How to Develop a Philosophy of Edtech

As a former college professor, I worked with a lot of preservice teaching candidates, the majority of whom had no idea what their philosophy of education was. Once I helped them develop that, I also asked them develop a philosophy of edtech, as I predicted the edtech explosion that we see now. A philosophy edtech is a document that articulates an educators beliefs about the appropriate and efficient use of edtech in education settings. I decided to create a short piece that takes students through the process of developing their own philosophy of edtech.

The Activity

Think about the latest technological inventions and apps that have been created. How do you feel about technology in the classroom? How much technology do you use in your everyday life? You will use these guiding questions to develop a philosophy of edtech. Your philosophy of edtech should be divided into three categories, which are listed below. In each section, simply answer the questions provided. Add an introduction and conclusion to your philosophy of edtech and you are done

Below you will find an example from each category, but don’t restrict yourself to them. 

Pros of using technology in the classroom 

  • How can technology advance learners?
  • Does technology allow learners to develop a broader scope of the world around them?
  • Can teaching with technology provide students with the skills and abilities to interact and function in the real world?

Cons to using technology in the classroom

  • How does technology affect those students who to don’t have access at home?
  • Will the use of technology lead to a “loss” of skills such as handwriting and logical thinking?
  • Does using technology in the classroom lessen or decrease the teacher-student relationship?

How I personally feel about technology in the classroom

  • How do I personally depend on technology?
  • Do I feel that technology takes away from my own social interactions or does it heighten my ability to engage with a broader community?
  • Is my school district or professional setting embracing the use of technology or balking at the idea?

Congratulations, you have developed your philosophy of edtech.


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