How Episodic Memory Works

Episodic memory is the ability to remember specific events over time. It is a critical skill for everyday life and is essential for remembering where you parked your car, what you ate for breakfast and the name of your friend from college.

Episodic memory comprises three components: autobiographical, semantic, and procedural. Autobiographical memory is simply the recollection of personal experiences, such as where you were on the day of the lunar landing, what you wore that day, and the names of your family and friends. Semantic memory is the recall of general knowledge, such as the meaning of words, the definition of a law, and the history of the United States. Finally, procedural memory is recalling skills and procedures, such as how to put on a bra, tie a knot, and make a salad.

Episodic memory is a powerful tool for everyday life. For example, it allows you to remember your friend’s name from college, the meaning of a word, and the steps necessary to make a salad. Episodic memory is also essential for remembering where you parked your car, what you ate for breakfast and the names of your family and friends.

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