How to Avoid Raising a Spoiled Child

If you raised a spoiled child, there are a few things you can do to help avoid any future problems. Here are a few tips:

1. Be honest with your child about their behavior.

If you are not confident in your ability to discipline your child, be sure to communicate this to them directly. Be sure to be realistic about what can and cannot be done and be consistent in your expectations.

2. Be consistent in your discipline.

Be consistent in your discipline, whether it is with physical discipline or verbal warning. This will
help keep your child in check and avoid any future problems.

3. Be consistent in your expectations.

Make sure that your expectations for your child are realistic. If you set unrealistic goals, your child will likely not be able to live up to them. Be sure to be realistic about what your child can and cannot do and be consistent in your expectations.

4. Be patient.

Be patient with your child. They will eventually learn to be good kids. However, patience is key in this type of parenting. Do not expect them to be perfect from the start.

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