How to Assess Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Your Classroom

Higher-order thinking skills are essential for success in college and in life. If you want your students to be able to think critically and solve complex problems, you need to help them develop these skills. Here are a few ways to help your students develop these skills.

1. Encourage Critical Thinking
One of the most important things you can do to help your students develop higher-order thinking skills is to encourage critical thinking. Critical thinking is the process of thinking critically about information, ideas, and arguments. It involves examining the evidence and assessing the validity of claims.

To encourage critical thinking in your class, ask your students to think about how they can evaluate information. For example, ask them to consider the source of information, the facts that were presented, and the conclusions that can be drawn.

2. Use a Problem-Solving Strategy
Another way to help your students develop higher-order thinking skills is to use problem-solving strategies. Problem solving is the process of finding a solution to a problem. It involves identifying the problem, applying logical thinking to figure out a solution, and testing the solution to see if it works.

To help your student’s problem solve, ask them to use different strategies, such as brainstorming, breaking a problem down into smaller parts, and using diagrams and charts to help visualize the problem.

3. Encourage Intellectual Engagement
One of the best ways to develop higher-order thinking skills is to encourage intellectual engagement. Intellectual engagement is the process of exploring ideas and concepts in depth. It involves exploring different perspectives, thinking critically about information, and coming up with new ideas.

To encourage intellectual engagement in your class, ask your students to engage in debates and discussions. For example, ask them to argue both sides of an issue, and to think critically about the other person’s argument.

By using these strategies, you can help your students develop critical thinking skills and improve their overall academic performance.

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