If you’re a student in high school or college and you struggle with getting good grades, you may wonder how exactly some students seem to pull off straight As every year. While you might expect to hear that there are top secret strategies that allow them to collect those high grades, the reality is much simpler. Being a “good student” is not an inherent ability. While being a good student might be easier for some, it is possible for nearly everyone, as long as you are willing to put in the work. Essentially, it comes down to building good habits and making good choices. Keep reading for a few tips.
- Set Your Expectations
Getting straight As isn’t a matter of just hoping for As. If you truly want to see high grades on your report cards or transcript, set your expectations from the start. Once you have the mentality of “I will get all As this semester/term” you can make it a reality. Set your focus and solidify your intention. Write down your goal and tell a friend or family member.
- Hold Yourself Accountable
If you’ve never had straight As before, this will be a challenge. Hold yourself accountable for those goals you have set. You may not get all As the very first time you try, and that’s ok. But when you get a lower grade, identify what went wrong and make a plan to change your strategy. Whatever you do, don’t just say “oh well” to a B grade. Your brain needs to understand that you’re reaching for a higher mark.
- Go to Class and Participate
It will be impossible to get straight As if you don’t go to class. Not only will you miss critical information if you skip, but many classes include participation as part of your final grade. Going to class requires nothing extra; it is the most basic way to ensure you’re getting a good instructional foundation.
When you go to class, make sure to participate. If you don’t understand something, ask questions. Showing your teacher or professor that you are there to learn and that you are making an effort to succeed will help a lot when it comes time for them to put grades in. The more effort they see you make, the more likely they are to round up if you need it.
- Review Constantly
One key technique you can work on is reviewing class materials and information regularly. If you wait until the night before a test to study, your brain simply won’t be able to learn all the information. Instead, pay attention in class and go over the information later that day. Do this every single day for whatever classes you have. After a while, you’ll see that it doesn’t take much time to review the materials, and your brain will retain the information better.
- Read Often
From chapters in textbooks to research online, you should be reading constantly. Like sports or playing an instrument, reading is a skill that you can practice and get better at. If you miss a day of class, read the chapter that was covered that day – the whole thing. If there are concepts you don’t understand, do a bit of research on your own. Even reading novels for fun will help train your brain to learn through reading.
Concluding Thoughts
Getting straight As is a challenging task, but it’s not impossible, especially if you follow the above tips. If you have doubts, remember that getting high grades is not reserved for the most intelligent students alone. A lot of getting those grades has to do with how much work you are willing to put in.