How to Get Permanent Marker Off a Whiteboard + More Must-Try Teacher-Cleaning Hacks

It’s happened to the best of us: in the midst of a busy class, you accidentally grab a permanent marker instead of a whiteboard marker and write on the board. At first glance, it may seem like your whiteboard is ruined, but fear not! There are some tried and true methods for removing permanent marker stains.

Firstly, and perhaps most surprisingly, you can use a dry-erase marker to remove the stain. Simply draw over the permanent marker with the dry-erase marker and then wipe away with a whiteboard eraser or cloth. The solvent in dry-erase markers helps to dissolve the ink from the permanent marker, making it easier to wipe away.

If that doesn’t work or if you want another method, you can turn to common household items. Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) is highly effective. Apply some rubbing alcohol onto a cloth or cotton ball and gently rub onto the ink-stained whiteboard until the marks come off.

Another handy hack involves using toothpaste—not gel, but traditional white toothpaste. Apply it directly onto the marks, let it sit for a few minutes, then rub gently with a cloth before wiping clean.

For those tougher stains, nail polish remover containing acetone can be used in small amounts. However, be cautious as acetone can potentially damage the surface of whiteboards if used excessively.

Teachers make up solutions all the time in their classrooms, and cleaning hacks are no exception. If none of these options suit you or you’re looking for more eco-friendly solutions, consider using a paste made of baking soda and water. Again apply this to the stain, let it sit briefly, then wipe away with a damp cloth.

When dealing with any cleaning products or solvents, make sure to test on a small part of your board first to ensure it doesn’t damage your whiteboard’s surface.

Aside from dealing with marker mishaps, other teacher-cleaning hacks include using baby wipes for quick cleans between classes since they’re gentle yet effective for various surfaces; utilizing lint rollers to pick up glitter or other small particles; and repurposing old socks as erasers that you can wear over your hand while cleaning boards or other surfaces – practical and innovative!

By implementing these simple yet effective cleaning hacks into your routine, not only will your classroom stay spotless but you’ll also save time and stress on those busy school days. Happy cleaning!

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