How International Student Mobility is Changing in Higher Education

We live in the Information Age, a time where learning and earning happen remotely, from anywhere on earth. Being a student no longer means being rooted in the country of your origins. International Student Mobility is more than just a dream. For many students around the world, it’s the best possible solution. Almost anyone can study in their favourite country. In this article, we’ll take a look at how ISM (International Student Mobility) is changing the complexion of higher education service providers around the world.

Foreign Investment vs Local Investment

For most countries, higher education has been rooted in local investment. Whatever country you were born in, you probably ended up studying there. It was convenient for all families, and the cost of education was far more manageable in one’s own country.

However, times are changing. GDP’s in growing economies around the world are making it more and more possible to study elsewhere. This economic growth is especially prevalent in countries like China, Vietnam and India. With technology like Skype, WhatsApp and Facebook, allowing families to communicate all over the world, travelling to study is not as big a deal as it once was.

What does this mean though, for an economy? ISM is becoming a source of foreign investment. When students arrive, they bring with them their basic needs. Housing, food, water and electricity have a surge in growth. And that’s only naming a few areas. ISM is great for every country.

ISM is an area of untapped potential, capable of transforming any higher education intuition from a domestic success to an internationally recognised asset. So where does this transformation begin? Can any institution become a part of this International Student Mobile revolution?

Domestic vs International Marketing

Regardless of how great an institution is, at some point, they’re going to need to spread the word about their product. Up until now, this marketing and selling process involved allowing local community members to visit the institute, meet the faculty and experience the facilities for themselves. Today, marketing is a different ballgame.

A school’s website, Facebook page, blog and video marketing campaigns are the most reliable sources of building affinity with international audiences. How quickly an institution can answer a potential customer’s query is often the deciding factor in whether or not a prospective International Student becomes next year’s enrolment.

These changes may seem daunting, but in many ways, the internet and social media have made it so much easier to communicate, market, and eventually sell the idea of attending an international school.

With a capable team behind them, every institution, regardless of which country they’re in, has the potential to attract International Students. As long as they have a quality educational product. If you’re looking for more information on strategies you can use, read this article.

Accountability in Qualifications

With this international trend in student mobility growing, the one question that all institutes need to answer is this:

“Will my qualification be recognized anywhere in the world?”

Any institute looking to attract international students needs to answer this question with a resounding, “Yes!”

This means that local standards need to be polished off and measured up against international standards. It entails raising the bar and being willing to be held accountable to new standards of global learning. Any institute willing to do this has the potential to be a part of the future of education. Are you excited about your school’s prospects in an international world of student mobility?

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