How the Arousal Theory of Motivation Works

The Arousal theory of motivation is a model that attempts to explain why people engage in behaviors. The model postulates that behaviors are motivated by a person’s level of arousal.

Behaviors are most often motivated by things that are associated with positive arousal. For example, positive arousal is created by exciting, challenging, or novel things. In addition, when aroused, they are generally more focused and attentive.

People are often motivated to engage in behaviors by things associated with negative arousal. For example, negative arousal is created by frightening, dangerous, or stressful things. When a person is aroused, they are generally more irritable and distracted.

Several different factors can influence a person’s level of arousal. Factors that can increase a person’s level of arousal include excitement, challenge, and novelty. Conversely, factors that can decrease a person’s level of arousal include fear, danger, and stress.

The arousal theory of motivation can be used to explain several different behaviors. For example, the arousal theory of motivation can be used to explain why people tend to engage in behaviors associated with positive arousal.

The arousal theory of motivation can also explain why people tend to engage in behaviors associated with negative arousal. For example, the arousal theory of motivation can explain why people tend to engage in behaviors associated with fear, danger, and stress.

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