How To Build Your Educator Portfolio Online

1. Start by creating a Google Doc or a Microsoft Word document with a table of contents. At the top of the document, include your name, contact information, and education level (elementary, middle, or high school).

2. In each section, list your qualifications and experience teaching a subject or grade level.

3. In the “Objectives” section, list what you hope to accomplish with your educator portfolio. These could include:

-Record your teaching methods and strategies

-Highlight your successes with students

-Showcase your work as an educator

4. In the “Documents” section, list any materials you have created as an educator, such as lesson plans, student work, or images of your work.

5. In the “Contact Info” section, list your e-mail address, website, and phone number.

6. Finally, in the “Conclusion” section, state your reasons for creating your educator portfolio and why it is important. 

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