last but certainly not least, they must understand that one learning style doesn’t necessarily correspond to musical or other intelligence.

Who Has a High Musical Intelligence?

Most people can understand a term or a definition by connecting it to a particular person. When it comes to musical intelligence, this was a trait of most famous composers and musicians, including Ludwig Van Beethoven, who created many beautiful pieces even though he was deaf. This is the perfect example of someone who could imagine notes and rhythms without hearing them. 

As for more modern artists, Michael Jackson and Eminem are perfect examples of such. They are both well-recognized in their relevant genres, and they both demonstrated an extraordinary sense of rhyme and rhythm.

How To Enhance Musical Intelligence

According to numerous studies, musical intelligence is closely related to linguistic intelligence. It can be used for various applications, including implementing patterns and more efficient learning while listening to music.

By allowing your students to connect music to a lesson or playing a relaxing tune in the classroom, you will be able to enhance their musical intelligence and help students who excel in patterns and rhythms. 

Concluding Thoughts

What we are most impressed by when it comes to the concept that Howard Gardner posed is that a single type of intelligence can be implemented in a variety of different spheres. Musical intelligence holds massive potential in terms of being more talented musically and when it comes to being more efficient in your everyday routine.

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